july 26,.1934, 9 Interest Keen M, Golfing E vents at ¶ Illî.»OtsCourse s The various and. numerous events fol!owing wéelc fter week at Illinois 2~Coutry club are meeting wit.h1 en- tbusiastic response, from the club's f fast growing membersbip, it ig re- ported. Sunday, july 22, was the occasio n of.the largest turnout this year for * tbe two-ball foursome tournajnent. Mrs., -Seymour Soulé and W. E. Brochon won first prize low gross witb. an 83. Mrs. A. J. Moyer and F. G. Kuhlmann won first prize Iow net with a 71. *Following the interesting play, the participants -partook of a round table dinner, served on the nortb porcb of the clubhouse. During the, course of the dinner, the prize win- ners. were announced and presenta- tions made. Although Mrs. F. G. Kuhlmann's name was flot called she received a very lovely prize which bier husband won and very graciously presented to A. C. Hammond won low net in the nxorning round, with a gross--score- of 78. With bis regular club handicap of ten bis unusual performance gave him a low net of 68, tbree under par. The Wednesday (ladies' day) tour- 'lament is coming along nicely. Mrs. D. F. Comstock had low gross of 90 and Mrs. R. B. Anthony liad a 94. Prizes for the day were won by Mrs. A. J. Moyer-Class A; Mes. A. L. Meyer-Class B, and Mrs. Marion Tbompson-Class C. Bridge luncheons are being held at the club regularly and next Wednes- day is Guest Day for tbe women members. N. S. Girls Return .From Tour in West A nuinber of north shore girls re- turiied last -week from their five weeks' inotor and camping trip in the w~est with Dr. Terrence T. Quirke of thie University of Illinois. They are Caroline Kimbali, Mary Eleanor Hy- att. Hazel White, and Carol and Louise Cowain ail of Glencoe; Helen and Betty Clemnent of Kenilworth; Jeaiiné Rehfeld, Jean O'Brien, and Betty DeBerard of Xilmette; Peggy Anderson, Peggy Lindemani, Betty *Jane \Veld,, Edith Herman, and Ann Liddle of Winentka, and Mary jane Butler of Evanston. Miss Kimbal and Miss, DeBerard were councillors. About thirty-five girls in ail at- tended the tour,. tbe group goinig some 4,000 miles in busses and mak- aig stops at Estes and Yellowstone Parks and the Black His. Some of the members took part in the Buf- 'falo roundup -at tbe, State Game Lodge in North Dakota, which is be- * ing shown now in Patbe news at. the motion picture theaters. Visits were also made to the larg- est copper mine in the United States, near ,Sait'Lake City, anj to the làrg- est 'sait mine in ther country at Hlutchinson,' Kansas. MOT14ER PASSES AWAY Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Smoot, 731. Park avenue, and their. daugbhter, Betty Jane, rtturned last Friday from a three weeks' trip by motor to Tucson, 'Ariz., wbere tbey bad been called by, the illness and subsequent death-.of Mrs. Smoot's mother. They went out. by way of Texas and ne- tunned through Taos, New Mexico,. *and Colonado. - Miss Jane Spinney, 927 Ashland avenue, is visiting Miss Dorotby Sib- ley at -tbe Sibîcys' summer cottage NO RTHM O -0R E ARE SEN DING* THEIR Li N ENS TO NORTH S HOR E QUALITY LAU NDRIES A ND there is a definite reason. The more north shore women Iearn about our practical methods of soft-water laun- dering and of our up-to-date equipment and careful and perfect handling of even their Most prized housekold linens or deli- cate wearing apparel, the more they seek these local laundri*es where satisfaction and perfection of workmanship is always of first importance. Here's a suggestion:. Send one really fine thing which y'ou May now doubt the laundry ýcan, do as weII as yourself in your next week's Iaundry bundie. We know from experience you'lI be de-. lightfully surprised when if is returned. That hesitancy about the Iaundry being able to do really fine things wiIl 'be gone from your mmnd. Courfeous routemen awat your cati. A phone cati fo any momber of the, North Shore Quaiity Laundries wiit send a fruck on ifs way to pick up your bundle. NORTH SHORE ÇUALITY LAUNDRIES offer a service fo meef .very pocketbook and requirement DAMP WASH Everytking washecl. Sofi watr and pure soap used. Shaken out and assorted. Rfurn.d damp ail ready to iron., THRIFTY HYDRO Wearing apparel refurned damp ready fo. iron. Fat work ironed. Bath foweIs, wash clôths fluffed. Everything assorted. FLUFF DRY Ev.ryfhingi washed. Houshoid linons irone d. Wearingi apparel1 fiufFed dry., Smali addifional charge for sfarching and bond finishing. ALL PRESSED Everything washed and ironed.ý Ail ready to use or - put away. Shirts hand finished' at small additionai charge in this service. NORTU SHOREg*I4 SLAUNDRIES Noelsn Laumdry Roflablo Laundw" North ShovoLunl 1210 Central Aývenue, W Imette 618 N. Green Bay Rond, Highland Park 566 Chestnut Street, Winnetka Phone Wilmette.1800 Phone Highland Park 177 Phene Winnetka 602 Vveneh Laundw 806 Dempster Street, Evanston Phne University 2776 Quality LaundWy Nel»on Bronaud 1709 Darrow Avenue, Evanstonà 1014 Davis Street, Evanston Phne University 4620 Phne University 0112 n IJy ,134WILMETTE LIFE 2.9