Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 33

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July, 19, 11934 Saturday Night Dance 1s Popular et Illinois Altbough- most of the fnorth shore Clubs are, giving summer piarties feýr their members, the 'llinois Golf club bas -itistituted, this, year, a regular party dance every Saturday 'Iighit at the'.club) which is proving verv popular. Last Saturday there was a large turnout 'of. memibers and their guests, and the party.did ilot break up '-til the wvee' sma' hours- of the iiiorfintg. Next Saturday and everv Saturdav for the rest of the season.i. tese <ances w~il lie omie of the regular event., of rnanv other events to be hield at tie' Club. TIhis increased activitv at Illinois, is greatly. responsible for its iîcreasing incîrbership. niow alrnost at the twc niiii<lred lhnark. -rîîe club) lia., made several nice changes and with the, nemberslîip ,ini- creasmng. the clul) is prospering and is de-tiîîed to become on1e of the most successful and sociaflv active golf clubs on the nortl sshore, ; its board an- nounices. The golf events for the coin- ing week include the first round for the Illinois trophiv on Saturdav, a prize for 1 *ow net Sunday morning. and a two-ball mixed foursomie con- test Sunday afternoon. I.adlies' dav is held Wednesday of each week. The wvinn.ers of the blind bogey event last Saturday were Glenn Holmes o1r Glencoe, W. Brochon and, AI Ross of Evanston. Enferfain Mr. an d Mrs. Frank Schaedler, 301 Sheridan road, had as their dininer guest last Sunday evening the Ger- man consul in Chicago,, Dr. Rolfe Jager; Dr. William Tannenberg. the Germarn vice-consul; «,\r. and MNrs. 'William Heidke, 'anid,.r. and Mrs. Adoîf Schwanger. M.\rs. Heidke is president cf the Germian Art Society of Chicago and MIr. Schwanger1 is president cf the Technischer Verein cf Chicago (Society cf Technicians). Last Thursday Mrs. Schaedler enter- tained for lunlcheon and a lawn party bridge 107 members cf the Independ- ent German American Woman's club, a civic organization in Chicago. Wins Blue Ribbon Mrs. John P. Oleson cf Kenilworth, a mernber of the Kenilworth Home and Garden club, received first prize for her entry in- the North Shore Garden. club flower show held last Saturday at the Lake Shore Golf club. Her * exhibit, "Favorite Flower Arrangement. for Your Living Room," consisted cf a taîl blue glass vase filled with double dwarf yellow. hollyhocks and globe thistle flowers. Mrs. Mark Cresap cf the Kenilworth Homie and Garden club was oe eof the judges., Enfertfainng ai. Club Mrs.. A. R. Peterson 227 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, wilqi, be hostess for 6ridge and luncheon this Saturday at the North Shore. Golf, club. ý ý ý 1 Guest of Honor Mfrs. W. W. Xheelock, 132 Oxford road, Keilworth. was hostess at a bridge luncheon ida at Skokie tCountry club iii honor cf Mrs. joseph C. Hart of Beverly Hilîs. Cal.. who Iwas a week-end guest cof the LeRoy Ilinors- cf Wilmette. D. B. E. Meeting Windsor chapter cf the Daugh- ters cf the British Empire will have rits next regular aIl day meeting at the home cf Mrs. John Milîs, 835 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, on W'ednesday, July 25. Ail members are requested to be present. Tea for Garden Club Mrs. L. M. Allen, 258 Melrose ave- nue, Kenilworth, will entertain the Kenilworth Garden club at tea Friday. Reports by returning memibers who at- teiided the annual meeting cf the Gar- den Club cf America wilI be given. Nirs. John 'Marshall Roberts, 328 \Warwvick road, Kenilworth, accom- 1)aniied by Mrs. George Nichols, Mrs. Richard Johnston, and MNrs. Arthur Adair, motored te Wheatou last Tuesdav te visit Mrs. Charles Howe, fornerly cf Kenilworth. Mrs. H. E. Shoemaker cf Holly- >wood, Cal., who- has been the guest for the past three weeks of the H. Curtis Sheemakers, 203 Seventeenth street, wilI spend several more weeks with them. INDIAN TRAIL ] FTEA ROOM SUNDAT DINNEES, d0e & Brie Served from 12:30 to 4 P. m. Tee tram O te 8 p. in., 07Chestnet Street Win.tka. 1708 I - h Iý Beach Pýarfy and. Luncheon for Visitofr Miss' Catherine Bernîingham, daugh- ter of Mrs. Walter P. Bermingba"m, 718 L aurel, avenue, bias returned f rom a -Ilree weeks' stay in > Wisconsinî. Miss Catherine now hias, as bier guest, Miss Rosemary Keyes of Kansas City. Mo. Miss Bermingbam and Miss Keyes were graduated last month f rom St. Agîxes Academy ini Kansas, City. This week Miss Gertrude Berminghami is entertaining at a beach party in Miss Keyes' honor at the Edgewater Beach hotel while Miss Catherine will give a, b)ridge luncheon. J. Arthur Berminkgham, with Ray- mond Anderson of Vilmette. came in this wveek from Kansas City te spend a -week or two. Edwin Bermingham is aise homne for the sumner. He lias just conlplete(l his freshiman Year at Campion Pr!eparatorv' school in Prairie diu Chien, Wis. Mrs. %Valter P. Bermingham. who lias been out to -the west coast silice May. is . now in Mexico and is expected back in Wilmette about ehit first of August. COATS SUITS SPORTS WEAR GOWNS MILLINERY Ail the newest and finest fabrics. Unheard-of bargains WEaTHERED Missus SEOF For Small Sizes 950 N. Michigan. Cor. Oaik MARElWEaiTHEEED sEOF For Sizes From 16 ta 44 Ground Floor. The Drake NOTHING RETURNABLE OR EXCHANGEABLE WHERE YOU GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH MISSION HILLS GOLF CLUB Formeriy one of the best of the Equlty Private Clubs, now open wto th publie wlth temporary fees that are even lower than Forest1'reserve courses. Mission Hilu1 wlthout question. one of the mont Intereatlng anud lui- triguing courses ever built with feature holes that amateurs and profesonai. alike proclaim to be the. best ever constructed. Dle ainong, the firet to discover the beauty of Mission Hila and see for yourself If this là flot entlrely different '*merehandise". than any publie coUrse you have ever played. -You will nover again be satlsfted wlth an ordlnary course. * JACK DfARÂY formerIy pro director of ail four courses at Olympia, lIelds la manager a.nd Invites his many friends to play tuis outsandlng course. TEMPORAUXT LOW RATES XÉondaYte Frlday, 18,koles, or all day.................... .......S.. Saturday, belore noon, 189lioles .............. ................. Saturilay afterhoon or ail day........................... ............. li Suuday, 18 bl., or>aill day ...... .... .............................. Sanday, alter 4 P. M N ............................................... .76 THIEATRE ERoute-Milwauikee Avenue., tur. rlgbt at Avenue Taveru on i Snders Boul* COUMMUNITT I-EK e lbBue Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Van Horne cf Frlday, Saturds.y, July 20-21tCubBue New York, who formerly lived on le ter M eLaffleu-Borls Karloif Tower road in Winnetka, will be . ess.ld Dny Dr. ad Mris.wek-naroM hberg "home ofi@" M I S O NH L I~ gr.ndsts. Hree-ed Rat thderg ome of9 N ISS INH II. 312 Sterling road, Kenilworth. -W II J M5y-1;It,L-1 A VA EI 33,A Martha Weathered, CýRLEAANCE Starts Monda g-in Both Shopa The most beautiUl Summer merchandise obtainable now marked below cost Wil-UIP'r'ru T.Timim s

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