Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 48

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A ccepts Constract toObtus,, Permit for New Bilding An agreement was reached Tues- 'dynight between ýthe Village and Mary Ellen Maclean,,whereby the latter is: to receive a permit to erect a one-story building at, the south- west corner' of Lake avenue and Rige.avenue. 'The permit has been withheld for sometime because of plans of the Village to widen these two streets at some future time, and it was niot thought to be in. the in- terest of the taxpayers of the village to allow. the construction of a build- ing on ground that might have to be condemned in a few years and dam- ages paid on building as well asý ground. Plans for the building provided for utilizing the full width of the lot on the Lake avenue side, the front to be set back on the lot, facing Ridge avenue, to provide for future widen- ing. The construction anticipates the addition of another story at some later date. The agreement finally reached was that Mrs. Maclean was to enter into a contract with the V'illage to tbe effect that if the Village condemns the required 7 feet of ground on the Lake avenue frontage to permit of widening within 10 years, the owner is to make no dlaim for damages on either the ground or tbe building, use for that period to be considered ful compensation. If the Village con- demns after, 10 years, tbe owner is to make no dlaim for damage to the building, but may dlaim damage for the 7 feet of, ground required. Mrs. Maclean was represented at tbe meeting of the board 'Tuesday night by ber son,' who stated that he b.ad been advised, by counsel tbat ,euch an, agreement would constitute a cloud on the title, and that there- fore be would withdraw consent to the contract and Mrs. Maclean would not sign it. Howevrer, upon being told that tbe permit for the building would not be issued, he again agreed to the contract, and thus the matter settled. AT SKOKIE. DANCE Nadine Kinney, daughter of the Wil- l.iam Kinineys of 126 Abingdon ave- nue, Kenilworth, entertained at the dinner dance at Skokie Saturday in honor of ber bouse guests, Ruth Harris and Barbara Church Lloyd. M iss Katherine Thompson, daugh- ter of, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Thompson, 1311 Ashland avenue, was the guest last week of Miss Marga- ret Lyons of Decatur, 111. The girls were roommates last year at Rock- for d college. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood Burpee and their children Katherine, Arleeni, and Thomas of Toronto left last Sunday after a week's visit with the F. W., Burpees, 129 Dupee place. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Hyman and their son George 'of Montreal, Can- ada,, arrived in Kenilworth last Mon-, day to výit the Armond Peyckes, 240 Raleigh road. Miss Joan Sands of Valparaiso, Iind;,. returned to berý home last Mon- day after ,spending several days with ber sister, Mrs. Tbomas Kirkw.ood, 2017 Highland avenue. -o- 'Dick LaBonte, 1126,Forest avenue, will jreturn Saturday. from a two weeks' outing at Camp Ma-Ja-Ka- '%Nan. Virginia and Donald Dressel, 1046 Elmwood avenue, are spending two weeks' vacation at Lost Lake, Wis. WILMETTE LIFE *July 19, 1934 Horseback Riding, Now Popûlar in Dunes Park Horseback. riding is now a vailable to visitors at the. newly opened Dunes Park.of Illinois (North of Waukegan), Steven Hotham, manager, anniounce-d this week. Arrangements bave been made with L. B. Amann, proprietor of the Dunes Park Riding club nearby, to furnisb saddle horses on short notice. More than twenty steeds are available and. in tbe parký 1,500 acres, and tbere are nearly eigbteen miles of winding trails, especially suited to equestrias tours. The comparative wildness of the area gives borseback riders an ad- ditional thril). The paths lead througb piiie and oak woods, along the famous Dead River, over marsh and rolling dunes. Horses will be kept from the bath ing beaçb but practically ail the rest of the park is open to riders. Several riding par- ties already bave made a tour of the entire park. Guides are f urnisbed. .Dunes Park of Illinois was one of the first parks to provide a mounted patrol to help prevent fires and to keep watch, of the cars and other property of visitors. Recent showers bave re- duced the fire hazard'büt the park is stili regularly patroled by the "Nortb- east Mounted" as the force is caIled. Mrs. Ida Detloff, 1210 Washington avenue, entertained thirteen guests on Wednesday afternooù of last week at a chiidren's party in bonor of ber nepbew, Alvin Sutherland of Chicago who was celebratingbis sixth birth- day. Ralph. Starr, Bill Taylor, Arend and Frank Knoop, Norman Midgley,, Donald Royce, Allen Gilbert, and George Rothermel, aIl of Kenilwortb, left Iast Thursday for Camp Manito- wish, in Wisconsin near Boulder junction. GOTOCM The Misses Elsie-and Doris Pater-, son,: 1625,Central avenue, -and Miss Muriel Ktnniey, 1709 Washingto avenue, are leaving July 23, to spend three weeks at Camp Daniel Boone near Valley View, Ky. Miss Elsie will serve as counsellor and athletic in- structor, 'this being ber second year at Daniel Boone. Mr.. and Mrs. J. R. Kenney. are going to drive the girls to camp. Robert McNeill Burnis, Il, 614 Es- sex.road, Kenilworth, returned M'%on- day fromn a ten-day visit at St. Clair, Mich., where he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wolff at a bouse party. His sister, Dorotby, and brother, Bredin, wbo bad been visit- ing their uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Kendrick at Port Huron, Mich., motored back with Ilim. Dorotby was gone tbree weeks, Bre- din ten days. __o- Mrs. Barbara Douns of St. Paul and ber son, Charles Douns. wbo spent the winter in Oklahoma Citv, have been visiting the A. E. Kini- balis of 219 Golf terrace tbe past three weeks and will extend their visit. two weeks longer. Mrs. Kinm- ball is a daugbter of Mrs. Douns. __o- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon G. Sloan and their son, Gardner. of Arington. Mass., left last Monday after a fort- night's visit with the Jonathani Noves family of 331 Cumnor road, Kenil- worth. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley of Kingston, Mass., were guests Iast week at tbe Noves home. Miss, Shirley Ross. 1321 Chestnut avenue, left last Sundav -for Omalia, Neb., and will continue from there by motor with friends to Pasadena. where she will visit witb a former classmate from. %ft. Vernon semin- ary. Mrs. James Cox. She expects to be gone about a montb. Mrs. Toa C. Clark and daugh- ter, Barbara, 315 Leicester road, Mrs. Fred Floyd (Frances Oleson) Kenilworth, returned, Thursday of of Evanston entertained. at a sur- last week from Toledo, where tbey prise luncheon and.bridge last M.%on- visited Mr. Clarke's brotber-in-law day in honor of ber mother . s birtb- and sister, Mr. an-d Mrs. ýGeoffreT day, Mrs. John Olesonof Keniilworth. Bennett. -o- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Muether, M.\r. and Mrs. Robert D. Howvse (Carolyn Gromann) of Hamniond, (Eloise Smith) of Detroit, left Mon- Ind., formerly of 'Wilmette, have Iday after -a week's visit with Mrs. gone to Minneapolis to live for a Howse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian short time. C. Smith of 1170 Michigan avenue. ENTERTAIN SCOUTS Mr. and. Mrs. Warren K. Ha4thaway ahd'their twîins, Betsy and. Buddy, 324 Sterling road, Kenilworth, ,motored to Camp Hickory F1i11 near IEdgerton, Wis., and took somne , f, theý Girl Scouts on. a picnic lunch. On..their way up they s.topped at the summer home of the Arthur Wakel.eys, at Lake Geneva to get.their. daughter, Barbara, and take ber to camp.. Major and Mrs. Edward S. Johns- ton were week-end guests of the for- mer's brothier and family, 'the..Harry B. Johnstons, 1511 Greenwood ave- nue. Major Johnston is at the War College in Washington, D. C. M.%ar- garet Johnston, daughter of the Harry Johnstons, spent last week-end with Jean Lewis of WVilmette at the Lewises summer cottage at Lakeý Geneva. 0o Marjorie Paterson. Nancy* May, Loiýs Lechner, and Katherine Hoif- meier, ail of WVilmette,' and ýMiss Rutlh Evans of Evanston, returned recentIv from a two weeks' outing at the Evans summer cottage, Evanshire, on Columbian lake-, near Waupaca, Ais. Lloyd Hollister- mc. 1232 Centrail Avenue, Wilmett. Telephou WILMRTI 4300 WINNHTKA 50 -i au- ""BEUGLE HIMSELFl" Pr.sented by BRAUN BROS. Service Stations 91EGL£.bHOWl5 E96 GETT1I6 014 Wfrre Rs YUN& YI4W -1r ~1u CAJ4 USE vmR0m Don~t be Iltaken ln" by unknownWlmterKnwoh stations offerIng You so-called *'sav- wlet lngs." Too many times. they use a 1222 Central Avenue' 1909 Lake Avenue 560 Greenba.y Boad cheaper brand of gaà and ohl which Phonie Wilmette 3212 <Just west 01 Ridge) Phone Kenlworth 4776 hurts your car more than it helps- it. Phone WII'mette 6448 You'Il do the RIGHT thlng hy coming WilImet.te Avenue and Ridge Rtond (Southea.st Corner), WiI. M&0 to BRAUN BROS. where you are sure of a fair and square deaý. Use North Evaiutomi SILVER FLASH OAS... the gas 31'r aae 52ir alodAeuPloeInvrly51 with ENERGY! oenGrg,2% .Rlra vne hn nvriy67 SILVER FLASHa DMAUU ROS. Service Stations »July 19, 1934 VILMETTE LIPE 1 1

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