Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 36

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July' 19, 1934 Wl! AID TTD 1IPP - Z.** - = = - - - - - HOHE ÂND GARDE N AT GARDEN CLUB PARLEY Mrs., Gilbert Kelly, Mrs. C. G. Litteil, Miss Margaret Harris'of Ken- ilviorth. and Mrs. Sidney Bail of Winnetka returned Sunday after vis- iting a week ini the east where tbey wént to represent the Kenilwortb Garden club at the aninual meeting of the Garden Club of Amnerica at Bar Harbor, Mains, ivhich was at- tended by 450 metmber." They spent tbree days in Bar. Harbor and two in the village of York, where they vis- ited the gardens and bistoric bouses and were entertained hy the Piscata- qua club. STONE MASON Ceuient & Bepair Work-Lfly Pool. Peraonal Attenion J. SHORTRIDGE 421 ltlebuond Rod Telephome Kouilwortb 2736 THOMIAS DECRTNG CO. Painting and Decorating 1033 MAIN STREET Wilmte 2378 HELP. IN MORTGAGE TROUBLE! If YOD fear losini or sacrificing your home or other property- vacant or improved- WB CAN HELPI1 The Linn Bureau 5219 N. Kimbal Ave.. Chicago Telephone Iving 8730 IVrie For Aua A ppointment, Or Ask For Deoki.: -WANTED- ErSTv MORTOAGE LOANS W. have fundu available. for conservative mortgaies on North Shore Propcrty in amounts from $2,000 to $10,000. Joseph C.- Cornack & Co.. Real Estat. Leaos and lusurance IS09 Sherman UNI. 3353 1N. La Sali.Street Chieago Central 0227 IA CORNER FOR, THE 'CHILDREN IS HIAPP Y IDEA By Christine Holbroek (Btetter Hontes and Gardeiis Homte Pirotisiiys'irector) T HE RE is no reason wby the presence of children in the home should be an excuse for shabby furn- ishings or inartistic surroundings. With a little planning we can make tbings 50 practical that the children cai not. hurt tbemf, and yet have themn beautiful. Wall fabrics and wvash- able wallpapers are avaiaîble in a great number today and it is simply a question of selecting wbat our means allow. Painted walls witb excellent wasb- able finishes can now be had in soft pastel sbades from wbich spots can be removed with a damp cloth. Wainscotings of wood are again popular. Tbey. serve 10o keep tbe wallpaper from being marred by chairs or other pieces of furniture. The wall in the hall and on a stair- case cati have the lower part in a plain washable fabric and combine it with a top of interesting, scenic pattern. Linoleum Practical Floor problems are solved by pat- terned rugs or carpets which help to bide tbe marks of little feet. In the rooms frequently used by children do not neglect the great advantages offered by linoleuim. Shops are ful of lovely colors in this floor covering and design§ round which vou could build the whole room. A late development in the linoleum field is that of a little lighter weight quality which bas been adapted for wall use. It is.a permanent covering that comes in every possible soft shade and bas the added advantage that eventually should you tire of the original you can paint it over. .Storage Space Needed Make plans for loads of storage space and with this idea in mind it is astonishing the number of corners and places under windows where you can build in shelves or 'cupboards. Wbat about fixing up the dining room as a place of retreat for the children to do their studying in, or where they can play quiet games? It doesn't mean much in the wray of refurnishing to use the dinijng room table with its expansive top, and to pull up the dining room chairs. But one should have an adequate Ipt'the home whcire there are children, the living-room' caji easily have a groieping of their ozen sinall-sized furniture. and pretty center light over the table. And why not arrange a com- fortable chair over by the window with a floor, lamp at just the right height and a small table placed close to the chair, but large enough to hold an ash tray, a book, or the evening paper?. This, of course, makes the dining rooni do double duty, addingi to it the comforts of.a family sitting room. Have a footstool that, during the day, can be slid ini under the comfortable chair and pullcd out when it is needed. Perhaps add a desk with ample drawer space where study ing can be done, and the pens and ink tucked away when'not in use. The desk's small drawers wvould be splendid to take care of small games and the flat silver that1 is not used every day and the small table linen. Such a desk would be an aid to the housekeeping member of the family in making up lier ac- cou nt s. Hangingshelves could take care of extra. books. or china, and a corner of the room that.might otherwise be lost space could be filled in with built-in bookshelvcs to hold the school books, cooking books, anid so forth close at hand.* Into these shelves could be .fitted a radio. If the dining room is to ,bç,. a1 gathering p)lace for the family, the wall covering. should be seriously considered. Here an inexpensive wvas hable paper of soft pastel colors would be ideal as a background that one could 1l'ive with, and yet would permit a variety of harmonious color schcines for the table settino-s., Each child, if possible, should have a> room of his own no matter how small, with his spe 'cial requtests for comfort satisfied. Discarded pieces of furniture should not bc given chul- dren unless they want thern. A good idea is tb give a piece of furniture for the child's own -room at Christmas andl on birthdays. A rooni can be quickly furnished this way. Let the Children Help In the child's own rooni d10 tot decorate ini too expensive a manner. Children like *change and their tastes will develop., as they age. Let theni change the color of the walls and the -voodwork every two years and teach them to make and seýv things for their rooms. Xaiting. to decorate, refurnish, or reuphoîster whepi the, children grow Up is a sad-mistake because the chil-ý dren will1 then be making their own hom es. Among the minor details that keep (Continued on Page 38), 1571 Shernia.Aeu MORTOAGE LOANS WC are inthe market for conservative first mort.- gage loans, on residences, apartments and office buildings. Quinlan & Tyson, mnc. J. RMM FOOTE LANDSCAPE, AND GARDEN SERVICE Phone Winnetka79 w 1 IL.-M im à à im, JL. Aýàý- im im .

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