Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 6

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WILM~TTE LIFE July 19. 1934' REPORT CONTAGIONS Two new cases of measies and one of muùmps were.reported in Minmette for fhe week ending July 14, accord- ing to the records of the local Health department. This is the season, of the 'vear when there are usually-. few cases of èontagious diseases, it is ex-. plainied. Miss Shirley Ross, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs., Clyde P. Ross of Kenil- wortb, is spending six weeks in Pasa- dena and Los Angeles, going by way of Yellowstone Park.' ASK FOR Ir. SciHOEN ..nd avoid be;ng misled and disappointed 48 Yeurs' Experience Upholstering and Repairing Furniture CHAIR RECANING Art Furnifure Co. M3 Linden Avene Phone Wilmtte 4m5 t 11Jmmortality of Soul,' Lecture Series. Topie "Jlniômotality of the Soul" is the subject of the last of the four lectures given by Ali Kuli Khan o f Persia -at Foundation baIl, Baba'i House of Worsbip, Linden, avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette, at 3:30 o'clock Sun- day, july 22. The third of the series of four lectures on Wednesday eve- nings on the general subject "Tbe Better Understanding of Religion," given by Arthur Agnew of Chicago, will. be presented July 25, at 8 o'clock. IN SUMMER SCHOOL John P. King, of 146 Bertling'lane, Winnetka, is enrolled in the under- graduate division of tbe Loyola uni- versity summer school now in session on the lake shore campus. The summer session began on June 25 and will close on Friday, August 3, with convocation exercises in the St. Ignatius auditorium, 1300 Loyola ave- nue, Chicago. RETURN FROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scbroeder, Jr.. 1000 Lake avenue, returned last Tbursday from an extended motor tour in the east. -Tbey drove to Bangor,. Maine, the Gaste Peninsuila in Quebec, and then tbrougb the Wbite - and the Green mountains. Mrs. Schroeder was away for six wýeeks. visiting friends in 'Boston be- fore leaving on themotor trip with Mr. Schroeder. Mrs. Caroline Blan<lin of Palmyra, N. Y., who is on ber way home from Alaska, arrived Tuesday to'visit the R. W. Starretts, 221 Woodstock ave- nue, Kenilwortb. Mrs. Blandin and Mrs. Starrett were classmates at Wellesley., Miss Rutb Dunn of Charleston, Ill.. will gpend the week- end witb -the- Starretts. I Special Foursome Package, serves four, 25C. I Special This Week We' wilI deliver FRE , SHP42eH >re mfly at n Quart, brick .......................lime Yom af>ecsfy Bud. Schildberg Takes Golf TournamentAward E...(ýBud)'Schildberg, son of Dr. Edwin O0. Schildberg, 545 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, won the first low gss witb a score of 72 net at the golf tournament of. the Chicago District Osteopatbic Golf association beld at Olympia Field Country club Wednesday, july Il. The, next golf tournament of. the association will be'beld at the North Shore Golf club August 3. Dr..Harold R. Schildberg, 545 Lincoln avenue, Winnietka, vice- president of the association, is in charge of arrangements. Plenty of Flash and Dash in This Contest The Braun Brothers Silver Flash Inidoor Basebaîl tèamn will clash witb the Peacock Auto Sales nine Sunday morning, July 29, at 10 o'clock on the Wilmette Village Green west of the Howard public scbool. The Silver Flash aggregation is made up largely- of Wilmette stars, while the Peacock team management bas assembled out- standing Winnetka performers, it is stated. ON FISHING TRIP 'Lowell F. Todd, principal of the H'oward scbool and ýLester F. BaIl, 736 Park avenue, left last Saturdav% on a two. weeks' fishing trip in Canada.' They niotored to' Duluth and took the train the rest of the way. In the nieantime Mrs. Todd. will have as bier bouse guests ber sister, Mrs. Helen Gwinnup and the latter 's son, Donald, of Anderson, mnd. Mr. and Mrs. Lle welyp O. Aldredge of Lakewood, Ohio, arrived in Wil- mette last Monday on a ten days' visit witb, the former's daugbter. Mrs. Ray Collins Siggens, 1425 Maple avenue, and ber family. 0o Misà -Grete von, Reinspere. 726 Laurel avenue, bas returned *-from California where she bad been for the past six montbs. 1Take Chanfces . with your hair. Have one of our natural-Iooking permanents and le sure of success. Don't put it off but telephone now and arrange for your appointment. SPECIAL QIL $.5 RINGLET WAVE. 5.5 Shampoo - Rmnse - Trim- Mani- cure - Finger Wavc e o Evebrw Arch . 3 fr$1 LINDEN CREST BEAUTY, SHOP? 426 Linden Ave. Wilmette 4454 Kenilworth Boarýd 'Approý'ves. Its 1934 A propriation Bill (Continue d from, Page 3) to the liquor situation in "No Mans, Land." This %réa, along with other- sections of New Trier township out- side the corporate limits of villages. voted "dry" last sprirlg.. Nevertheless. accordiný to an investigation conducted. by Trustee Harold F. Tideman, liquor is still being sold tbere. Trustee Tide- man reported to the board on the mat- ter Monday nigbt and made sugges- tions as to wbat procedure migbt be. followved. It wvas then that Attorne% Loueks was instructed to prepare the, resolution which wili caîl upon the- county board to take action immedi- ately to stop violations of the state liquor laws ini "No Man's Land,"' whicb is under the county board's jur- isrliction. If no action is obtained* f rom this source,* Trustee Tideman said, tbe next step would be for the- nortb shore communities, and perhaps Nortbwestern university, to go to the state officiais with a demand for the- enforcement of tbe liquor laws. Ponder Water Contracta 'No Man's Land" was given furthcr- attention in the matter of the suppl% ing of water to this area by the Village of- Keniîwortb. At present the Village supplies., vater to various customers- there under separate contracts, sonie of wbicb caîl for fire protection and' others of wvbich do not. It was the suggêstion of Trustee Tidenian that some sort of uniform contract be- worked out. Trustee Tideman voluin- teered to prepare such a 'contract,, if tbe board so desired, and he was auth- orized to go ahead witb the plan. He will present it at the next Meeting of the board on September 10. (There is t> he no August meetinig.) Need New Ruhbish Dunp Trustees Porter Fox, and Richard C. Johnston were appointed on a special committçe to study the question of rub- bisb removal. Facilities for dumping Kenilworth rubbish at the present loca- tion on Glenview road will be exbausted in the near -future. and Trustees Fox- and Jobnston were instructed to inake arrangements for a new dump site and for the removal of rubbisb to this site. Village Manager F. L. Streed %,as instructed to have a white traffic line painted in tbe center of Sheridan road for its entire distance through the vil- lage. .The 'Children's Benefit league was authorized to bold a tag day in Kenil- worth on October 1. HOME FROM NORTHWEST Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jarcbow, 1636 Forest avenue, and their son,.Willard, returned last Sunday f'rom4ý,..inthW.s trip ini the north*ëit Theiy went to.Banif and Lake Louise and then to Alaska, taking the boat to Skag- way and then the train to White Horse. Tbey returned home by way of Mount Ranier and Yellowstone. Park, Miss Carmen Browne,, a. well 'known artist fromi New York, was, the guest of ber sister and :family, the F. R. Kilners of 430 Sberidan road, Kenilwortb, just before sailing on the S. S. Franconia, for a tour of Russia. july 19. 19.14 W.1 LýMýE T..TE'.LIIFE

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