14-oz. Bottie k OU can be* assured that any pre- Po»,Pi. cription left with us will be filled Lits ee PN as ordered by your doctor. Absolutely AMtiaeptac. CREAI no substituting. We have it, will get it, or it isn't made. You can trust your Local Independent Pharmacists. 24Lf'uyP etrolagar :84C BAYER »AP. Kotex or Modess 16 c ASPIIN 3foi'For 35c 2 1 0 Freezone -ra> sxe 4i 9 c [Il eW PhiiImk' of 5 c35 ____ *UIUM îMteia fixe35c Palmolive Shampoo .. ..3 Williams Shaving Creao'm. ... .36e 50C Size .39c Barbasol. 50c size.. APW Toilet -Paper. 15 roUis. . .41c .. 39c, .43c .27c * 39c Oromo Sellier. 60C size.. . Midol, for pain. 50C' size. . Wernets Dental Powder. .60e size Dental Floss ............... 24 yards. regular 35( Tek Tooth Brush, 50e size. Colgatoes. Tooth Poste . Large size. TOOTH Witk Masso Bthc Prophyaclic TOTHRgiar39 Cashmere soApET.3 for 2.5c TOOTH Gias: Colgaites POWDER. sie27 SNIDER-CAZEL -DRUG CO. 1167 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette M0 RENNECKAR DRUG CO. 1138 Cenlltral ve nue Phone Wilinette 28. RIDO! AVE. PHARMACY. P.UeV R£m P£.8U5UVI*v»mUM LYMAN PHARMACY 40Linden Avenue PhoMe Wihnette 464 rnn IumeW ? IUeL meV I.. BLANN PHARMACY 400 Green Bay Romýd (Keniworth) Phono K«Qiworth..3M0 jLY 2 6, 9 34 Mode r SAFE Way to LOSE UGLY FAT là lafft tmavom- fui or Kuàah. Sait. in a a" e warom watere veu' - moraiwig- at.iy end quickIy talc«_ .1 ourpluu fat. 85c sxe' 57c_ Gilette Bld. . .... .10 for 49 c ;t*nuiIe, Blue or -Green Parke Davis Peroxide* ..... .39c Genuine, full pint Absorbine. Jr., $1.25 size .. .94c For athlete's foot Jad SaIts. 60c sze ......... .43c Condensed Anusol Suppositories .......$ $ 1.50 Size Mennens Talc, 25c .1.....,.17e Woodburys Soap. 3 for... .25c Large size Aika Seltzer. 60c site ...... 49c Squibbs Minerai 011. 75c size 59c, tys@I1. 7-oz. 50e suze. ....43c .. .23c pui image imoau