12~~~~~~ - 7TBLIEIl 2.13 Peter Schoden.,, 70, Is Taken by Death JuIy 18 EPIC T JE WISH HSO Y A T FA IR' Peter Schoden, aï farmer who had TAULOR iaved, in west Wilmette for thfrtyý twi 3ardied at bishome,. 274U ~ "" Fus emdaedResoaby Glenview roasi. Wednesday, July 18, Suit mm Oraismmm. t orer. at the age of 70. .Mvr. Schouen Was shop 29, 440 x. Mfrlm ve born in Germany .but came to this Cheao Phone Superlor 2 country about ifty years ago. T-e is . . . ~. . survivd by his ividow, r.. FYaicjýca . ... Sengel .cô'den, twosoti, Johandt Henry Schoden, both of Wiltiëtte' and four daughters, Miss Susie - - - Schoden of Wilinette, MRBarbiaa TOý,V1 N CClark and MIrs. Catherine wilson of C iT s hicago an-d Nrs. Eleanor Hartung o f Niles Center. The funeral serv- 1207 WASHI1NGTON AVE kées were lheld Iast Saturda% miorning E ams *9TBLSNONUCO)from the late residence to St. Jo- WIL.224 seh'schurch.. Bunial took place a St. Marv's ceineterv. Techinv. For QUALITY. ..... PA TRONIZE OUR KaprIChERef AD VER TISERS 1216 wlmete Aeu You ishould fry fuis Week's SpeciaII Fresh Peach anid New York Ice Creom 41% Regular 60c velue (QU PEACOCK*S ICE CREAN 413 Linden Avenue. WUmette Get out r-Of The Ri WilI a cash Then consider the Household Loan Plan. Loansof $ 30to $300 aôn' heIp are available to families keeping refinance housewho have suficient incon;e to ake regular moothly repay- your debts ? ments over 20 months. Only sig- natures required are those of bus- bandandwife. Quick, courteous, businesslike service. Reasonable cost. Visit, *rite, or.'phone the offices of Hoaoli Vmmau@wo~l 2nd FI., 1737 Howard St. l4th FI., 105W. Madisoii west of'"LI", Chicago Chicago Phone: Gremuîeaf 2550 Phone: Frankin 088 'no Ukje LeanS Plan mWa# Saiged lf you..need money now for any, pur- pbse get in touch with us. 6 'W. arrange badns il 24 to 48 hours, and affer a wide variety of t'e- payment plans extending over 1, 3, 6,ý 10 months and longer.e Our charge is reasonable because it ir flgured 'only on the balance due, and just for.the, number of da'ys you owe that amount. LOANS OF $200 TO $300 AT REDUCED RATES, PIRSNAL FINANCE CO* 708 CInnch St, Evamton Wilmette 4020 GRE. Mi8 5c IARi) 4120 Pari ravinig cisaracters fro ni the tary'. tiese lhre'c yOIvii, uJ ws>nwn aile' à the "E-pic of a iNaioi;," gigan tic spe, the night Of hi/v 29- with a rasi oj to Jewis/î Compininitv JDaiail.A Ccnti iàd Tfhe -Epi of a Nation", wmllsurpaý; the Jewishi people of Chicago and America, according to, 1. B. Ury, gen- eral chairman of the celebration. vho has revealed sorne of the colorful epi- sodes which will be included in the huge dra.ma which is now ini the mnak- ing. Through the miedia of dramnatic ac - tioni,,music, song and, athletic drills, Mr. Ury saisi, the story of the Jewish peo- ple's contributions in every significant sphere, of activity will be told. W-ith broad strokes cut wvitlî music played hy aseventy-five piece symphony orchestra, massed choruses, dancing groups and a, tremendous draiatccs ________of more than, 3,000 people ini colorful *costumes, there .wilIl)be ûiarshalledii review successiee episodes of the, Jew- TO GO ON ýCRUISE Miss Clementine Eastman and Miss X-Vinniifned Weedon o.f Wilmette are leaving Friday of this week for New York- to' sail f rom there Satur- day on the, Franconia, for a' two weeks' cruise up the 'Saguenay river to Quebec, from tihere .toý Newfound- land, then to Bermuda and back to New York. After docking ini New York, the y will -remain there for about a week-before returning hbme., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lonergan and their children, Bob anid Elizabeth Ann of 1631 Elmwood avenue, have neturnesi froni a moton trip through thie east. While there they, visited the two, govennmé-nt schools, West Point and Annapolis. .S/anish lii qiisitîionera iin Jcu'islr us- .çiz-tas ihey rehearse their roles for riaci,' Io be f'resenIed ini Soldier Fie'ld ij iore i/ian 3.000 pei)ple ias a c-liliaxt îr3v of Pro gress. Sigma Chi Pienie to Be Held This Sunday The first aniual Signma Chi picnic *and round-up wvill be lîeld Sundav, JUIN. 29, at 10 o*clock at Bonnie Dun1- dee Golf club, one mile. north of Duun- dee and 29 miles west of Evanston. Picniickers are being advised to fol- low Routes 58 (Simpsoi street. [iv-- anston)-62-63A to the golf club. .' Children's events will he stressed at this basket lunchi affair %wichb will, feature picnic games, bathing, golf and other athletic contests for the eni- tire family. -In event .of raiîî, the pic- flic will be held tlhe folloxv-ing Suuî- 'Honer Jenikins, 1 10 Prairie avenue,- Xilmette, is chairmnan of th-e commit- tee iii charge'of arrangements. Among the other prominent north shore Sig- ma 'Chis on the committee are T. B. Freeman, Cliest -er Cleveland, Thomas McNally anîd Nye Moorehouse. Reservations for the event, are to be mnade.with Signma Chi headquarters by èalling Andover 1855. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Truth"' will be the subject at the Scientist, in~ Wilunette. Sunday morn- ing, j uly 29, at Il o'clock, lîeld'in the edifice at 1003 Central.avenue. Sun- day .sclool con venes at 9 :45 o'clock. CatherinieTidemian,,youtiger daugh- ter of ;Mr. and Mrs., Harold Tide- man of 138 -Abiîîgdon avenue, Kenil- wonth, spent the week-end visiting Mary Belle Sears at hen grand- parents' sumnier home at Black Lake, Wis. 'i WilLUIE-T.TE.- LIFIE. julý. 26, e934