I FOUNTAIN SÇQUAREI Wear. Them"Nowv. .ALISummer and. Far hIto Autumn! Drastic Clearance Our $17,50 Dresses, Ma»>' of Which- Hlave Been in Stock Oni>' a Short W hile Here if is the, lait w.ek of JuIy . Summer ward- robes a re getting w.ary. This sw..ping clearance offers an opportunity to brigkfen up your wardrobo witk several new frocks and SAVE DOLLARSI Strik- ing newr prints and solid colors. Unusual jacket frocks. Loyely sheers. A good range of fizes for early shoppers. Sensational Values! $3.9 5 Laie Sping frocks. te be Sure. but colons and types that ère perfect for business and S u mmenaravel. Sime range is incomplete. Amazi ng Buys Oné-ef-&-kind frocks f r om our late - Spring collection. The neduetions are se grcaf as te seem almest unbcliev- a ble. brekien simes. Better Cottons. Sop and watr' fashions of rare charm. Lovely myolef froeks. failored linons and novclty cotton fabrics. Most alsmes, tee. Brand New Prints These arc NEW S um mear frocks . .. prints in oe and fwo-pieceeoff ects. A wealth of clever Meailing, Net aIFý sizes in every style. E VERY -SALE FINAL Apparel Section-L.ORD'S-S econd Floor Beter illnery Your Unrestri"cted Choice 1/2PRICE The -k-nd of haf yeuve wantedi chased for cxactly. one-haîf of end fabies. Ail headsizes. OUl season can now b. pur- ifs oriqinal markinig. Stro4.ws Millinery Section-LORD' S-Second Floor Phone Winmette -3700 -v NOTICE TO CHA RGE PA TRONS: UliOn Requwst f_'karge A «ccount Purchases WilBe Entered, on Aug ust Statements ,Payable Seftember lt iGen oveinc o.WledSmer Budgets! CHI LDREN"S. SPRINC COATS 12 10 6 5 7 19 3 2 Sises 2k 6 2 to6 2to 6 7lfo 16 l to 16 l.to 16- 7lto l6 7 kô16 Volites To 0.95 To 16.0 To 10.00, To129 To. 19.75' To 25.00 To 29.75 ON SALE 7.74 1 2.74 7.74 10P.74 14.74. 18.74 22.74 Children's S5ectioni-LORD' S-Secorid Floor, F.very Sale Final! 600 Pairs Full.-Fashioned AII-SiIlk Hose Frnm one of Americas foremost makers of fine hosiery. And early shoppers will find hose' in lengths for small. average and tail figures. A good range of. amant Summer shades in aJlsites. s Claaa.d as a 1i e A t irregulara b st ftry anid find a* imper- fec ton . .. we cnt Sale!1 Esmoncd pelage BIa4~ets $4 .95 Buy on Our Lay-Away Plan OfFering you warmth. harmoniz- ing colon, lasing beauty-all flith dosirable qualifias of costly blank- ois ai this S Ptci al Midsumm.r Sale Prze. The. Pelage finish guar- anises unusual warmth. FREE Frenck Landry Blanket Washing. zità Every Purchase! lýORD'S--Pirst Floor Soiled SiIk Underwear PRICE Some of aur Bnesf silk under- weaèr ... soibd from handling and counter lisplay. AIl wint- ed pieces aid styles. Wkile they 'last at oxactly 1/2 pnîcel LORD'S-Second Floorý I .CLEARANCE 0F BOYS' WEAR SPORTS SHIRTS -of fin. fast celer broadclofh in sues for youths and juniors. This is Our09C74c' shirt for. .. COTTON ANKLETS in sies 7 to Il. elue, ta n. green, red. Some with elastie. WhiI. ltst ........5PAIRS~ ATH LETIC cross-bar 12 and bulton- shoulder UNION SUITS of dimify in.sizes 6, 14.. White with ....3FOR $1 WASH SLACKS for boys from 10 to 14 years. Heavy coi.' ton in neat stripes. Rogu- Iarly tliey' re8e $1.35. now ..I.. 8 C SLEEVELESS SWEATERS. all- wool in white, blue or tan. V neck. Sizes- 264to 36. $1.29 value-. OnIy $s a few .............. CORDUROY LUMBERJACKS in sizes .10, 1.2 and 14 only. Warm woolen Iinini, 2 pock- ets. BIIy now or, . 295. school-days ...... Boys' Section-LORD'S-P-irit Floo;-,Every.Sale Pina! Purchase of Fine Rayon. Undi.es 39C Chemises, pauties, shorts. stop-mns and vesfs of a cooî, lustrous rayon in a smart noelty weave.-Noth- ing like th.m for the amount of wear and satisfaction th.y give. Se e a s i 1 y Iaundored. 50 well- tailored as though custom-made. And they are se sfim and smooth under Summer clothesl Matching Gowns Are 69c On Sale in LORD'S Baseincnt STore I-osiery Sectioi-LORD'S-Fip-st Floor SALE! LINENS AND BEDDING WAMSU1TA SHEETS Plain 81 X108 $3.56. 72x 108 $3.15 42x381/2 Cases 76e Hemstitched 810108 $3.83 72,08* $3.42 42x381/2 Cases 90é Double Damas& Cleilis!in new designs, 5$4.95. 72,86,-,55.95 D e U b 1I0 emtnsk 'Napkins. te match above., 22x22, DOL........49 Al-»Linon Luncheon Set, 54-m. ôloth, 6 napkins....$ 1.89 17-pWc. Doilie Set in bri ght Summer colors, special. $2.25 Heavy Cannon Tewels, 26x46. $1.25 value.......... 79c PRISCILLA SHEETS 63x 99 $1.09 72x 100 $1.29 63x 10& $1.19 ý8lx,99 $1.29, 72x 99 .$l.19 BIlxIOS 5$L39 Matching Cases. 25c and 28c Martex h a t-h Towels, 20x40, double thread., bordered, 4FOR .............. $1 AIl-Linon Luncheen Cloths in broken l fnes, te clear eai.. SI l3-pc. Lunchoin Sot, 6 plate doilies, 6 n apk0n s, inn- ner ,.... .......... $2.50 Great Big heach Towels, EACH................. $1 Fleur Sack Towels, DO.. ..SI Linens. and. Bedding-LORD'S-First Floor Can,wick Sprads $2.50 Bright coloreStufi in quaint designs on. WIIObackgreunds. Ful s,,. and ptistakinglY fin-' ished. The. ",Il fisnoteworthy. LORD'&-P"W"tFloor NOTIONS. Warr.n's Rick Rack Tnim in ail colors on white bias bind- ing. 3 YDS ............0Oc Dclonq Snap Fasteners. black and white. 3 CARDS . .. 20e Klin.rts Sturdi-Flex. Redue. ing GirdIes, only........ $I Mothproof hianket Boxes, 30xl5xl3, now only..95c, Glove Stretchens, pair. ..0e Glovýe Dryers, pair ...25c Shu-Milk fer cleanin; ail white shees. bottle...... 21c Energine, the'perfee* 'dry cleanen,. safel Can. .23c Modess Sonitary Napkins, 12 te box,ý 6 BOXES....... 95e Re-Nap M oth halls or Flakes,ý 15Sc lb. 2 LIS........ 25c Apex Moli Cakes, safe, sure, odorlcss, 5 FOR. w....... $1 Mothproof Bags for stering hoavy garments....29c LORD'S-First Ploor TOIMETIES Yardley's Fameous Lavande Moelnow, pkg...$1.10 Coty's Face Powdcr and Per. fume Combination... 98CI Houbiganfs Bath Powder, de- .Iightfully scentcd ....... $i Mvier rPowder h e x c s filled' with bath powder....$1 4711 Eau de Cologne, se re-. fieshing ..... 70e te $2.45 Gemey Face Powder and -Per- fume Cernbinatiený ..... $1 Puitan Colognea, rose or lav- ender.in handiome heb nail crystal bti.....$1 Cofy's 5ki Sachets in Chypre, L'Origan, Paris, Emeraude, cach ................ $1 Chateau du Parc Water Soft- ening Crystals......... 59C Fanalel11Pcrfumi in French Bouquet, Gardent., Le Nuit Bleu, L il1ac. or Rose, per DRAM ...............39c LORD'S-FPirst Floor f77 STORE FOIR' MINI Scores of ,Men :Are -Now Lvesting in Clothes for Fail! Mens Fine, S.u 1UTrS $24e75 BUY ON OUR CON VENIENT PA YMENT PLAN! Your unresfnicted choice of Our entire Spring stock ... suifs up te $40 at $24.75 The styles mon appreciate. T he very colons and weaves which have beeaufthc mest populer aIl seasen. Long- wearing, shape - rctaininq fabries.ý A seleetion se var- S ied and a sixe range se comploe tthai any man can find a satisfyong eheice.. Ray, MacLensau, Bob, Williams and Gi # a a Pearson go- Serve Yen. AilSummer Clothes Reduced' Porto Rican Linen Suifs $1 2.50 Tropica.lWorsfed Suifs$ 19.75. AiI-WooI'Whie F&nneis $4.95, cool Palm Béach suifs si 8.50 Sanforized Wash SIacs$ 1.85 LORD'S Store for mon- , P 1 erst Ploor AMPLE FREE PARKING LORD S WILMETTE LIFEJUYzN4 LORDS JULY 16, 19it4