I i Imfcbest vnime' fôr heat l ds Mr. A. F. Bueschel, 6006 South Richmond Street, is sold on gas heat. Read what he says about ît. MI - YOU INVEST NOTHING To TryGom e.1t 0 Gas heat can be installed wath- out your iovesting one cent for equipmenr. To prove that every home can naw affôrd ta heat with jas, we'l instal i t. at aur *expense - remave it at aur ex- pense, if you don't like it. Accept this startling offer. Phone aur neareit office TrODA'Y. <Ah...) T&. Luemeug uew is ua ie/ai rPoo». TAi hiidren lake Pomuioutand tomr, s s:.a >iaymom. (Le/It)'"I noer artate mran ad down thuidohsevna: iirs any mor.t.o end/aàrnàce. ",ayî Mr. BaticheL "I putîs My foridtdi sil tellyva Plm :hoftaghly »dsealoeai MKR. BUESCHEL doesn't want you.ro take .V.his word for it. He says, 4'Ask ail my friends what 1 think of gas heat. Why, l'm the best advertisement for gas heat in thisneighbor- hood.." Like more than 20,000 otber gas heat users, Mr. Bueschel'can hardly ind enoughi words w eýxpress his satisfaction. "Whenever someone visirs us," he says,. c irrhigId is tw show off my basement. lsimlc' t un- derstand how anyone can use coal Î reating7' Prepare for a happy winter The Bueschel home is another ane thar has bànishedsoot and dirt. With gas heat the house stays clean. Curtains and. drapes are .fZee of grime., The basemçnt is na longer ful of dust and.ashes". No steps ta climb, no ashes ta haul, no shoveling. Gas heat is clean heat. And it is absolutely withaut botber. Alyou do ta regu- late the hea-day or night, regardless, af the 1' weather-is ta set a lirne thermastar an the waIl. Now--before you order your nexr winter's fuel supply, ilvestigate gas heat. Prepare for a hajppy, trouble-free winter. The radical'reduc- tnon of rates-now les$ th.an haif af what they were a few years ago-bas made gas hear prac- tical for every. home. And remeniber, ir coss nothing for equiipment ro try gasý heat. You try jrt for ont month, twvo months or a year befare you decide., Whilo .yQu are trying jr tyau pay only $3 a moInth rentai during the hearing mon rhs in, the average home. This charge is included wi hte but 'for tegasý you use. if î ar any time ' ithin th*e year you decide you don'r.Iike gas heat-and you are the sole judge «-ýwe'llremove jr and replace jour former heat- ing equipinent in goodworkmanlike condition. Order gus heat now Ir will pnay you ta order gas hear now. Think of ir. A dean basemenr ail summer long. And next winrer no coal shoveling, haulig ashes, getting up ar daybreak ro lix the fire. Weirb gas beat you lire your furnace from your essy chair. Phone the Public Service Company rday for free estimare and full details of, star.ling off et. de x JULY 26, 19Q34 Gas Heating. D.vision PUBLIC SIERvÉIE COMPANY 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS