Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 31

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July 19, 1934 I $1 Junior School Benefits .\îîîiIîg thîe menihers - of the Friends '4 Chic () Ji uniors sciool. givinig bene- fit Ilunicheons. this nîonth for thie school, are NIrs. James H. Ferry oif Glencoe. Nîr.. Frederick- W\'. Ilenkel, Mrs. Clar- ence R. I.cland. and M.\rs. Charles J. Koiýtlhade (if >Winnetka. MIrs. Ferry %viII have sixteen gues.ts on Thutrsdav. July 20. at lier home. 480 Southi ave- lite. Mrs. I.eland, NIrs. Henkel, and N r s. Kosthiade m-Ill entertain at Nirs.. I.elatnd's home. 530 Asli street. mii Fri- * daY. july 27. Guesi of Daughter Nfrs Catherine Gate., of Pitts- * bnrh. w o has enviii lier daughiter,' \Irsi. Lincoln C. Torrey, 1341 Elinwoo([ avenue, ret'urned to lier home last Tuesdav. Shie as ac- * Companied by lier grandchildren ElIeii jean, Marilyn, and Jay (Bud) Torrey who will later go to Cleve- la( t isit relativ es. Bridge Luncheon Mis% Caroline Roberts, 328 Warwicik road, Kenilworth, wvas hostess. ast Sat- urday at a bridge luncheon at Skokic Country club ini honor ýof h ler, bouse guest Miss Natalie. Johnson of. Wor- cester, Mass. Miss Johnson and Miss Roberts left last Tuesday by motor for Louisville. Ky., to visit a friend. Tea Hostess .Mrs. Charles Henry Brown. 809 L.ake avenue, entertained the Junior League sewing class of Winnetka: at tea. Monday. WILMETTE LItFPB-3.1 Srv, as Hostesses ai Colloge 1Béard Thursday of this week, which is Smith day. at the Woman's College Board lounge at A-Century of Prog- ress. Smith alumnae'- of. Chicago and those whfo are visiting in Chicago will meet in the Social Science building at, the fair for a luncheon. Mrs.- Bvron Pond. Mrs. A. 0. Hartmann, NMiss Margaret Moulding,* at.d Miss jean Runisey will 'be the hostesses. The Barnard alumnae will meet -for a similar luncheon Tbursday, Julv 26. The Barnard hostesses for that da% are M'Nrs. W. P. Hilliker and Mtrs.'C,. E. Bannister of Winnetka. Tulie -dav 's heiig shiared with Connecticut coi- lege whose hostesses are 'Miss Lois "rtesdale of Wînnetka and 'Miss, Ruth Hawkins. Thie hostésses for the reniainder -)f this %veek anîd for next Nveek will bc: july 20. Sweet Briar day., Mrs. Roh-1 crt Spahr oif Highland- Park. Mrs. Marcus C. Mason. Jr., Miss Helen Haseltine, and Miss Virginia WV. Little of Kenilworth. july 21, Trinitv day. July 22, Vassar day, 'Mrs. Charles1 l.indmueller, M.\rs. Hasseil How.ells.i Mliss Dorothv Punderson, and r. Arvid Crandaîl. July 23, \WcellesleNI.day, M\rs. Joscphi Holzhieimier. M.\rs. Charles C. Stewart, MNiss Stisan WV. Peabody, and NMis%' Paulinec Sage. 1julv 24, XWells (lay, Miss Honor MNerreil, 'Miss Betty Paige Robinson, MNrs. F. M. Hiartlett anid Nlis.,IEliia hl eth \V'alker. jiul.N 25,. \*eýtern College day. MIrs. E' 1). Curtis, Mrs. Gertrude Hloward. Nirs. Betty M.\cNeil and Mfrs. WValter H. Siith. JulY 27. lirvni Mawvr da%. Mrs. Riob- ert Brown,. Miss .Antoinette Brown, and .r.,. 'l'lîîîas N weal of \\'in- nctka. and lNIrs. Ronald Weblster oif Rev. Samuel K. ýWison fo.Talk'on No'rfk Shore The Rev. Sanel Knox Wilson,ý S., J., Ph. D,:,president of Loyola unmver sity, will, be the irst of a group of eminent speakers appearing ini a series, of lectures which, the North Shore: Cat h o i c Woman's league is to sponsor this coming fal and early xinter. The lecture series has been organ- izednot for the purpose of gain, but rather to provide north shore resi- dents an opportunity to-hear a--group of.outstanding educators. priests and lamnen present subjects of timelv interest, the league announices. The series will commence Tues- tlay, October 23, and continue on alternate Tuesdays until Deceniber 4. MNrs. johii A. Clark of 296 Pros- pect avenue, Highland Park, is open - ing lier home for the first lecture. At this time the Rev. 'Mr. Wilson %vilI review historical. aspects and p)olitical questions of the day. Mrs. Sidniev Beech of Glencoe is in charge of the arrangements for. the series, serving as general conr iiittee chairînan. Sperial Groups ai 5.95 9 E Just the. type of ,Dresses to finish out the season Or- to wear on-. your vacaition, Edgar Au Stevens, lac. F.NVA N 5 IO-N * &Juc/ed Fashioris N.w.sl .. Whimsyl kDashiog mail k.,. thai frayai welI .~ and withsfand -the rigor of overy ... .... day weau-nd-tour ar@ cnfrived of sher wool crep.. clevorly tucked. Included oai fus price ore a number of t he Iaunty volvet modals. The. square beret, -sk.tcbed, boasts two saucy pom pans above. the eyem Mallin«Vt Salon--Second Floor WI[EDOLBT'»s-EVANSTON On Davis.Strcef WiI.melte 1100 QUIcK COMPLE TE CLEAIRANCE Suinnier Stock of STEVyENS. FINE BDRESSES at prices unheard, of for sueh QUALITY MERCIJAND.IS.E This sale. is so important you should attend, or your frindswill tel you of the great bargains you missed. Corne Early and Share in These Values 3,95 095 I

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