Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 30

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WILMETTE LIFE July 19. 1934 Ruth, Kinne and Dean F. Klaar Marry on JuIy 14 Miss Ruth Kinne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry. C. Kinne, 1324 Elmwood avenue., wore a go,%%-lî of white organza and. a finger tip length veil attachied tc a tulle cap %vien she becatne the bride of Dean Franklin Klaar of Wiinette, formnerly of Lincoln. Ill.. last Saturday afternoon. The wedding dress wvas fasbiouîec witb a train, and the cap bad on each side of it sprigs of orange blossoms. The bridaI bouquet was a showver of hules of the valley, wbite roses, and baby's breatb. Mrs. Edwin A. Rob- son. wbo was ber sister's matron of honor, ivore a yellow- crepe gowuî witbha train and a legborn bat trini- med witb yellow daisies and brown ribbon. She lield ail ami bouquet of yellow roses and blue delpbinxiumî. 'Miss Alice )amnes of Wilmette, the bride's maid of bonor, wvas dressed exactly like Mrs. Robson. Robert Day of Evanston served Mr. Klaar as best mnan, and tlîe ushers ýwere the bride's brother, Har- ry C. Kinne, Jr., and lier brother-mn- law, Edwin A. Robson. The ceremony was performed at 4 :30 o'clock at tlhe Xilmette Parishi Metbodist churcb witb the Rev. Thoinas Oscar OIson ôfficiating. A reception at tbe cburch followed. Miss Elizabeth Kirk' of Dallas, Texas and Miss Lucille Houston of Sbreveport, La., two sorority sisters of the bride, were out-of-town guests. Both the bride and bridegroom are graduates of Nortbwestern university, Mrs. Klaar being a, member of Cbi Omiega sorority and. Mr. Klaar of Sigma Chi., Before ber marriage the bride wvas guest of bonor at a number, of par- ties, among tbem being a..miscellane- ous sbower and tea at wbicb Miss Bertha Peterson of Chicago was bostess; a lingerie shower and even-, ing bridge given by, Mrs. Willard McEwen (Esther Sprenger), and a pantry sbower and evening bridge given jointly by Miss Alice James of Wilmette and' Miss Harriet Monts of Kenilworth at the former's borne. Mrs, Earh De Long (Virginia Brad- ford) and Miss Jane« Calloway, who since tbat tume bas become Mrs. Whitney Adamîs, were bostesses at a china sbiower and evening bridge, and Mrs..James Drangas of Chicago entertainied at -a bridge tea. Mrs. Theodore Rehn of Winnetka, an-, other sorority sister, gave an evening bridge and kitcben showe'r. Mrs. Norman Christiansen of Chicago was bostess at an aluminuni sbower and tea. The brîdegrooni was included in two of the pre-nuptial festivities-a picnic din ner given by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harris of Niles Centerý and an evening bridge at wbicb Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Robson were host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Klaar took a short motor trip honeyrnoon and are now. at home at 1321 Washington street, Evansion. .Mrs. De F. Klaar Carlos Photo JIrs. Deai> Franklin KIaar Wias .1!iss Ruth Kinne of lUýililnette 11n- tii her 'r Iarriage lasi Satitiiidai afternooli. She is the 'doiet htg'r of the HIir vC.. Kimi's of 132?4 1hrn- wood avenfi e. Katharine Sherman Is Betrothed 'fo Easterner Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abbott Sher- mani of 9W9 Elnivood avenue, Evans- ton, for miany years residents of \Vin- nietka, announce the engagement ot their daughiter, Katharine, to Harve-% .Henry Benning, Jr., of Hartsdale.* N. NY. Mr. Benning is the son of Mr. anîd Mrs. Harvev Henrv Beni- ning of Clyde, N. Y. .Miss Sherman wvas graduated iromi New Trier Higlh scliool and the Ciii- versity of Wisconsin wbere she wvas a memiber of Beta Signia Omicron,. and Alpha Kappa Delta, nationial socio- logical fraternity. Since lier. gradua- tion she lias been a familv- visitor with one of the larger wvelfare organ- izatibns ini New York.city. '.\r. Benning graduated froin Cor- uieli university and. is a mienîl>er of the electrical engineering socity. Eta- Kappa Nu. He is an electrical engi- nleer with the American Telephone and Telegrapb compa 1ny of New Y7ork City. The weddiîg, will take place ini tbe east* during the first eel, in, Septemiber. Shower for Bride,' The last of a series of parties hionor- ing Miss Virginia Anmi Durilap, 992 Elm street, Winnetka, wbo Wednesday became the bride of Pbilip R. O'Con- 'nell of 907 Central avenue, Wilmette, was a lingerie and stocking slîoweri given Monday of Iast week by Miss1 Carolyn CazeL of Wilmette. Entertuining Before Fowler-Taylor Weddingi Miss Georgiana Fowler, 16 arc avenue, Winnetka, whose wedding to Robert Henry Taylor takes -place Saturday, July '11, is being much en- tertained. On Mondai', Julv 8, Miss Dorotliv Stover of Winîîetka was bostess'at a bridge tea in ber honor. Tuesday, Mrs. Johin Powers of Kenil- worth gave a b)ridge luncheon at the Evanston Golf club, and Friday of last week, Miss Dixie Douglas of Winnetka -%as hostess at a bridge tea at Indian Hil! club. Saturday, Miïss Anne O'Brien and- her brother. Haves, of H ighland Park, hiad a cock- tail party, after %vhich Miss Doris Kinîball of Kenilwvorth entertairied at dinner at Exmioor. Sunday, Richard Sunderland of Xinnetka wvas liost at a, cocktail part, 'andl on Tuesday. NMrs. Craig Ketchain and lier daugliter, Miss Bettv, vho live ini Kenilworth, gave a kitchen shower and tea. That satne eve,îing Virginia Healv vas lhoste.s at -a dinner party. Mrs. WTilliamA Searle-fof Fvaniston, (Barbara Holden>, gave a bridge tea on July 18, and'in the evenuîîg Miss Katharine Roaclh of Winniietka and Wi'îfield Jackson of Glencoe had a picnic for «Miss Fowvlçr and Mrs. Tay- lor. On Thursday, JuIy 19. Mr. and MIrs. Blair Baggalev of Winnétka wIlI entertaîn at dinner and the fol- loWiiig niglht the l)ride's parents give the bridaI ditnner. Announce Marriage Mr. anîd Mrs. Rav E. Snider, 836 Foxdale avenue, announice 'the mar- niage of their daughter, 'Mary Eliza- beth. to Allan C. Tufts, the son of MIr. and Mrs. Beni Q. Tufts, 449 Stiî- set road, Thursday. July 12. Mrs. Tufts, a XN Trier graduate, attend- e<I Denison university at Granville, Oh i o. NIr' Tufts atended the Kifki school.at Salzburg, Pa., andl is also a graduate of the -D;allas Aviation school in Dallas, Texas. Mr. Tufts and hiis bride are' spending their lionevinoon in northern. Xisconlsinl and expect to make their home ini XV iii net ka. To Be Married Mr. and Mrs. joseph Comfort an- nounice the approaching marriage" of thei 'r daugliter, Josephine Castle, to. Benjamin Slanger of Big, Tinîber, Mont. Miss Cornfort is a graduate of Nortlîwestern univers ity and a member of Phi -Omega Pi sorority. Mr., Slanger was graduated from Montana State college and is a Smith-Hughes instructor in' Sweet Grass county, Mont. The be trothal was announced by Miss Comfort's. parents ata party given for a group' of ber*friends at thîe Comfort borne, 812 Prairie avenue, Wilmette, Thurs- day evening of last week. Spoke Ho 'sfess Mrs. Arthur G. Bloom, 1337 EIm- Wood avenue, was hostess to Spoke Il of the Presbyterian church. for tea last Tuesday. . Winnetkan toý Be Honor'Cuest et College Club nmiddle of next l)ring thréé spe- cial eveiîts for'îietuîers 4f the Chicago() olleg-e Club aiîd their Cruests. Saturdav of this week, Mrs. Edward D. Poineroy, the club's president, has invitedineml>ers to lier suiinier honme at Crvstal lake for ail ail-day .picnic The Sketch class of the club is plan- nîing to take >a(ls and penîcils along and bring homte sortie viem-s of the lovelv coutitrv arounid Crvstal lake. w~hîle the less talented mienibers Nvill have a restfili day eiîjoyîing the côli- trv air and scener.. 'l'lie evening of mlv 25. %vil] 1w the~ occasion of a <limier at thé club) in lionor of \Irs. Janies WValler Mfarshall of \Vinnetka. After limier NI rs: \Mar- shall w~ill speak on '"l'lie Southlwesterui Indian and His Arts anid Crafts." and shlowv ioving pictures of the potterv rnak4pg of the pre-historic lIndian. Slie wîll also have some of the paiuitiuus1> and liandicraft: of the Indians. M'arie.' a potter. and one of the most outstand- ing Puehto %vomen of todav, ~hîo, wvitlî hier huîsband is at thé Fairi mvill also; be a guest that evening. Hosts and hostesses are MIr. and IMrs. H. T. Veatrn anud Dr. and MIrs. A. H. NI înt - gomery. 'l'lie Chicago ('ol lege club P', tg) 1 open, aIl suninier to its nietuhbers andl their guest s and,,,taiv o.t-of-tî )wII friends have becien ijô,ving stayîng iti the club's cool rooins 'vhile visitiui', the Fair. **\\itil so imanv other inter- estiuig tlîings to sec ini Chicago thiis suimner," the club annol]ltces, 'tlere are flot rny progranis plauined at the cl111b, but whien the ýmembers corne t i plav bridge on XVednesday, *Julv 25. thev wvill find that the lounge lias' beeui (suite transformed. Decorators lhave beeui at w~ork and the walls of the. lounge are a cool greyish bitte and, at the wvindows are ivory Venletian blinds and dark red linenl damask drapes. TIhle furniture bas newv covers and the rooni. us very gay and lovely ini its inew dress. Engaged The engagement of M1arioîî Janet Fry, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Em- m 'et M. Fry, of Evanston, to. Preston> Farley, son ol01*Mr. anld, Mrs. . K. Flarley Jr., of, Kenilwortb, was an- nlouticed hast week. Miss Fry, waç graduate'd froin Nortbwestern tiniver- sity and received ber degree ini law at tbe Chicago,..Keqt College of Law. Mr. Faeley' was-also graduated fromi Northwestern, after which be spent a year at tbe Harvard Scbcaol of Busi- nîess Administration. Guest Day at Skokie Friday of this week« will be Ladies' Guest day at Skokie Country club. Prizes will be« awarded to guests for firstý Iow gross and first low net, and to tuembers for first Iow net. fVeccligs &iagements+Noce BU JEAN TEN BROECK. july .19. 1934 WILMETTE LITE

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