Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1934, p. 18

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WILMETTE LIFE July 26, 1934 I g t ~ê AIATION ': A ir Show Crowd* Jack Faulkner Arrives (1 FromEast in Autogiro to >ee r >flO US Jack. Faulkner rM ajrport last Thursday noon' in a Pi Glid er -Ierjom cairn autogiro owned by the Pure Oil company. Hé came in from Phila- Charles Abel of Chicago, famous deiphia., Flying at a« height of acrobatie glider pilot, and several 3.000 feet as he approached the land- times holder of the world's glider iig field, Faulkner made a perfect looping record, will attempt to break landing. attendants at the airport re- the present record of 63 consecutive ported. Faulkner, along with Lon loops at tbe National Air meet to be Yance ,M'. toRm rasAin held at Sky Harbor airport' on Sun- tic fl%.er, and Johnnv Miller, autogîro day, July 29, under the sponsorhsip itn iot scnsdrdmotcp of the National Flying Clubs asso- able of h andling the "windinill" type ciation. of airpianie. Manv of the crowd will wonderI what is happening when they see'a1 Curtiss Shop Busy on plane towing another off the ground. To those flot in the aviation industry, Repair and Engine Work this will seemi impossible until the The Curtiss airport.-shop b*as been plane gets up in the air with the!tnisually busy of late, members. of glider following 500 feet behind on the airport staff report. Repair work a tow rope. of various kinds and engine checks Climbing to- an altitude of 14,000 have been occupying the attention of feet ini large circles, the plane and the the shop employées. One of the glider will part company as Abel cuts -recent jobs wvas the preparation of the tow line. At fièst it will appear Wiley Post's "W~innie Mac of Ok- as if he were merely floating in mid lahoma" for« the stratosphere flight. air. But suddenly his plane will The shop also lias been giving Lon nose downiward in a short dive to get Yanicey's Pitcairn autogiro a 20-bour more speed. chieck. Then he wilI begin a series of loops such as only a few glider North Shore Aero Club, pilots have ever attempted. Loop after loop will be performed until to Be Organized Soon Abel b las more than sixty consecutive McIie interested ini the study' and loops in rapid sequence. At lcast, practice of aviation haire been in- that is Abel's goal. vited to get in touch with Stan Lind- Wili Cive Crowd Thrilia * When lie reaches an altitude of only 300 feet, this intrepid pilot Wil pull bis plane out of the loops and suddenily dive. straight towards the ground in a vertical dive. Fifty feet f rom the. gnound hie will level ýoff, d ive once again until within" a few feet of the gr aidstands and land. Abel, who is one of the few allow-, ed to* tow gliders by aincraft,. will use the famous Heath acrobatie glider with which he. set a world's looping record. for successive loops last suniiner. If conditions are favorable a. radio transmitter will be installed. in the glider, naking it 'possible, for the spectators to hear detailed ýdescrip- tion i and the Pilot's sensations as he completes.loop after loop. Many Other Attractions The latest attraction announccd for tlîe-aij show will be a demonistra- tiop of an- expeimental, round-.wing airplane.. This plane, it is- said, cati almost land in a back yard. Lon Ya ncey, M~Aaine to Rome trans- Atlantic flyer Wil be presen t with his autogiro, and Wilcy Post, round- the-world solo flyer, b as been in- vitcd to participate with bis Lock- * heed Vega, "Winnie Mac of OkIa- Kurt Kunau, internati'onally fam- ous ýacrobatic wingwalker and stunt pilot.. will feature bis chair. act. Ralph Bboxham will, put on a "clown act" iii a smnall flivver pflane, and there will be precision acrobatics by Duane Howard, former Hollywood movie stunt flyer, who will perform daring stuiîts close of the ground. BACK FROM GEORGIA G. C. Nash returned to Curtiss air- port in bis BuhlI Vup ast week after! a trip t6- Georgia. He had been gone about a wv.ek. strnm, Wilmette 2715, aften 6 p. m. for information concerning the pro- posed formation of an aero club on the north shore for both amateurs and professionals in the field of avia- tion. Tentative plans caîl for a com- plete ground school and flight course to be given by licensed members of the club'. Former Fledgling Owners Now Operating Brewery Paul Wagner of the Curtiss airport staff made a trip to Niles, Mich., and South Bend, Ind., Wednesday of last week. At Nules he visited Pete Gross and Bob Anderson, who formerly were joint.owners of a Fledgling and did considérable flying at north shore airports. -Gnoss and Anderson,' with two other Men, necently opened the Four Flags Brewing company at MakesInospetion* Trp of, Hanford Air Lines H. S. Darr, president'of the Chica- go Aviation corporation, operators of Curtiss airport, left Wednesday morning, july 18,. on an. inspection trip éven the Hanford Air lines' route bctween Chicago and Winni- peg, Can., by way of the Twiii Cities and Fargo, N. D. Accompanying Mn. Darr was Arthur Hanford, anofficiaI of thé air lines. Japanese Takes Stinson Reliant Back to Japan A new silver-colored Stinson Reli- ant bearing japanese characters in black arnived at Curtiss airport last Thursday. Its - japanese owner, whose name the airport attendants did iot learn, said he planned to fly the plane to the west coast and theni sliip it to japan. Back Tfromn Yacht Tnip, He Tries His Aîwplane- E. Hall Taylor, who reccntly return- cd from "alake cruise in his, 93-f oot Diesel-ipowered -yacht, bas been do- ing some. flying at Cu'rtiss ýairport recenitiy'in bis Travelair. He kccps the plane at the Curtiss hangar. At- tendants at the airport report that there .bas been .considerable flying activity' there rccently as a result of favorable, flying weathcr.. Goes to Des8 Moines to Bring Back Waco Plane C. W. "Slim" Freytag of the Stin- son salesstaff at Curtiss airport made a trip to Des, Moines, Iowa, rer cently, to pick up and bringto Chicago a Waco owned by -H. D. Meredeth of the Meredeth Publishing company. The Waco had been sold to a party from Nashivillc, Tenn. Morrow and 2 Students Fly to Mackinae Island Tracy- Turner and George Sanders, students at Curtiss airport, flew to Mackinac Island, Michigan, recently with Dwight Morrow, veteran flying instructor -at Curtiss. They made the trip in a Stinson S. Sanders bas a commission from the Naval reserve. Waco Flown to Curtiss Dick OX-5.1 of bis, Ill., to mntnr Field by Stunt Pilot Granene, stunt pilot, flew an Waco belonging to a friend William Icenogle of Macomb, Curtiss airpont recently. The monn of the lane wuys iagmult %il titu ialic vvct adjusted in the Curtiss shop, and the ship was re-rigged.. Uses Stinson on Charter *Trip to Lafayette,, md. Herman Anderson, vice-president of the Chicago Aviation corporation, inade a charter trip from Curtiss air- port te Lafayette, Ind., last week in a new Stinson Reliant. His-passenger was Stephen Hammond, son of Brig. Gen. Hammond of the Whiting cor- poration. Returns From Duty at Scott Field Army Post R. A. Cone, Stinson salesman work- ing out of. Curtiss airport, Stinson distributing hcadquarters for the Chi- cago area,. returned- last week after a fortnight of active dut), at Scott field, Belleville. Conie is a reserve offi ce r. Bellanca on Trip Prom Curtiss to St. Louis H. B. Griggs, pilot of the General Household Utilities Bellanca; which is kept at the Curtiss airport hangar, took off last Fniday in-.the company plane for St. Louis, Mo. Griggs had with him an official of the concern. Cornes Prom Madi .son to 3u'y Plane Enigine Parts Howard Morey, who operates the Royal airport'at Madison, Wis., made a trip to Curt.iss airpont hast Thurs- day, to purchase engine parts and to have some work' donc on bis J6-5 Wright Whirlwind motor at. the Cur- tiss shop. FLIES AT, CURTISS FIELD Miss Ada, Bass, physical education instructor in one of the Chicago schools, is also an aviation enthusiast. Recently she soloed at Curtiss air- nont. and, since learning to fly she has -been visiting tbe airport ire- quently. "ETgyftiansý" Plan Big Reunion. Soon at..World'àFair. According to re ports fromvarious. counties of southern 'Illinois, ýSatur- day, August 11, will sec thousands of Egyptian and former- southern Illi- nois residents at the World's Fair, as that day bas been officiall.yproclaimed as "Egypt D)ay." Mrs. Medora Smith Welsh, secre- tary of the Chicago -Egyptian club, 'comosedof former southeri1 Illinois- ans.and iith many members on the north shore, announ'ces fliat organi- zations throughout the southcrn part of the state are cîîthusiastically be- hind the movcment to make this oc- casion a great reunion of Egyptians. Mrs. Marv A. Wall of Murphys- boro, diiector for Illinois of the Fcd- eration of Women's clubs: Miss Hel- en .%cMackin.of Salem, statc presi- dent of Illinois Businiess and Pro- fessional WVomen's clubs; Mrs. Nettie C. Kenner of Clay county, grand sec- retary of the Order of Eastern Star, aid chambers of commerce and van.. ous civic orgaizations arc assistiîîg ini creating interest in.the-trip to Chi-, cago. The Egyptian Highway association is organizing a caravan along thîe trail. The committee ini charge oi this is composed of C. W. Hai- of Marion; A. A. Siebert, Cario; Walter W. Williams, Benton; Harold Wat- son. Mt. Vernon; Richard Goeppiier, Salem, and Burdette Smith, Chicago. .formerly of Minmundy. Contests are now beiîîg held in' a number of counties to select countv- qucens to comp.ete for southern 11i- nois qucen. Southern Illinois alumini of the University of Illinois, McKendree col- tege, Shurtliff college, Southerin Ill- nois Normal, Western Militarv Acadl- emy, Monticello Academy an d other educational institutions will liold a ne- union that dayr in the Illinois exhibit in the Court of.States. Omit Deposit on Camp 1 Equipment at ]Border Ait announicdnient. of considerable interest to those contemplating a Canadiaxu vacation is the recent mo- difying of the customs regulations on tourists' outflts. Outboand motors, tents, ani camp equipment, on whicli a deposit bas beeuî required in the past, are i' ow included witli the ar- ticles that may be admitted free of cither. duty or deposit. Other ar.- ticles ini this class arc guns and rifles, fishing tacklc, gol ,f clubs, tell- fils racquets and cameras. Complete informationî on such matters is- con- tained in a leaflet "How to Enter Canada," issued -by the National. Parks of Canada, Department of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada. HAVE JBEACH PARTY Last Sunday Miss Agnes Burkhard of 544 Exmoaor. road, Kenilworth, en- tertained The Young Theosophist of Chicago at the Kenilworth beach. Among those present, were Carl Christensen of the Christensen School of Music, Elise Hurd,, interpretative dancer, Marie Steinman, 'concert pi- anîst, and Adele 0glo, pain ter 'of fine arts. Mr. and *Mrs. E. B. Snyder, 1444 Lake avenue, and their two sons, Ed- ward and Robent (Bobby) have rte- turned from a ffionths' motor trip in the south. They visited Mrs. Snyder's brother and familyý at Bastrop, La., and thenr returned ho me by way of Memphis, Tenn. They arrived in Wilmette last Suniday. --- Franklin Anderson of Newark, SDela.. wilarriVe Sutnato nvisit^the j uly 26, 1934 , 1 WILM.!E-T.1r.E.,.LIFE

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