Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 5

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Jilyi' 19, 1934 WILMAL. .airF à- GARDEN 7CENTER, WJLL C-ONDU-CT CONTEST MONDAY Winnetka Community House WiIl Be Scene of Interesting Flower- Competition Announicement of a flower arrange- ment contest to be beld Monday, July 23, at tbe North Sbore Garden center under the auspices of the garden de- partment of the Xinnetka7 Wonian's club, was made tbis week by' Mrs. John, Lindeman, chairmaui of the committee planning the event. The affair is not limited to gardeti mclub members but is open to the pub- lic and everyone is invited to com- pete. MIrs. Beverly Williams, a memn- ber of tbe Glencoe Garden ciul>, bas9 cofisented to. act as judge and wil award ribbons for first, second and tliird place and for honorable men- tion ini aIl classes. The three points onf which she will judge are: the suitability of flower to container, color harmony, and design or artistic cffect. Any number of arrangements, may l)e entered i ans' or ail of the followving classest Announce, Claes 1.IMiniature container or sinil pairîs; 2. AUl one colir or shades of one Ail white. 4. Mixed garden flowers. 5. Untisual container. t is hoped that entries will con- .ist of flowers from local gardens. as thie committee.wisbes to make this a real,*"garden flower" exhibit. The members of Mfrs. Lindemian's comniittee, including M rs. Leslie WVearv. Mrs. Heath Bannard, Mrs. Wýooiruff Rankin and Mrs. Erwvin Nievers, find tbat a great deal of in>- terest bas, been aroused among amateur gardeners, and - many wbo hiave neyer placed entries ini bther * shows are expecting to exhibit on Monday. There will aiso be arrange- inents bv' members of the garde,> clIubsh. Begin at 10 O'clock Mrs. Williams asks that tbe flowers be ready for judging at 10) o'clock .Mondav m6mning in room r02 at Wininetka Community House, wheme the prize winniing 'bouquets will be on- view aIl day. As tbe Garden conter is a civic enterprise there wili be, of course, no entrv fee and no clharge for admission. GIVEN HIGH RATING Sherman.E. Taylor, 990 Westmoor road, Winnetka, wvas one of the stu-, dents in the University of. IlIinoiq col- lege of engineering wvho finisbed bis second semester's wqrk with an aver- age of 4. or. better, according to an aninouincement made in . Urbana this week by tbe college officiais. Nineteen engineering students 'made 5., the higbi- est obtainable grade. and .203 others made grades of 4. or better,, according. to the announcement . Taylor, a fresh- man ini the, University coillege of en- gin eeruig made anl average of 4.06- He'is taking general engineering, one of the curculums available to students of that coilege. Mr. and Mms. Clarke F. Mair, 327 * Fourteenth street, left last Tbursday by motor for Canada. They will drive along the St. Lawrence river and returni home by way of Eagle River ivhere they will spend several days witb Mm. and Mrs. Fred Requa of Chicago at their summer cottage. -- Mrs EdardC. 'Geither, 321 Ra' leigh road, Keniiworth, entertained at bridge and luncheon last Tuesday. * A TRIBUTE By Frederiçk A. Kahier to the Mem-ý ory of Lionel Anderson,- It .sometimes happens that, out of hundreds of pupils at a high school, a single individual wiIl be so outstanding in his personalitv and achievemnents that be flot only- influences markedly the life of the.school during bis years of attendance, but he continues, after graduation, to affect the tbinking and the spirit of the school." Such an. individual wvas Lionel An- derson. During bis four years at New . Trier he was unusually successful as a leader, an athiete, and friend. Those of the alumni wvho attended the high school ini the years 1918 to 1922 can neyer t orget the success of his teams, bis genial personality, and hisi leader- ship in student affairs. And yI, these items were only a small part o*f his contribution to the school. In the years that followed his graduation, his cour- age, bis faith, his unconquerable fight-. ing spirit in the face of bis hopeless illness gave us an idealiz at ion of those attributes for which our institution stands. He is- and shail he remembered among us as exemplifying best the qualities of the mnembers of the T. N. T. societv- to which he belonged: Highimindedness5 fixity fproe an'd triumph!of urse -for the faculty, the alUmni and the undergraduates of his Aima Mater. New Trier High school juIy 11, 1934. REHEARSE STUDENT PLAY Lynni Riggs,' author of -Green Grow the Lilacs," and a meuber vQf, the summer speech school faculty at Xorthwestern university, is rehears- ing a studetit cast for bis latest play, "More Sky," whicb wihl have its premiere performance Tuesday eve- niing, July.24, at the Universitv the- ater on the Evanston campus. It will biave four performances the iatest' heing given Fridav, Julv .27. Mrs. Donald Stapieton and her daughter *Valene, of Loda, Ill., are guests this week of ýthe former's sister, and famiiy', the Phillip N. Streifs, 1204 Gregory avenue. D. PAGLIARULO Jeweler Expert Repairing WiItelues, dlorks, jew%eiry, ler ware, optlcal, 1bea4ls restrung ilog Wilnette Ave. WIl. 1061 Mrs..Frances Anna Seely Taken by Deâth JuIy 15s Mrs. Frances Anna Seely, mother of Herman G. Seely,' 700 K ent road, Kenilworth, editorial writer for the Chicago Daily News and a member of the Keniiworth Village board, died Sunday in ber home at 7003. Memmrill avenue, Chicago. *Mrs. Seely, was the, wife of Hem- man B. Seely., expert empi'oyed by the city of Chicago in the ire in- surance tax cases. She was 76 years old. Her d eath came after a long illness. Since the late 70's Mms. Seely had mnade ber home in Cbicago. Hem birtbplace was Port Hope, Ont. Surviving ber besides her husband and the son in Kenilworth is another son, Horace E. Seely of Chicago. Tbe funeral services were beld Tuesday afternoon, in a tçhàpel at Sixty-tbird street and Harvard avenue, Chicago. Burial was at Graceland cemetery. Invite Garage People to .Hear Lecture on Friday Garage owners and employees, of the four New Trier township "villages ' inmette, Kenilwortb Winnetka and Glencoe-bave been',invited to attend a meeting to be held Friday night of tbis week at 8 o'clock at the Abel Battery and Ignition Service, 716 Eim str.eet, Winnetka. A service engineer from -the United Motors Service will lecture on and demon- strate modemn, scientific -methods of servicing the new high speed, higb compression motors, U.' C. Abel, host for the evening, bas announced. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Leisch, 1040 Ashland avenue, returned last Sunday,,from..a three weeks' trip in the northwest. They went to Glacier Park and then to Alaska, taking the boat to Skagway and then the train to White Horse. They returned home by way of the Canadian .Rockies, Lake Louise, and-Banff. K Locksmithing g of ail kinds AUTO KBTS Y-Made froua Numobersr S STAN t LINDSTROM'S ýý: LOCK SHOP 1222 Central Avenue WILMETTE 3212 Fîrst Ch.W"'Lurcli of Christ, Scientist Tentb Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, 111. SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-8 P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. JULY 22, 1934 Subject: LIFE READING ROOM - 1148 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A. M. te 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The -Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and l al other authorized Christian Science Literature niay be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC 15 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND> THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE REtADING ROOMI Oren DeGCraff 0 Mr. De G raif, who la welI known on the forth shore and in Hollywood, has built an enviable reputation In hie spe- clalties ... permanent Waving and hair cutting. Cayr-Leen is very fortunate in obtainlng his services and invites hie friends to meet hlm lIn hie new home where he Is better equlpped than ev-er to serve them. Phione Glenco. 1406 661 Vernon Av*., 81I Gl enco. Loveijwess Made Loe eler mOTO IRS. Everything for A atonaobiles SPECIAL OFFER, Rand McNally, 113 U. S. ROAD MAP FREE, 1 eaul Johnson'à,Auto Pol-' ish 1 can Johuson' Auto Wax Reiguklr $1.U Value for Oiy 721 MAIN STREET Phone Wilmette 2600-2601 1 c "WILMÉT lrE LIPÉ

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