Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 44

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WILMETTE LIFE july 19, 1934' Ifyour relatives are, coming to theTFair,,pirepare,. CLAS$IFIED. AD VERTISEMENTS, eriNoie Classled advertisements wiIl bechre only GenerasNotsce to rosidents of the district from Evanton to Glencoe, Inclusive, whose namnes appear ln the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to elther WILMETTELIFE, .WINNETKA .TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates- 25. cents a line. Advertisements run ln ail three papere. .MINIMUM CHARGE ONE DOLLAIL Average of liv. words te the lino. No black face type, used. 26% discount on ail cash advertise-i monts wben brought to our oftioe at 1232 Central Ave.. Wilmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 10% discoeut on &Il advertisoments run tour conuecutive Issues. Deadlne fr Inertins Ciassiflèd advertlsements will be ac- Apted up, to Tuesday 9 P. X. for WILMETTE LIFE or ail three Papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and Thursday à P M. for GLENCOE NEWU. 1Plphnnpm* Wl1mpttsè 420n. Winnetlcq 2000 <Winnetka 500 atter 6 P. M.>, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheîdrake' 1216-1217. ANTIQUE$ PINE HUTCH AND *6 LEG :DROP leat tables, corner cuphoard. desks, dresses, spinnlng wheels, old quilts and -coverlets, Windsor and Hitchock bannis- ter back and Chippendale chairs. MARY ANN DICKE, 808 Washington. i blk. S. Main at Sherman, Evanston. 7LTN1I-lte BUILDING AND CONTRAcINGr4 CEMENT CONTRACTORI AIl kinda of cement and.brick work Leaky basements repaired JOSEPH KNE1P 1714 Washington Ave. Wilmette 2618 15LTN1O-4tp BUSINESS SERVICE Plastering and Stucco GEORGE A. THURSBY 1716 Hlghland Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3387 16LTNB-4tp Rats, Roaches, Etc. P. J. UEDELHOFFEN. EXTERMINAT- ig engineer. Ph. Wilmette 3867. 16LTN17-tfc McKIBBAN - CARPENTER, HOUSE repairs, painting, cement-plasterer, y)atching,,screen.m, porches, cabinet-work, plans, estimates. Wilmette 2634. 16LTN11-1tip CLOCK REPAIRINS CLOCK EXPERT, CHIME, HALL, N- tique dock repairing. .Learned f ade in Europe. (Formerly with Tiffany and Field's.) WIll caîl. Free estimates. David Johansson. Phone Diversey 2041. 20LTN9-9tp 1FARM OPRODUCE FOREST VIEW POULTRY FARM FRESH EGGS AND DRESSED POULTRY Always on hand. Caîl or del iver 1853 N. G reen Bay Rd. Glencoe 1267 24LTN11-tpr VEGETAB LES for sale 636 Illinois. Road Wilmette 24LTNI1-ltp INSTRUCTION BEACH PLAY CLASS 5 mornings a week from 9 te 12 Transportation provlded. $2 a week WINNETKA 669 3OLTN11-ltp GERMAN AND FRENCH LESSONSi by experienced teacher, $1.25 per heur. lesson., N. S. refs. Phone Winn, 35. 3OLTN1-ltp1 'LAUNDUY WASHING, IRONING,1 BY EXPER. Germian laundresa at home. Caîl and deliver. outside drying, rot.. Phone Winnetka 3019. 34L1-ltp BLECTRIC CABINET BATH, COM- plt. scientiftc massage, ultra violet and infra red lamp. Speclal summer offer, 4 treatments for $5. 627 Grovje St. Phono Greenleaf 1642. S8LTN7-tfp NUROINQ PRACTICAL NURSE MAS NEW MOD- ern home. Will take persone as pa- tients or boarders. Quiet, excellent food. and care. Reas. Write Delong,i Grays Lake, Ill., or phono 237.1 41LTN1I-Itp PAINTING AND DECORATING Ceiiling Calciin.red $1 U») RM. PAPERED. $3; KIT. PAINTED, $6.up; paper cleined,, 75c; also dr, outside painting with pure white lead and oul, also stucco finish with pintex. Very reas. Ref. furn. Louis, Wii. 5034. 42LIl1-l PAINTING & DECORATINO Flrst ciass work guaranteed Rteasonable prices. C. W. Anderson Phone Wilrnette 4621 42LTNî 1-4tp PETS ENGLISHý SPRINGER PEDIGREED pups. 3 months old. Phone Wilmette 895-Y-1. 44LTN1-ltp PIANO TUNINSI EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. RE- pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chlck- ering, Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 Fair- view. Park Ridge 699-R. 45LTN7-4tp Pianosý Tuned & Regulated WORK GUARANTEED Factory, Dealer, Accoustic Laboratory experience; good references. E. I. VAN HARLINGEN .Wllmette i323 Wllmette Ave. Wilmette 2744 Chicago-4218 Lowell Ave. Kildare 8642 45LTN31-tfp SEWING MACHINE, REPAIRINO SEWING MACHINES AND VACUUM CLEANERS, ALL kinds repaired. Establishedmore than fifty years ago. Now located in Wil- mette. L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilmette 754 or 4368. 53LTN29-tfc UPHO&MTERY AND SLIP COVERS SLIP COVERS, Draperies and curtains made to order Expert workmanship. Ph. Glencoe 1419. 58LTN8-4tp WEARING APPAREL BOYS' & GIRLS' CUSTOM MADE coats,' suite, dresses, 25% discount on ordere placed before Aug. 1 for Sept. 1 delivery. PRISCILLA SHOP. 980 LINDEN AVE. 59LTN1-tp FUR COATS LEFT WITH US FOR storage and repairs, but uncalled for: Black pony coat, $15; brown caracul. $20; gray caracul, $24; leopard cat, $29; American broadtail, $24; black caracul, $28; raccoon, $25; Hudson Seal, $50; genuine mink, $150;, and many others worth four times their prie. Also 20 jaquettes at ,$10 and 38 fur scarfs at $2. Economy. section, Miller Fur Co., 166 North' Michigan Ave., Chicago, open evenings. r59LTN11-Stc LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanston. Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfc SITUATION wANTE-D-FEr#ALE EXPER. AND) RELIABLE WHITE woman wishes day work of any kind. $3 a day. Refs. furnished If desired.. Caîl Wilmette 2719. 68LTN48-tfp RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS LAUN- dry work Tues. and Thurs. Girl wants morning.or afternoon work. Best N. S. Refs. Phono 'Glencoe 1004. 68L11-tp SITUTIONWANTED-FIVEMALE EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE Sdomestic heip, ail nationalities. fNo charge te employers. References in- vestîgated. Under State supervision. Reiihart's Enipi. Agency 74,S Eln' St. Winnetka 3399 68LTN25-tfe- DOMESTIC HELP ReIiable Efficient SHAY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Established 20 years Two offices la Chicago 109 E. Oak St. 14 W. Washington Sup. 6608 Central 9800 68LTN11-1te- COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Eflicient Service for North Shore Hoines WE INVESTIGATE REFEREN'E-S WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Paulinie's Eîrii. Agency WVILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden Oppos~ite -L" Ter~. 68 LT N47-t fc Germiai 28, good cook. 2 -3-.s- fo. eni. Bohemnian, 22, 2 yrs exip. I Ars; for- iler clpl. Germuan, 30, 3 yrs. former enml. Finnish, 34, 21/ yrs, former einap. Reinhart's Enipil. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 68LTÉN11-ltc, RELIABLE EXPERIEN CED WHITE woman wants laundry work by day. Refs. Phone Winnetka 1867. 68LTN11-ltl) YOUNG, WHITE, WITH 6%k YR. chiid. Wants work in ,priv. family. Exper'd, steady worker, good refs. Phone Winn. 986. 68LTN11-Itp EXPERIENCED YOUNG W(JMAN wishes day work; laundry, cleaning, care of children. N. S. rets. Ph. Wil- mette 3809. 68LTN1l-Itp SITUATION WANTEzDý-MALE Garden and I-Iousework WANTED BY EXP. MAN BY DAY or hour. Phone Winnetka 1552. ___________________ 69LTN1-ltp' EXPERIENCED C H A U. F F E UR, ho! seman. Ail 'round or iaundry worký Best N. S. rets, Caîl University 6471. 69LTN11-ltp COLORED, 27. 2 YRS. LAST PLACE. Best referenceq, Reinhart's Em'pi. Agency 748 Elna St. Winnetka 3399 69LTN1I -1 tc HOUSE CLEANING, LAWN WORK, painting, calciminipg, windows wasb- ed both sides 8c each, odd jobs. A-i N. S. rets. Ph. WU.mette 2088. 69LTN1O-4tp MÎAN, WHITE, 28 YRS. OLD, WANTS position as gardener, houseman and chauffeur, 5 yrs. exper. on north shore. A-1 ret, Phono Glencoe.1973. 69L,11-ltp CLEAN FURNACES, TAXE DOWN trees, eient work of an y kind, repair driveways. Phono Wînn. 1813. 69L,11-ltp SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE Carlsoni's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET - WINNETKA 3328 RELIABLE HELP Ail domestic positions NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS 70LTNI-tfe GERMAN COUPLE, ý32 AND 33. IBEST references. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm St, Winnetka 3399 7DILTN11-1te COUPLE, GERMAN, 32, WIFE, GOOD cook, man exper'd chauffeur, butler and houseman, refs. Phone, Winnetka 3218. 7OL#TN11-ltp HKLP WANTED-FEMALE LIMITED, NUMBER OF GOOD PAY- Ing sales positions open for'ambltious workers-no experience necessary but must have good character references and pleaslng personallty. For further details phono Winnetka 2298 between 5, and 7 P. M. 71L11-ltp NURSEMAID-MUST BE E XPERI- enced, Care of 2 children and 2%- month old baby. Assist with second work. 1$10 wk. Ph. Glencoe 1775. 71LIl-ltp PA ULINE'S--WILMET.TE POSITIONS OPEN FOR EXP. 'MAILS .WITH GOOD REFS. NO -CHARGE FOR REGISTRATION Pauline's Empi. Agency- 4th & Linden Opp. "L" Ter. 1 Blk-. Linden Sta. . N., S. Line WHITE ('IRL FOR GENERAL HOLJ'SE- work, plain cooking, $6. Phone Win- netka 3180. JIT1-t COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED with good references. Apply in person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 711LTN1 2ý-tfe- EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk. Plain' cooking. Owîi roomi and bath. Good home. $5 t<) start. Phone~ Wilmette 4422. -ilLTN1-1tiè HEL.P WANTED-MALE (x;AI)ENER-MIARRIED, NO CHIL- dren. Must have good rets. and exp. In ail branches. Permwanent, $100 month, and unfurn. cottage. Address A-115, Box 40. Wilrnette. 72LTN11-ltp HELP WANTED>-MALE AND FEMALE DOMESTIC HEU? EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED Good Openings at once Lindgren Empi. Agencv Established 25 years 799 Elm St. Wlnn. 1047 ____________________ 73LTN1-tfc FOR'SALE-AUTOS "27 Buick 5)-Pass. Coupe EXCELLENT CONDITION $75. CASH- only. W. J. McDowell, 915 Denipster, Davis 7625. 77LTNII-Itp 1930 PACKARD 8 DELUXE SEDAN'; side mounts, excellent condition. $100 cash, balance 12 monthly $25 notes. . G. Daily,, 618 Tenth St., Wilmette 1973. 77LTN11-1 tp 1P30. DELUXE 5 PASS. ('ADILLAC Sedan, 6 wire wheels, excellent eond., low nilleage. Heasonable. Private party. Cali Wilmette 4506. 77LTN1-ltp '31 CADILLAC, 5 PASS. SEDAN,, IN l)erfect cond. Completely equ ipped w ith six wire wheels, newv tires, radio, spot light, etc. Liquidation of estate. Bargain at $1,100. P'h. Davis 1102, be- tween 6 and 7 P. M. 77LTN11-ltp FORfItENTr-mOOMS ATTRACTIVE, FURNISHED ROOM Includlng lireplace and lav. Central location. Phono Wilmette 2399 or 2427. 82LTN10-4tp LARGE, WELL-FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen em- ployed. 3 blocks to ail transportation. Wlnnetka 1894. Cali after Friday. 82L11-ltp 2 PLEASANT BEDROOMS, 1/ BLOCK from transportation, 720 Elm St., 3rd floor, Wînnetka. Phone Winn. 2480. 82L11-itp LARGE LIGUT, FURNISHED ROOM, %, block from laite, good transporta- tion. Phone Wilmette 3152. 82LTN11-ltp HANDSOMELY FURNISHED LARGE front room. Private home privileges, no other roomers. Best transp. Home board if desired. Ph. Wilmette 867. 82LTN11-ltc FURNISHED ROOMS WITH KITCHEN privileges.' Kelthb 222 Ninth Street, Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 901-R. 82LTN11-1tc LARGE PLEASANT .ROOM, NEAR, tranep. Sultable for 1 or 2. Gentle- men preferred. Phone Winnietka 1580i 82LT'N11-Itp LIARGE AIRY ROOM.SUITAIBLE FOR light housekeeping, 1 block te transp., private entrance and bath. Reas. Ap- ply 1099 Tower road, Phone. Winn. 2848. 82LTN11-ltp MAHOGANY FURNISHED ROOM, .priv., bath and porch, 2 closets, beau-, tiful neighborhood, near lake and transp, Phone Winn. 2144. S82LTN11-ltp A COOL.' COMFORTABLE ROOM. adjacent to bath; in attractive home with beautiful gardon, ur. beach and transp. Breakfast and garage if de- sired. Ph. Wilmette 855. 82LTN11-ltp : 1 --

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