.W.imettePlaygro0und anwd ,Recrea tion-ActiVItie 1.934 Season'. is \Nearlng Close;, Plan Busy We Witb the anticipated trip to the .cubý' baIl gaine: a tennis tournament,ý a sand modeling contest and rehears- ais for plays to be given during the * closing week of the playgrounds,.the* children enrolled at the two play cen-* ters conducted by the Playground and Recreat ion board are look ing forward to a busy turne next week. The Cubs' gaine is the first of the activities and it will occur on Tuesday afternoon, July 31. The children, two hnndred and fifty of thein, will leave the' North Shore station at 12:30 o'clock iin order to be present at the play-off of the protested gaine be- tweeil St. Louis and the Cubs, as well as the regular scheduled gaie They will return to Winmette by spe- cial train in the late afternoon. Following the day of the Cubs' gaine, the annual tennis tournamients for seniors, boys and girls thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen years of age, will be held. This tournament will be the second annuai affair of its kind and will be beld in two divisions, one for boys and. another for girls. In eacli division ribbons will be awarded first. second, .and third place winners. Sand Modoling Comtest The sand modeling contest will be held on Friday, August 3, at the Wil- mette beach. This contest wili be openi to juniors, seniors,, and internie- diates, with separate contests heing heid for each division. After the sand modeling contest there will be no further village-wide events and Saturday of next week will bring a deadline for. gaining points toward medals which are awarded to the boys and girls whio have the highest number of points duning the season. The point systein is similar for ail three divisions and -separate sets of medals are awarded to the boys and girls of each division. Plays wilIl be given at each play- ground for the final prograins, to w hich thbe nuhlic, will he invited. RECREA 7 LEAGUE G. M1EN'S "FAST" IVil. Tailors (11) H. Bail M. Becker G. Huck E. Placek 1' Werner W. Foslund M. Schwall F. Kaspar D. Lynch C. W. welter (1) J. Steffens F. Howe B. ]May K. Sefn C. Welter, A. Lundberg H. Schildgen D, Graham L. Steiner L. Selzer N. S. Cbev. (2) E., Placek B. Kusseil A. Bohnen W. Johnson B. Streiff W. Winter P. Wagner. j&' Kneip 1. Guy F. Pintroski PITCII Vattmus Braunn fi* W. Welter (4> J. Steffcns F. Howe . B. May, *K 'Steffens A. Lundberg B. Schildgen R. May L. Steiner R. Gramme L. Selzer VIII. Cleaners (9) W. HaWklnson R. KoDinge J. Miller H. Knobel H. Schleuter TP. Hopkins T. Schinler S. Bleser S. Keil J. Schaefgen iTallors (18) E9.. Schuetth E. Placek 1G. Iluci E. Hartmar H. Werner W. Poslund H. Ball P. Steffens M. Schwall F.. Kast.aî Bra R. Brauni E. Udell R. Hucl4 P. Bohneii E. Braun E. Miller Jake Hoffmann R. Evans W. Huck- James Hoffmann Teain standings in "Fast" pitciiing league: W. L. Pet. Wilmette Tailors ............ _1 2 .846 Village Cleaners............ 10 3 .769 Braun Bros. Silver Flashes .. *84 ..667 North Shore Chevrolet...._. 6 7 .462 C. W. Welter ................. 10 .231 Vattman park...............I1 12 .077 GIRLS' PLAVGROUND BALL Troubles (23). Gym Class (2) B. Schaefer M. Hermnes M. Schneider K.,Kalmes F. Schmitz S. Koller N. Rodenklrk V. Tobin R. Toscani R. -Braun R. Meyer A1. Washbtarn Brownies (13) D. Paterson J. Serimogeour 1. Christiansen H.yPateréon E. Keenor Y. P. e. <9) G. Birlauf. M. Kummer M. Meyer M. Selzer H. Hermes G. Hoffman V. Monohan A. Phillips D. Kummer U'nlmnown,4 (12) S. Keil P. Shea F. Moore V. Miller B. Costo E. Zopp TNT (32) V. Marsh A. Wagner SB. Leal D. Dittmar D. Davis S. Pearson M. HllI Teani standings' in Girls' after juiy 19 gaines: W.I Brownies ....... ....6 TNT .....*..... .............. 5 Troubles ..............>. ..... 5 Unknowns :.................. 2 Gym clans................... 2 Y. P.C .................... 0 league L. Pet. 0 1.000 1 .833 2 .711 3 .400 5 :285 7 .000 Wilmette Ter.ritory Contest Green. 7:00 p. m. Men's playground bal 'I NWinners Announc-ed league. 'Fast" pitching league. "IONResuits of the aniual playground North Shore Chevrole~t vs. Winmette A 4MES I territory centest con.ducted last week Tios ilaeGen for boys and girls of intermediate and , junior age of the local piaygrounds Thursdy, Auguet 2 [N LIE.&GIE have been made knpwn by the Play- 7:00 p. m, Girls' playground- baIl. au Ail Stars (7) ground and Recreation board. Y P. C. vs. Unknowns. Village H. Steffens The. contest was held Wednesday Green. p. Hoeiz morning of last week at Vattman - 7:00 p. m.' Girls' playground bil. R. Phillips park under the- direction of Glen WV. Gym class vs. TNT. Village Green. C.* Gibson Gathercoal, boys' director at that P. HenrekSon B. Phillllps cark. Only intermediates, girls and LEAVE- FOR.CANADA C. Steffens bo0ys teii, eleven, anid twelve years of E. Thalmann age, and juniors, boys and girls. un- Walter H. Williams and his daugh- B. Haie'Y dertn ars, were allowed'to, coin- ter, Annette, of Kenilworth.left last IR. Steffens ér pten es ftefc htatni odyo l)ee bcase f he ac tht atenisModayona combined business and eClnes()tournament will be field later in the lauetiin he or.Afr J. Cleehîni; summer for the, senior boys and girls, pesr n ntenrh fe K. Klinge 1 and in this tournament the younger stopping in St. Paul, Minneapolis, H.,Knillecide ilb ardfo etrn an uuhtey .14 Miloler chidn wl ebre frmetnn adDl hywill drive to the, T. Hopkins iners in territory were.: Nipigon. in, Canada where, they will a. Keil Hero Tbey Are: leave their -car and go by train to A. Schinler! intermediate boys: Firanklyn John-, Jackfish;' From Jackfish they will S. lawisr son,- Va ttman park, first place; Frankgoicaesad itInanuds J. Schaefgen B1adger, Vattman Park, second place, fan-intcao esandso nianree ies' R. Steffens and, Ray 'rrippicchio, Village Green, farhingtnp. ooso atreek' W. Hawkinsor' third place. ihntrP 1 Inter mediate girls: Betty Anderson, Bros. S. F. (4) Vattman.,park, first place; Nancy lien- S S. Braun derson, Vattmani park, second Place; 'Green, first -place;, Dorothy Nilles, J. Hoffmann1 Anna Borre, Village Green, thîrd place, Vyattman park, second place.; Joyce E. Udeil and Dorothy Ortegel, Village Green, Schinler, Village Green, third place, and R. Huck fourth place. Lucy Nilles,- Vattman park, fourth P. Bohnen Junior' boys: Eugene Hasselberg, Place. E. Braun Village Green, first place; Frank Trip- Two entnies were allowed frl W. Johnson plechio, Vllage Green, second place:*. c iygon n nboswr W. ljuck Kenneth Leal and James Schaeferec lyrud n Ioswr E. Miller V attman park, tled for third place. awarded to wNinners of flrst, second, jJunior girls: Patsy Symfons, Village and'third places. SPORT CALEND14 R- k Thu»ra, .Muy 2 7.00m' P. -m Anual laground Friday. JuIy 27 - 7:00. p. #I. NWen'sý playground bail. Easy" pitchifig leaàgue' , Unknowns vs. Hoffmann Florists-. Village Greeçn. 7:00 P. m.. Men's playground bal C"EasyZ pitching league. Y. P. C. vs. Cobblers. Village Green. 7:00 p. m.. Men's playground bail. 'Easy" pitching league., Herr Hand laundry vs.. Methodists.- Village Green. Monday, July 30 7:0 p. m. Men's plavgrounid baIl. "Fast" pitching. league. Village Cleaners vs. Wilmette- Tailors. Vil- lage Green. 7 .%0 p. m. Men's playgrounid bail. *'Fast" pitching league. North Shore1 Chevrolet vs.. C. W. Welter. Village Green. 7 :00 p. ni. Men's playground bail. &.Fast" pitchink league. Braun Brothers vs. AIl Stars. Village Green.«. Tuesday, JuIy 31 12:30 1). m. Trip to Cubs' park. Wilmette playground children. Meet at North Shore station. 7:00i p. m. Men's playground bail. "Easy" pi tching league. Y. P. C. vs.. Hoffmnann Florists. Village Green. 7:00 p. ni. Men's playground bail. "Easy" pitching league. Herr Handy laundry vs. Winberg Drugs. Village Green. t 7 :00 1).'m. Men's playground bal! t league. '*Easy" pitching league.. Un- knowns v5. C. S. Village Green.. f Wedneay, Auguit 1 10:00 a. m. Annuai playgroundE tennis tournament. Wilmette Village Green courts. 7:00 p. m. Men's playground bal lau."Fast" pitching league. C.a W. Welter vs. Braun Brothers Silver Flashes. Village Green.a -7:00 p. m. Men's playground bal league. "Fast" pitching league. Vil- lage Cleaners vs. Al Stairs. llaye v Ereen. Honor of Old Homne Town at Stake in This Gamne Villagers who like their indoor basebaîl are invited to witness what promises to be a thrilling battle Sunday morning, July 29, when the Brain , Brothers Silver Flash nine clashes. with the'Peacock Auto Sales aggregation on the Village Green west'of the Howard school in WiI- mette. The Braun 'Brothers outfit is comprised largely of Wilniette stars while the Peacock teain boasts a preponderan ce of Winnetka lum- inaries, thus providing a. natural rivalry ,w ith a tinge of the. old town spirit. -ýThe gaine is scheduled to begîn.at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Warner C. Leywis, 201 Kenil- worth avenue,, Kenilworth, was lunch-, eoni hogtess to a bridge foursonue Wednesday. ..WILMETTE LIFE july 26,1934 ,Annual, Track. Mee t WilIl Be Held Tonight" Thç aniual playgrou.nd track meet, outstanding , featuié, -bf th6 . s'ufmirr playground season for children, will take place this (Thursday) evening:at 7 o'elock at the Village Green. The meel will start promptly at the scheduled turne, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, announces, and the public is cordially invited ý,o attend free of charge. The playground' bail throw and running high jump events were held yesterday morning in order to get-the slow-moving events ont of the wvay and permit finishing the meet before darkness. List*of the Events Following wvill be the ev-ents run tonight: 30-yard dash for boys under eiglht years. 30-yard dash for girls under eight years. 30-yard dash for boys eight and nine years of age. 30-yard dash for girls eight and nine years of age. 50-yard dash foir boys undér eight years. 50-yard dash for girls under elght years. .Il 50-yard dash,'for boys eight and nine years. 50-yard dash for girls elght and nine years.-1 50-yard dash for boys ten and eleven yoa.re. 50-yard dash for girls ten and eleven years, 50-yard dash for boys twelve and thir- teen years of age. 50-yard dash for girls twelve and thir- teen years of ago. 50-yard dash for *boys fourteen and flfteen years of age. 50-yard dash for girls fourteen and fifteen years of a.e Standing broad Jump for boys ten and eleven years old. Standing broad Jump for girls ten and eleven years old. . Running broad Jump for boys twelve and thirteen years old. Running broad jump for girls twelve and thirteen years old. Running broad JunP for boys fourteen and fifteen years old. Running broad jump for girls fourteen and fifteen years old. 75-yard daah for boys ten and eleven years of age., 75-ygrd dash for girls tsrn andi eleven years of age. 75-yard dash for boys twelve and thir- teen years of age. 75-yard d&sh for girls twelve and thir- teen years of age. 75-yard -dash for boys fourteen and fifteen yeara of mgo. 75-yard dash, for girls fourteen and fifteen .yeans of mgo. 7:,00 p. mn. Girls' piaygronnd bail. Brownies vs.. Troubles. Village