Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1934, p. 16

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WILMRTTE LIFE Juiy 26, 1934 VISITS 'SON IN EAST. Mrs. D. L. Taylor, $49 Michigan. avenue,ý is visiing. ber son, Winfield Taylor, in Rye, N. . Sbe left last- Friday and lier stay i 5 to bé1 in- definite. Emly n inermlng dmm ug s entes-Uhuma»tlmiesaC Fou rm i C erv i f l uea u . .4î e t ion f. et. .W rite: Waoâguiôà Blvd. Bdg., Detroit, idiî. SUN Kingsbury BOOSTERS va. Wilmette Skokie Bivd. -betwreen Harriston and Glenrlew Rond - Bungalow FIehidI11,2nile~eti wst0f Wllmette. Home Games Every Sanday J. M. SCHUELER, Mgr. Warn Boat- Owners* About' "Shooting*"! at Airmy Post The' monthly "Blooster" bulletin sent out by the Wiimette Chamber of Commerce, conitains a warning to boat owners of dangers in the neigh- borhood -of*t he, Fort Sheridan rifle range. Oficers of the Fort say that during rifle practice some of, the less expert. marksmen "shoot wild,." the büiiiets goiïg 'ont over the lake. Boat-' men are therefore -warned to keep outside the ..anger. zone as mnarked, by buoys. C. Howard Bent. 2000 Beechwood avenue, ieft Tuesdav on a business trip to New York. His son. Wiilard, is leaving today for a ten-day outing at Camp Manitowish in Wisconsin, where in former years he was one of the counciiors. SaI WAY DETROIT 9 Sheurs $4.50 CLEVELAND Il hra. $SA@0 fl CNEWYORKl5Ç8 U ONLY 27 fOURS Il LesAgsag» Y m Boston $8.8 s U191.127 ba. S4.8WPltburah 09.10 407 S WABASiI a-. - * E P SPhoneDBWASASH 6171 27 HoUes No Waiting! PLAY SPORTSMAN DAULY FEE GOLF COURSE Buit for Championshp play Rates Reduced for AI1 NTC AUekDay Play Ladies pay from Monday to SafurDays . . ... .. .5r- Friday, inclusive, 35 il~ Sa*tudays......... .... 75c for onily.. ......De Sundays & H olidays ... $1 0 __LW__ _ _ __ _ _ _ Draught Beer on Tap Complte Bar and Restaurant Facilities Inquire about our special mnonthly or season memberships On Dundee Rd.. 1 1/2. miles west of Waukegan Rd. PHONE NORTH BROOK 272, P p Pl P p p p P. I BOYSCOUT.NLýWS New Orderpof Arrow Members Initiated For the past. two* days, a few Scouts have been going around as deaf and durnb Scouts.- These are. of a seleicted gr oup going tbrough -the oôrdeal"0f the Order of the Arrow. In ail there were t'wenty candidates eiected into thé' order bv their feilow Scouts. Wednesday night tbey were called out f rom:among the ranks of their feîiow Scouts bv a very impres- sive ceremony.- Immediatei.v foliow-- ing the ceremony they were sent out on the trial to sieel) by tlemgelves and at the same time they were put on silence throughout the foliowing, day. Thursday night the ordeai was ciimaxed by a big feast anSI a "*sweil" time' was enjoyed by ail. The foilowing are ,new memibers of the Arrow. First degree-joe Guerin, John Weese, Hobart Ogdenl, Kipp Hamilton, Fred Mudgett. Mferton Douthitt, Donald Cushman. Roger- Cushman, Henry Anderson, Leonard Tregill.us, Steve Aubrey, Mark- Fol- lansbee, Phil Samuelson, Dick Han- uien, John Baldauf, TommY Simpson Ed. Greenhalgh. Leslie 4Sitz, Jack Roberts, and Donald Good; second degree-Biil Murray, George Murray, Bob Greenhalgh, George Anderson. Many Records Broken- in. Second Period of Camp Thle second period of Camip Ma- Ka-Ja-\NVan bas been conipleted and more records than one have been broken. Oue ie hndred seventv-three Scou ts wvere ini attendance and that ini itseif is a record.- The largest num- jer of canîpers ever to be at canmp be- fore wvas 105. These Scouts presented thenîselves at the- Court of Honor Iast Friday'night to receive 275 menit badges. This number is almost equai to thie whoie number of iast. season. Ali in al] it %vas a great period-iots of activity, lots of fun. and rnanV happy memories laid away for a 'Il of the Scouts and leaders. Second pen- iod is hîstorv now. but. will live.many times again ini stories and conversa- tijoln. Camp Is Fine Place-to- Spend Summer-Hodgkins Today being the 2th inany who were hiere the second period are 110w preparing to go. Some have been here botîr first and second periods. We find noi a few stay-overs but many.* Souxe are going to stay ail three periods and perhaps the seventh week. We expect. about eî ghty-five new Scouts next period. WVe had 173 last period., That -is the period 1 we are eaving. Camp bas centainiy been as. much of a success as anticipated. It is a fine place, for any boy to 9pend a summer.-.W., H. Hodgkins, Troop 13, Kenilworth. Summarizes Activities at C amp Ma-Ka.Ja-Wan t Tbe. first couple of days at -campi were spent iin-innpacking and prepar-j iÎng the villages for tbe rest of the1 period. Since then, we have had a I basebail tournament, waten cannival,1 field, day and a game to see if thec king 'was, crazy or sane. He. wask proven sane and ail the judges wereE pronounced crazy and -were thrown1 into the lake witb ceremony. The% Order of the Arrow neceived around1 twenty new members hast Wednesdayc nigbt. After the election the newf members %went tbrougb a twenty-four b hour initiation.-Erwin Moeller, Wai- lace Peterson, Troop 22 Glencoe 1 Camp Officer Put On a Stunt, a nd4He re. 's HowM 0ù JUlv 13, Friday by the wlayv; th.e officers, junior and senior of this "here now ocamp"' attempted to, put oùl a stunt. *The 'mess hall. was >cieared except for seats, and a stage and cur- tainswere erected. The first drama was "The Wedding of Roy Fitterfan Ram n in the Face and the, Bride, Big, Fat and AVide, Happ Hap Hap7 I&verythiing was going along quite nicely when ail of a sudden Up pops Mousey Mooney, the villian. Townsend Zander the Second, who declares "that thar girl is mine." He was armed to the teeth with a "pop" gun. Soon t he minister demanded that the villian be removed and removed he was'. The wedding proceeded peacefuily and after Chef Ross' wedding break- fast menu wvas -read the drama closed. The next stunt was Mae M'est in '"It Ain't Sif," but instead the naine was changed to "Little Red Riding Hood." This act aimost proved fatal to Little Red Riding Hood, but the hero saved ber just, as the fatal biow was being struck.-Donald R. (ood. Troop 71. Libertyville. JurV Decides That King Is Not Crazy On July 16 a- war called bv' the *'Crazy King of Abbysinia" took, place, Bud Carol taking the part of the king. This is how the wvar started : On the morning of the l6th -ve came ilito breakfast and there sîtting on the rafters ini the mess hall was Bud cutting 'capers. After awh lie the queen came ini (the queen hap- pened to be Bill Crawford) witli ail her people in waiting. Tien the funi began. Bud began yelling and throw- ing t.hings down on the officers and when thev finaliv got out of the mess hall they started ringîng the siren and running the barge ail around. 'While, ail this wa.s going on Scouts were arguing whether or not the king was crazy. .In ail these. kinds of t.hings there hdis to be a rivai, so Jim Mooney was the rival to the throne. When night came thcre was -a court to decidc >whether or iot King Carol was crazy. The debate lasted a long time. After - the debate was over- the jury went out to decide. XVhen the jury'came 014t the verdict was that the. king was not cr *azy and that ail the prosecutors and the. supreme court must be thrown into the lake, which w'as done the next day.-Jack Riïiledge, Troop JO0 Highland Park. relis What Happened in Bliickfoot Village My article is about what happened- to. Blackfoot village In the second period at Camp Mà-Ka-jà-Waiiin the year 193.4. Biackfoot village was, reopened after bei.ng closed for threè years. After three,.years.of the de- pression the BOY Scouts of the North Shore Area council. woke up to the fact that they had such a wonderful :amp. So this year the camp was so érowded witb newcomers that the. boys had tS open a new village namned 3lackfoot. Finaily3ý after aiméost two weeks of bard workby Wilmette an(i HIighland Park Scouts Blackfoot was :leaned and made beautiful by the faithful campers encouraged b.y two laders, Robert Greenhaîgh 'and Rich- ard Holmes. - jïimie Crawford, ['roop 2 Wilmette. PE OUR PNNSYLVANIA CREDO Aiways-high quaiity fuel ohl. Always-promlot end dlean delivery. Alw&ys-wailling and cour- teous service. Alway s--reasonable prices. And, alwMys-thoughtful consideration for thse hundreds of Norths Shore residents who honor us with their pqtronage end full:confidence. NOW 'is thse time te arrange for next winter's supply of "Pennsylvania" Fuel Oi . PENNSYLVAI<IA OIL CO. of Evacnston Greenleaf 2200' 933 Sherman Ave. Wilmette 5383 1 1 y- july 26, 1934, .WILME T

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