Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1934, p. 8

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Récroation JÛNIOýR LIFE Playground News. Publasbed uweklgbgt&eachool chiUWre of Wimette m& r supervpision of Wilmqtte Plagground and Reoeeation Btoard VOL. 7, NO. 48 WVILM \ETTEsILLIN\OIS. JULY 26. 1934 Here is How to - PlyNew Game of Lroop Tennis A inew~ gaine called "loop teninis" wvas rece,îtiy started at Vattinan park. The equipinent consists of a vertical pole witiî a swivel at the top. One end of a cord is attaclied to the swiv~el and the other toa bail, wiîiclî is suspended two inches above tue grouind. Two wire ioop goals are erected on opposite sides of the pole. Two dianiond siîapedl foui territories are laid out on the groui(l betw'eeni eacli goal and the pole. .The gaine cai be piaved %vith "a tennis racket or withi the hand. The object of -the gaine is to hit the bail thÉouglî eitlier goal and to avoid fouis. A point is scored for each goal. A poinît aiso is scored bv the opponent for eachi foui. The gaine is won by- the teain that first scores ten points, except wbenl the score is tied ine to nine (deuce). In this case omie teai wiiîs by scoring two successive points. In starting the gaine, the, server, holding the bail witlî the string ta ut, tries to hit the bail so that it does nlot touch either goal or pole un il it lias passed over -the receiver's Co t. After a serve. play continues unti a goal is inade or the bail becoînes <ead. due to the cord's wrapping arouuil a player's biaud or body. The -saine nieniber of a teai serves until five points are scored. When the bal enters and stays in a goal, a point is s-Cored for the teani that uit the bal Iast with the racket or hand. A player inay bit the cord but it is flot counted as hitting the bail. How Foui Ia Made A foui is made bv the server if the served bail touches either goal or pole before it passes over the op- ponent's court. A foui is mnade by' a player whose body, or racket touches either goal or pole or the foui territorv. A foui also is made by the player arouild iWhose 'body or racket thle cord wraps aîîd does not corne off with its owin ornentuin. Every one at the park likes the ganie very much, as it is speedy anîd excifi.ng. As rnany as six persons can play this gaine. Mr. Gathercoal saysit wont be lonîg until we have tournarnents in îoop tennis as well1 as horseshoes, territory anîd tennis.- Bigeiow Haley, Vattnîan park. PLAY NEW CAME Some of the boys at the play- grouiîd are playing aniinteresting new gaine called loop tetnnis. There are two ioops and -a big, taîl pole iin the center with a ropehangiug froni it with abahl on it." The boys knock it arouind and into thé. loop which counts a point. -Williarn , White, Vattinan. List Village Green 's Winners 'iTerritory The territory contest w-as held at Vattinan park Wedniesdaý,. Julv 18, at 9 :30 a. nii. The contestants and winnerý froin Villa ge Green ivere: juniors, Patsy Synions. first: Joyce Schinler. third: Eugene Hasselburg, fiest, anîd Frank Trippicchio. second; intermiediates, Anna Borre, third, Dorothv Ortegai, fourth: D)avid Bag- neli, third, and Raynîond Trippicchio, fourtiî. XWe hope to have as rnuch success. if flot mîore, ini the track nîieet.-.Nlarv Anmi Miller, Village Greeni. Learn to Play Basebal at Vattman, Alice Says Thle girls of V'attinan park are gettiîîg plenty- of workout ini base- h)all alinost every day., The interne- diate b)oys play agaiîist the senior girls and the gaines are always very close. The score usualiy is 5-4 or tied. If you want to learu how t-o play basebail corne to NVattîîmanî Park, and under the instructions of Miss Riggle you are sure to be able to pla.-Alice ýVagner, Vattinan. Dorothy Hits a Home .Run, So Vattman Loses W~e were playing bail anîd 1orotiîy 4-gai knocked a hoine rn. Vatt- 'iati lost. I' have soinetliiîg good to tel you. \Ve are having, picnics anîd WC îîîighit go to the Cubs park if we have sorne clîildren join the con- tests. One %ývas a territorv contest and the other a sand nîodeliiîg con- test. 'I canîtot sav anv nmore. Goo<l- bye.-NIari.MNaiizio. Village Greeni. Vattman Classes Plan Sto Present Play Soon Juniior anîd intertiiediate classes at. Vattinan i)ark wiii give a play hiefore the playgrouid closes for the sun- nier. The inothers and fathers wvill be invited to attend our play and prograîn. Otlher speciai îîumbers will be given tlîroughout, the pro- grain. Childre,î in the play wvili be froni 5 to 12 vears of age. Cath- türie 1oney, NVattînati. NEW HANDICRAFT. TEACHER .Ail the girls at Vattinan hiave soiî- thitîg to (Io, because we hiave a newv hatîdicraft teaciier. Her naine is NIiss Buebler. \«e cati make purses,, pil- low.s anîd imatîy other thiîigs. \Ve are ail havtig a nice tune at thie park this year.-Nlary Elizabeth Bacon, Vattinan. A REMINDER You don't forget the -track nîcet, do vou? t is goiîîg to be '«ednes- dlay and Tbursday. I hope eveirybody cornes. 'l 'arn sure tha 1 if anybody cones lie wiil have a very good turne. Seniors Give Play; Intermediates HeIP The senior girls at ' Vattiîîai are giving a play Thursdav nîorniîg at il1:30, The interrniediates, are lielpers in it also. The cast is : 'Manuel. I)or- othy, Davis: Zingerelia. Virginia Marsii; laggie O'Brien. Beatrice Leal; Patrick. Alice Wagîîer: Sunl, S etty Barsh: Horizoni. Lore: Cur- tains. Peggie Pettersoîî anîd Mar- jorie Pearson: Shadowvs. Pattv Craw- ford and Betiî Mvren: Hours. Mary E. Bacon atund Shirley Bacotn, and Stairs, Shirley Pearsoîî.-Nlarcis An- derson, NVattnian. Vattman Park Boys and Girls Like The ir Track 7Track is very popular at Vattnîan park., The boys practice froîil 9 :30 a. ni. to 10:30 a. mn. ani the. girls practice froin 10 :30 to 11:30.- Junior boys and girls have (lashes. Boys and girls 10 and Il years oid have dasies, staniditng broad jump. rutîning high jump and( bal throôw. Boys and~- girls 12 and .13 years oil have dashes, runîîiîg hroad jurnp. rutîning iîigh jutîîp and( bail throw. The track meet will be held W'edtîesdav anîd Thursclay of this iveek.-Dorothv Davis,'Vattîîaîî. LIKES MISS RCL I, arn writing this article to show lîow the park iîeeds Miss Riggle. She is a sweli person. >Aîîibody whio does tiot coîne to the park ought to corne te meet Mliss Riggle. I like ber nîuch dU ~III ZI, 4tfItI.- fctri-an -ay oter tache-tha MARY TELLS 0F CONTEST,, ha-, been bere anîd I kilo%%, becauseI The children of Village Greenî anî LIKES. PING PONG have been conîing to tlîe park for Vattinan had a territory contest. '«e have a pitîg-poîg gainie at Vil- about four vears.-Nailc%- Heuîder- There were classes for interinediates, lage Greeii.,I like to play it, but the son, Vattniaiî. boys aîîd ginls, anîd juniors, boys anîd boys won't let us. In the afternoon girls. - Mary Woodbury, Village we get to Play it.-Lorraine Napoli, LILLIAN WANTS NO RAIN Green. Village Green. - The track meet will be WVedtiesday and(lTbursday. I hope it woti't rait WANTS TO SEE CURS PLAY TONY COING TO BEACH s0 we can't bave it. Lt is very inter-1 1 hope I can go to the Cubs gaine. 1 arn going to the beaclb every Fni- esting to watch the people practicing1 ,My sister is going,. 50 I want to o day. I arn going in the rnorning too. for it. I hope you Wiil be thre.-i too. *- Mary Napoii, Village Green. j --rony Napoli, Village Greeni. illian'Jones, Vattrnan. Su.n Shines Brightly for Basebal Game It wvas muly 17 (Tuesday) and oh, what. a day ! The suil was shîniging brightlv and we iîad a basebaîl gaine with Village Greenî. It certainlv ivas warnî playing. but N'attîîîan wvon re- gardless. -29-3 ( The Village Greenî hue-up vas aa s.f o 1lo w S Catcher, Lora B i s 101). %v hlo cauglht for both Blanche Kreusch; - first base. Stella Koll11e r; second base. Hilda \oel-. 1er, third base, Mary Woodburv: left short,- Jackie Mfiller: left field. Nlar% Anmi, Miller. The Vattrnan line-up wvas : pitcher, Dorothy D)avis. first base, Beatrice Leal: second base. A lice \Vaguer; third base. V'irginia Mfarslî: right field Shirley Pearson. left field 'Mar- jonce Hill. NVattinail Park lias now won three out of four gaines. wliicl w-e are al quite proud ab)out. Beatrice Leal, Vattmnan Five New Instructors at Vattman Playground We have five iîew instructors. at Vattnxan park. Miss Bushiieli teaches drainatics, Miss Hoagiuiid teaches the juniors, Miss. Ericson teaches cliii-. dren of pre-schooi age, Mr. Crooks teaches the junior boys and Mr. Jolues takes part turne. Thîev were sent out by the Illinois Enierge:îcy Relief commrissionî. - Betty Sullivan. Vattuîan. MAKES BASKET FOR MOTHER "Ve went to the beach Tuesdav anîd the lake ivas very rough. X'Ce came home at 3:30. I arn iaking a basket for îîy inother. Lt is about seveti itîches ini diarneter. I Wonî two prizes iii the park races, first in rouler skat- ing anîd third in bicycle racing for the i nterrnediates.-Carter .Hadlev, Jr.. Vattinan - WRITE FOR JUNIOR LIFE Maiîi- chiidren. are, getting a big' treat hy writing JuxIOR LiPn articles. 1 have lîad lucek in getting onie iii andj liope to have nîany inore. WVe ail thiak JUNIOR Lire for giviîg lus a treat to the nîovies-Martha Sester- lhenîî, Village, Green. VATTMAN PROUD 0F.WINS Village Green and Vattinan iIck-- bail teains met. Tbursday, ..uhv 12. The gainewas won by Vattinali, 22- 6. There have been tbree gaines playecl altogether. Vattinan wvon every one of themn. Are we gi'ad !- Dolores Lundy, Vattinan. Hold Territory Co-ntest; Give Winners 'Na mes 'l'ie territory contest va sliîeid on Wediîesday, july 18. TheW -%iinners are as foilows: Junior girls-i. Patsv Syniioitîs 2. D orothy Nilles; 3. Joyce Sciniler, 4. Lucv Nilies. j1unior boys-I. Eugene -av- berg; 2. Frank Trippicchio; 3. Ken- iieth L-eal: 4. James Schaefer. Interniediate girls-i. Betty An- derson; 2. Nancy Hendersoti: 3. A\n- nia Borre; 4. Dorothv Ortegal. Intermediate boys = 1. Franlvn Johunson; 2. Frank Badger: 3. lDavid Bagneli; 4. Ray. Trippicchio.-Bcttv- Anderson, Vattinan. Village Green Treasure. Hunts Proving Popular Everv Saturdav morning the \*il- lage Green has a treasure humt. It usuallv l)egins at 10 :30 and Ias-4s about a hiaîf hour.- The prizes, are butter-fingers. Before the hiunt starts several boys on bicycles ride *to duf- ferent spots in the neighborhood and lid(e the niotes for the hiunt. 1Ifs. a lot of fun and we ail like to par- ticipate.-Irenie Born, Village Greeni. Mirs. J. Edson McEldowniev, 620 .\bhotsford road, Kenilvorth. and lier granddaughter, Blanche Bruish- iîîgharn of -Milwaukee, vlîo lhas beeti visiting lier grandparent s. accoin- panie(I Mrs. lMcEldowney's datgliter,. Mrs.- L. A. Mfeyering of Highlanîd Park Nlonday of last veek l, vein slie rirove to Milwaukee,

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