Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 42

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WILMETTE LIFE July 19, 1934 ATTEND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs.ý David -R.* DeCa mp of615 Abbotsford road, Kenilwôrth, returned last SundayI from P- ort Wayne, Ind., Where they -hàd gone to attend'the màarriage of their son, Wil- son, and Miss Lucille Lapp.. The young couple 'are spending theïr honcymoon in Ithe Adirondacks,' and on their return wîll be at homeat 32Coply-radkronOh' Mrs. Thomas Coyue, 240 Meirose avenue, Kenilwortb, will be bostess at a luncheon this Friday for bier scwing club members. I ONE CASE Monarch Beer $2-10per case? UT IS JUST IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE BETIER BEER THAN MONARCH AT ANY PRICE. This is' on. of the few Brew-, criss that have op.rafed con- finuouily tkrougk tihe dry y.ars under Federal supervision. If s the most poputar in Chicago. For conveuiemice phone Wunnetka 910 MOAC Ba WIus0c4ý HOMEPROM TRIP 'Mrs. 1. G. Lee, 813 Michiganz,,ave- nue, and ber mhother, Mrs. H. H. Heaford, wbo lives, witb ber most of tbe time,- recently returjned from a, five weeks' tour of 3,600 miles in the east.' Mrs. Lee. attended, ber class reunion at Welles'ley and saw several friends graduate. They visited Ashe- ville,~ Washington, New York, and Hartford,_ Conn., and returned througb the Berkshires. FOR HOUSE'GUEST Mrs. M. LeRoy Minor, 929 Sheri- dan road, entertained at a bridge luncheon Saturday at the Xorth Shore Golf club in honor of ber bouse guest, Mrs. joseph, C. Hart of Beverly HuIs, Cal. wbo ivith hér son, Charles,. spent the week-end with the Minors.- . 15 bO> hernn Ave. Uni. 3444 WIDE RANGE WVestern Elecie Sound System Lanny Ross, Charli. Rugjgl.s 88MELODY IN SPRINGue- Extra @§The Sig, Bad Wolf' SATURDAY, JULY 21 Johnny Weissmuller "TARZAN AND NUS, MATE"8 Held Over-"ýBig Bad Wol SUN., MON.. JULY 223.3. SHIRLEY TEMPLE Warn.r Baxter, Madge Evans "Stand Up and Cheer" TUIES., WEU.. JULY 24-25 Diçk Powell, Gingeýr Rog.ers "820 MILLUON SWEETH EARTS"r THURS., FR1., JULY 26-27 KARLOFF and SELA LUGOSI Vleida Presenin Melodiesand Thrill Thursday and, Friday are car- pleasinig days at the >Vaiencia theater *where the new wide range, soun d system. reproducesý the voice of Lannyr Ross, radio's well-known film tenor, as bhe makes bis, screen debut in ."Melody in Spring,"' an elabor- ately staged production also featur- ing Ann Sothern and- that comedy team, Charlie Ruggles 'and Mary Boland. "Tarzan and His Mate," a gasp- mspiring production that skilfully blcnds realism and fantasy, thnills on Saturday, July 21, at the Valencia. Johnny Weissmuller, Maureen O'Sul- livan and Neil Hamilton star. Sunday and Monday, uly 22. and 23, are lively with "Stand Up and Cheer," in which Warner Baxter, assistcd by. Madge Evans, brings mirth to the nation with an inspiring presentation of mp sic and -dance numnbers by Shirley Temple. jimml% Dunln, John Bales and a score of others. "*Twcnty Million Swecthearts," with Dick Powell, Pat O'Brien and Ginger Rogers in the leading roles, fills the Valencia with fine tunes and big moments of a radio studio Tucsdav and Wcdncsday, July 24 and 25. 1 Boris' Karloff's new chilI-thriller, "The Black Cat." refrigerates the old spine with icy tingles Thursday and Friday- July. 26 and 27. Bela Lugosi. David Manners and Jacqueline Wells are thrcatencd with dangers in Kar- loff's wcird abode. RETURN FROMÀ TRIP Mrs.. H-arry P. Harrison, Ruth, Joc, and Jane, 307 Abbotsford road, re- turned to -Kenilworth Friday, motor- ing from the west wherc they visîted the Yosemite, Bryce, and Ycllow- stqne National parks, and spent two day at Sait Lake City. Mrs. Harri- son, Joe, and Jane werc gone five weeks having motored to Claremont, Cal., to sec Miss Ruth graduate froM Scripps college. Daniel bas been at their farmi in Lcland, Mich., since school closed. -'. GUESTS FROM IOWA The R. C. Quinlevans, 1928- Thorn- wood avenue, had as their guests. last week Mrs. Quii7levan's brother and sistepi -law,, Mr. and Mrs.. T. L. BO sen of Des Maines, Iowa, and their six cbildrcn, Teddy Jim, Mar- garet Anne, Dick,. John, Billy and Jimmy. The Bocscns, wbo spent several days in Evanston this week, left for their home by motor yester- day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eppig, who were married in May, arc staying with the formcr's mother, Mrs. Margaret Eppig, 827 Ashland avenue, during the construction of their new home in the Indian Hill estates, wbicb is cxpccted to be completed in an- other month. 0o Edward C. Geither, -.621 Raleigh road, Keriilworth, lcft Wednesday >of last wcek with six friends from Du-. luth for a ten-day sailing cruise and fishing trip on the Nippigon river. His daughter, Jeanne, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fleager of Highland Park at their ummer- home on Pine Lake, Wis. .ers Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simmons and their son, Wells, of 825 Lake avenue spent last wcck with tîxcir-other son and bis wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dwigft Simmons of Syracuse,. N. -Y., returnr- ing home by motor last Sunday. Miss Lucille Craven of Joliet was the guest last weck of Mrs. 'Madeline "Day, -dgugjhter of the, Robert S. Swaims, 701 Laurel avenueý, SHORE LNE lLACK-iEYE.D SLJSAN Oh Sitsan, black-eyed'Sue,. You grâce surnmer's green anezz, The frayin lace you nsow replace *On robe of verdant hue; Oh Siesan, blzck-eyed Sute, Could u'e bce more like yoi;, Rach care-worpt grace te'd too replace. Oh Sitsait, black-eyed Sute. Oh Susan, black-eyed Su, We're grate fiiall ta yoit. Your deep broimi eye looks to the skY. Srniling the suinner throsigh. Oh Swsan, black-eyed Site, Could we be mnore, like you; Though days be hot we'd grunible siot, Oh Susan, black-eyed Site. -Edna E. La» fervnan SAVED FROM HELL ON THE 61,P (A truc story by a truc-to-type. sinner)-I was riding the 'L' train toward my editorial duties after spend- ing one of the usual week-ends, when my attention was capturcd by a gii I making great conversational commo- tion about five seats behind me. Her quiet female companion was wcathcring the. great gusts of verbiage with ad.- mirable complacency. I rcsumed the rcading of a newspaper and paid no attention to the Great Taiker until she walked down the aisie and asked the conductor something. On the way back, she passed me and our cycs met... Our eycs had ' met . . . and she walked directly toward me. (Had 1 unconsciously bypnôtized her with that glance of mine?) ..Yes, there's no disputin' The, power of Rasputin- 1 think I'd better Break and run- Her eyes are on me Like a gun . Steadily looking at me and stili sulent, she kcpt, on toward me-and what do> you think bappened? Shehanded me a Gospel tract. Then she promptly went back to ber f emale companion to re- sume the great gushes and variations of verbiage. So I was duly elevated - right there on the elcvatcd train. Young woman -whoever you are-thank you! Maybe wc'll meet again in an airpiane... and so on into the stratosphere. In the future, bowever,,. l'il have to wear smoked glasse's'î when riding in public conveyapces. Maybe that will take the edgc f rom those hypnotic powcrs which migbt resuit disastrously if. the recipients of the rays are flot armed witb Gospel tracts. Rasputin, you old skate, why wereyou ever bora? -NIGHT EDITOR. CALL OF THE MILD Vacatiopt. time is calling ine Auwy from dities cvii To, lakes and forests far removed-. We hope, nat too primeval. l'il rent a* cabin in the wioods To rest from urban slumming l'lrent a cabin in the. woods- Provided it has plumbintg. l'il bc no more à hot-house plant But 1 teill "rough it" gaily- Indeed, l'il stay outsie the hou.se At lea.rt two houri. daily. Yes. 1l11 returis so bold and brave That when I go ta North Shoare tetis, l'ill have thte courage ta demand: <'Another lump of sugar, please!" -What-a-Man. J. ý.WIL.MEýT*ýTE. LIIPE july 19, 19,14

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