Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1934, p. 13

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i I I I f _______________________________ vv £aavp.g. A £ ~ Ten-'Catholic Sisters' Will eeve Degree Ttiùmetmbers of the Sisters, of Christian Cbarity community at Wil- mette are among th'e sixty-one ca ndi- dates for degrees at the annual con- vocation exercises of the Loyola uni- versîty surumer school ta be held Fr1- dayIniorning, August 3, ini the St. Igniat ius auclitorium 320 Loyola ave Soli, 5.. w1 confer'thc degrees on. the largest summer convocation class in thé history of Lay ola. Thle Sisters anTd the degrees thev wlI receive are: Sister Norbert L.atZ, SÇ.C.. and Sister Boniface Julius, .S.C.C., bachelor of arts.; Sister Lea- nita Olejar, S.C.C., and Sister Ange- linde Pass, S.C.C., bachelor of science; Sister Mvrona Schafer, S. -C. C., Sis- ter '<eranica 'Kalofska, S.C.C., Sister Adelaide >Harvey, S.C.C., Sister An- tonia Forst, S.C.C.. Sister Gertruaci Priciiier, S.C.C., and Sister Florita XViege.rt. S.C.C., bachielor of philoso- lliv. 1 Figlit liundred and four, an increase ot , .3>pr cent over last vear, are at- ten(Iilig sumnmer classes at Lovola. Announce Pay Inecease for P. S. Co. Employes Eniployes of the Public Service C'ompany of Northern Illinois (except, officers and, higher execuitives.) are ta get an increase in wages an(l d 'sal- aries on August 1, equal ta- one-third of the reduction of August 1. 1932. Announcement ta this effect w-as nmade this week by Brittonie-4. Budd. president. In rnaking this announcemn ient ta emplayes, Mr. Budd said: "The reduction ini grass revenue thiat began ini 1930 made the pay re- ductions of 1932 an econamic neces- sitY. Tis pay increase answers the liuestioiwhich has risen ini the minds of inany ,employes as ta xvlen they miglît ppssibly expect any re§tora- tion of the 1932 reduction in wages. -While tliere lias been some nui- pravenient in1 business in generai which. is reflected in somewhat'great- er sales of the products of the cam- panyj nevertheless increases in taxes and(I ther aperating expenses. 'and adjiustments under the NRA which required an increase in the pav ral by a substantiai amaunt, limits the restoration at tIbis time ta one-third of the' 1932 reduction. "Thie pa.y reductions of 1932 were nuch less than men and wamen ini alinost ail other uines of employniemt suiffered, and were not as drastic as miiglit hiave been justified by the loss of business and earnings of the, coin- OFFER -'FRESH FIELDS" 'FresIî Fields," a comedy clrama by 1vor, Novello, is appearin~g at the Bl11ackstone theatre, Chicago, with MNargaret Anglin and Alexandra Carlisle in the leading rates. The lay recently completed a run of 1 .ourteen mqnths in the Criterion th1eatre int LLandon- and is hia'iled by Anierican critics as one of the out- standing productions of recent, years. Dr. and Mrs., George A.- Stone and' their son George, Jr., of 1609 Tenth .street, and Mrs. Stonle's brother Al- %-in Carlson, of Chicago, left last Sat- urday for Lost Lake, Wis., on a tell- (lav fishing trip. NI rs. M1ax H Hurd, 709 M ichigan avenue, is convalescing at the Evans- ton hospital fronva major oI)eration ;ýviicli she underwent last wveek. She w~iII be home sanie time the early part of 'next week. c'. C. Carnahan, 700 Central ave- nue, returned Tuesday from a- busi- ness trip to New York.11 Grapes i~ FCE INTWM TS1 We don't dlaim that -à quarter can do the work of a dollar even in JEWEL Food Stores-but a quar- ter can do a "6wbale' of a job. That's why every quarter is King during J EWEL'S extraordinary 25e sale. MORAND'S PALE DRY OR GOLDEN GINGER AIE D:4 Iarg: 25r. LBBY'S MIS OUTOMATO JU"E 4Fcan CUT REE3 N o. 1i SPINACH LBB' li cane.5 IEDUCATOR HAMMERED B E A N S WHEAT THINSIES P. Pkgs. 250 A LOT 0F BEANS FOR A OUhIÂ9Ttm' Garden Fresh FANCY Seedless EXTRA ]FANCY GIEORGIA Peaches ..... .. FÂANCY 0HIO, Rddishes . PANCY TENDER Green Ornons, ]FANCY -MICHIGAN Celery. .. EDUCATOR TOASTED CHEESE THINS CMPBELL'S PORK & BEANS 3 Cane 25o BRAN FLAKES post's3pk. NuTrs FLAKES 3 pkgs. .3 Lb~25 e ELBERTA .Lw~ 17e, 3 .3 nchs lOe' Buýnches 5 2 . . 2 i Corn.... Blue .Tewel Malt eciMilk 81125c Natural Maple Syrup Bt. 25c Quaker Puffed Rice,2Pk 2.5c ]Bountiful, Biced or Halve ,Peiwches ,2 cana 25c, Cherry Home Cherriesl2 No225C 115Central Avenue I Na w~m. I3~IM I I NO WAITINQ JulY 26, 1934 UI!W ~1 ~ -v .w m w w ,~ w, 13 Prepare yours elf - for a' treat-ýthen hurry to your neareat JEWBL store and Jet "Mr.. your pantry shelves with deliejous tid-bitài and other pure, wbolesorne foods. Two-Bits" fi - Il Fruitsand Vegetables 25t' 25o Qaker PUFFED WHEAT 3 LIquIà bleéachand diainfectant ICLOROX e15C I pks 25e Quart ROYAL JEWEL Coffe. a'ndiB. 25 BLUE '3 I bo. L.91 BLUEB9 BROOK'59C &21c IEIIELB-23 250 SHOPPING~ Serve YourSelf iid Save I u~. w. Dromedary Grapefruita N,-Z5c Heins Ketchup 2 Bot-.5c Blue. Jewel Sa lad Dress.sQi, 25c Fini PrlimeSweet Nub Pickles ;25é Balto Dog Foo6d 3 cans25c n 15 0 Pkgs. 26C

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