Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 40

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a Ani, ,JLAjrja- - jUiy £Y, AY54 Wil ett Plyg rou dan ecrea tion Activities Natm Wiers î n Sea son 'S Poster Tests Winners in the annual playground poster contest bave been announced by Daniel M. Davis, director of rec- reation. The posters wer~ judged last week at the recreatiol offices, 914 Central avenue, wbere they will remain on display until the close of the playground season when they will be removed to tbe playgrounds. for the final bandicraft exhibits. The posters were made at tbe play- grounds and were entirely the work of the children submitting them in the contest. Originality and neatness were the main points upon which the judging was based, although crafts- manship and lay-out were stressed, Mr. Davis said. Judges for the oc- casion were Mrs. Alonzo J. Coburn and Mrs. John C. Baker. The winners of the various divi- sions were: Seniors-Shirley 'Pearson, Vattman park. first place; Beatrice L.eal, Vatt- man park, second place; Virginia Marsh, Vattmaîî park. third place, and jacque line Miller. Village Green. fourth place. Interniediates - Marcia Anderson. Vattman park, first place: Marjorie Pearson, Vattman park. second place:- Peter Schaefer, NVattmnau park. third place, and Mary Elizabeth Bacon. Vattman park. fourtlh place. Junior s - Patsy Symoi1., Village Green, first place; James Schaefer. Vattman park, second Place, Betty Schwall, Village Green, third place. and Doris Symions. Village Green, fourth place. DEFER GIRLS' GAMES The Girls' Playground Baîl league games, which are usuallyplayed on Thursday evenings, will be omitted July 26 because of the annual play- ground track meet, which wiII be beld at Village Green that evening. Tbe games will be played later. NEIHRRSNEARLY WIN The Elmwood Avenue Neighbors almost won a playground baIl game. That's news.,The ýtean, playilg in the "easy" pitching league for men, bas been baving bard luck througb- out the season. Many, times the players bave been just a mun or two bebind their opponents but neyer nuite succeeded in winning game dur- the entire summer. However, Friday, July 13, was a lucky day. for them. During the. first seven innings tbey, led the Unknowns, and for several of, 'tbose inhn ngs by a margin of ten runs. The Unknowns, however, began to creep up in the fourtb and in the eigbth succeeded in tying the score and eked out the winning run in the ninth. Given another Friday, tbe l3th, and the Elmwood Neighbors expect to get a shut-out game. STARTS AN EPIDEMIC Winberg Drugs playground. bal teamn is responsible for the fad of first baseman on tbe teanis donnink. gloves for their- duties. It seenis that William Winberg, manager of the team, read > in tbe rmIe book tbat gloves migbt Ie worn in a legal game J. Ryerson V. Meter' of plygrond. bail if the players so W ern desired. The information didn't mean B. Moran much to him, however, until bis first W. Winberg basemnan hurt a finger and muffed A. Fearlni an easy. catch at first.ý Then, remem- bering tbe rule book's authority for C. S. (84) doing so, be immediately purcbased T. Sxtofl a gov fr ba player. The first Y. Hardt basenian wore bis glove in spite of R. Gauger jeers and jibes until the play-off J_ Hitinan game with tbe C. S. teani for first B. Biork round bonors, the latter part. of F. Peltroski jüne. W. Robertson In that- play-off game the C. S. D. Russel first baseman bad a hard tume catch- Wlnberg Durugs (26), R. Meter ing easy put-outs and in desperation R. Sullivan borro.wed the Winberg first base- YJ. Harrison man's glove. At the next scheduled W. wyle J. Ryerson game he appeared with his own glove V. Meter and from tha Ct te on gloves ap- J. Blaha peared on first basernen's hands like A.- Ferrarini B. Mora n an epidemic. Now every first baseman W. Vînbeîrg in the 'easyý" l)itcliiilg league sp)orts a glove.Stidns( ________________________________________J offrn-ann Florists lu.. .......... iWinberg Drugs ILEAGUE GAMES i r 1 Elmwoodj Neighbors Girls' Ilaj grond h all League fierr Hand Launclry T X T (30) t'n kilqinwas (16) B. Leal S. Keil FAST I'IT('11-iI L. Suhwall E.Kisehit Village eleatiers V. Marsh fi. Bezdek (12) A. Wagner E. ZOjPP%. Hawkinson B). Kitrusch P. Shlea R. Klinge 1).L)ttrar.1. Miller l1ronies(41»H. Knobel E.rSwnaeh(a >n (' lass (à) T. Hopkins 1. sharnaaeo. K;iline.- T. Schinler V. CS ristaeu E. Keenor .1. seh.aefge1] L. Jhtansenxi. Berg S. iHawlçin.,;,,n E. .JannersonI- .Braun -S. Bleser E. attrso C. Cazel .1. ('l(chlnj YP C (9) Il. fiel-fies B. l'e11 M. Kunimer M . SeIzer V. Monahan A. Tyreil E. Phillîps A. Phillips G. Hoffman G. Birlauf Standisi Bro we S TNer i'roubles Unknowns. Gym Class Y. P. C. , igs juli. la "onà * 4 2 .2 J. I. F. J. D E.1 R.1 EASY PITChllNt. Elinwood Neighbors (26) R. Miller C. Edwards G. MeIntyre P. Bleser j. Linn T. Engels> P. Bleser J. Bleser R. Chester Mi. Knieîp Elmwood. Neighbors (&) H. Miller J. Edwards R. Chester A. Bauer T. Engels J. Linn H. Peters J. Bleser P. Bleser C. Kirwan R. Marty Hoffmnann Floriosa (16) J. Hoffmann R. Braun ., H. Kusmertz E. Hartmann G. Huck B. Udel D. Huck D. Hoffmann J. Miller J. Suhinler Wlnberg Drugs 21 I. Meter R. Sullivan J. Harrison V. WyIe .1. cazel w.~hite M. E. Byer.- "roubles (19) BSchaefer N.Selhne.dei- F. Toscani .-N. Rodenkirk R. Tiocani F. Sliitz NOrth Sianbre 1(1) B. streJif a' Wgner. F. l-eitr<ski M. i-,Iy B. Bohnen 1). 11 offin an J.Byrnes Dff.Eue D. Krafthefer U>>~ S. Canipbell tGvr F. Hooper à r.at Kerr JRand Laundry (11) P. Kaspar E. Carlson F. Kaspar F. Aschbacher W. Foslunid H. Meyer J. Heinemann H. Knoble F. Homann M. Dethoif Y. P. C. (14) H. Peters J. Hawkinson R. Steffens E. Bleser A. Bauier M. Kneip E. Thaiman, R. Bleser S. Hanke S. Hoff minn Honie-made puppets will be intro- duced on the Wilmette playgrounds as a part of the elaborate handicraft program being inaugurated"at the two parks this week. Puppets. havè al- ways had an appeal 'for children,. Daniel M. Davis, director of recrea- tion, announces, and Miss Dorothy Buehler and Miss Ruth Bushnell, handicraft and dramatic instructors, respectively, are cooperating in the construction of puppets for a show to be held later on at each play- ground. In addition to puppet-making the mi IU l<tl) aniuca ia. program i s 3 an. auiJ tus woi, qýt cq.one and for the information of moth- :î 0 1.00 ers of playground children Miss .... . 3 0 1.000 Buehler has outlined the follow.-iig 2 O1.000 .1 -,00o prograni of that activity which wvill 1 2 .333 occup)y the rest of the playground * 0 1 .000 sa'n 0 3. 000scasn 0 ~ .01)0 Week -of JuIy 20 NG L FA4L G1 Clay miodeling-book-ends, paper Vattman , ml Stu rs weights, door stops, bowls. (3) Raffia and reed work-baskets an(] C. Std'fnles P. H<elx, mats. Purse-making- boucle an(] W.PhilIips :ape purses. V. G smil aste baskets -wall paper andl IL Stefe', colored paper baskets. .sieiln Pillowvs - varn 1'animal.s on cloth Il.Ste'fesbackground. E. Thlmnan Indian headdress for younger' chli- dren-wveaving with yarn and paper. "'lr.,uet W1 ileTailior. (12Y E. S(tlllette, M. B3ecker G. l-lur-k H. Werner W. Fo.slund F. Kaspar P. Steffens fi. Bal D. Lynch VattamaAI] Stars (1) F. Aschhacher J. Stein Lost Pet. p. 1Hoel7 O1.000 C.G i s n 1 -800 H.Steffens 2 .666 P. Henrekson 2 .500 R. Steffens 4- .333 E. Tlhalimin 6 .000 C'. -Steffens 'IP'. EHa ley N orth Shore cheirolet ""Wns (20) .SlaYton E. Bleser Campbell D. Chester . Burrili .4. Bohnen Hooper W. JIohnson J'Byrnes W. Winter ). Cressy B. Streiff Campbell M.(iUy Henrichs M. îflej R. Klein B. Kneip Bliasedelli(,. Bleser C. S. (28) J. Heitman B. Lange 1. Saxton R. Gauger F. Heitman 1B. Bjork F. Petroski B. Gauger C. Schnmidt W. BiolI ('Obblers (6) N.Welch N. Smith S. Wils J. Clauson M. Johnson 1R. Bing -E. Plaeek H. Sehwall E. Heller S. Smith unknowns (8) J. Kraft J. Slayton R. Klein D. Creffly Wilnîette Tallorç E. Sehuette M. Becker G. Huck FI. Werner W. Foslund F. Kaspar 1-. Sehwall FP 1-artmian H. Bail M. Placek C. W. Welter (7). .Y. Steffens F. Howe A. Iunbe rg WSteffens '.Welter B.N May P, NMay R. ('rahm M.T -Reimer Week of JuIy 27 \Voôod work-book-end s and bird hou ses. Napkin rings. Raffia. and crepe paper - braided l)elts. bracelets, jump ropes, jars, vases, and pictures. Log flowter boxes. Braun 11ros. (9) R. Braun Week of August 4 E. Udeli Puppets-various . kinds. E. Brau n R. Huck Pictures-crepe paper, colored pa- P. Bohnen per. and cut out pictures. .J. Hoffnian ar %vork-mem book-,pr- H. Johnson Paeeo ,pr- B.'vans folios, receipt books and holdérs, con- B.. Huck fetti paper boxes. J. Hoffrnat E. Miller Week of August 11 C. W. Wete PJaper flowers and other handcraft B. Steffens work in. connection with forma[ clos- P. Howe *ing program of each -playground. A. Lundberg _________ K. Steffens C. Welter First rm tcEffort L. Steine r Given at Vattman Park R..Ma R.-rh The first pa-- to bel..v- un-er the direction~ of the new- dramatic teacher at the playgrounds was pre- sented by Vattman Park older girls this morning at the playground* pre-, ceding the junior girls' kickball game. "Mellodrammer" was the. name oi the play which was a farcical presen- tation of the melodramas of a cen- tur-y ago. The -cast of characters was as follows Manuel * .. . - -Dorothy Davis Zingeralla ......*Virginia Marsh Maggie .......... Beatrice'Leal Patrick ............Alice Wagner Curtains ........ Peggy Peterson and Marjorie Pearson Horizon......... Mary Elizabeth Bacon Darkness....... Marela Anderson Shadow .. ...... Dolores Lundy Sun ,...... ........ Betty Marsh Hour ,... ..... Virginia Lundy Stairs.--....... Shirley Pearson Miss Ruth Bushnell. directed the play and bas annouinced tbat a sim-1 lar play is in rebearsal at the Village Green, which will be presented in the near future. Village Cenr W. - Hawkinson IL Klinge J. Miller H., Knobel T.» Honkins T. Schinler .1. Schaefgen S. Keil S. Ludiger H. Hawkins)n Brauma Bros. (1-,) S. Braun J. Hnffman E. Braun R. Huek P. Bohnen' R. Evans W.-,Huck W. Johnmon E. Miller standings Won Wilmette Tailors .....9 Villaize Cleaners .... 8 Bra.,un Bros. Silver Flash 7 Nortil Shore Chevrolet .5 ".W. -Welter -3 VtmnAitrStars..... Lost 2 6 8 10. Pet. .818 .727 .700 .454 .272 .90 ig .WILýMETTE LIPE Play Cenfers

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