ILMETTE LIFE Publibhed wcckly by LLOYD HOLLISTititINC., 123 2-1236 Central Avenue, Wilmette, Illinois. Subsription price $z.a year. Entered ai; second class matter March 13, 1924, at the POat office ai Wiimette,,Illinois, under the act of March 3,879). V"OL. XXIII, NO. Il WILMETTE, IL.LINOIS, JULY 19, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS, ASK COUNTY TO DRY IP flA,.Ç'Q' Here's Good News for Shareholders iLFXA qj 1 %l ik;u<> G d news lias been received from V L A E Washington for al &hrhlesi NEAR VILL GE Feeralsavings and boan associations, hOf w~hich the First Federal Savings Villge Bard dopt Reslu-and Loan iAssociation of Wilmette is Villae Boad Adots Reol.u«One. It is said that the gove rnment is tion Requesting Liquor Sales 11oW providing for the guarafitee of Stop in "No Man's Land" aIl shares in such associations ______$5,000 for .each individual shaIrehoider. This is to be done through'the new T. C. Kniep, 410 Maple avenue, Federal Savings and I.oan. Insurance .ecretarv of the Wilniette Home croation. ()wners association, appeared before C. E. Clifton, Jr.. secretary of the the Village board Tuesday iniglit and local association, in explaining the new requested that the board pass a reso- guarantee feature, asked: "\Vhere else lution requestiîîg that-Emmett Wliea- can 'ou find an investiment payitli, Ianpresdentof he Cok cuntfroin 4 to 5 per cent in dividends, tax Iboard of conînissioners, -taike imm&exep.adgaated st rni diate st eps to enforce the laws pro-, xepal?" and gthentleaed: s t-preadi hihiting the sale of alcoholic liquors pale ndth enolieae:nîone o in "No Manî's Land" and other par ts then omnew h thie no rtiaved mort- o of New Trier township lving outside hn o otl mrie ot tuf ncoporaed illaesgages of f rom five to eleven and one- of «incoported illaes.haîf years in duration." Mr. Kniep stated that his associa- Tefrtcekfr$500hsbe tion hiad spent a great deal of tiife Treidroni the ecret5,00ar s fte in contacting the county authorîties1 eivdfo tesctay fth n an effort to get sorpe action look- treasury and is h)eing put to work, it l,and" sectionu. He then asserted that President Wlîealan had made the as- tounding statemnent that the only %%,a-, in whichi sucli actioni could bc secuired ivas througli officiaI actioni by the Village boards of the villages adja- cent to the %vet spot. The association thlen took flie matter up withî the officiaIs of Keiiilvortb. \'Viîîîîetka -and Glcncoe, .W;itlî the result tliat a suri- ilar resolution wvas passcd hv Keîîil- wvorth Monday niglit, aîd hy \Winî- netka Tuesdav îîigbt. The Minmette board also passe<l the resoluition. It -was iiici(lated by NMr. Kîîiep tiîat should efforts to get action through the couiîtvlboard prove unavailiîig. a still more (leternliiiie(l effort wvill bc muade to get relief thîrougli otlîer souirces. Girl Cyclist Marau~der Stili Doing Uer Stuif The 14-vear-old girl reiportedl last week as pilferiîîg wonie's losiery andi tinderg»arinients froni. cloth'eslines,. is -till operating, according .to the police. About.iîoon Mfonday slhe appeared* ii the yardl of WV. G. Morgani, 925 For-' * est avenue, andt pilfered soi-e stock- ings, NMrs. Morgan saw hér and re- l)(rte(l to the police. la~ the meantime- J. F. Schunîacher, 1000 Forest avenue, saw the girl and noted. the stockings iin the basket of her bicycle. He got his car and fried to follow ber, but Siw hiad 'disappeared. Neither could the police squad car flnd her. though * patrolling the .entire east shie. St. Joseph's Parish to Hold Card Party Sunday The auditoriuni of the ne 'W St. jo. - sepl's school will be the scet ie of a * îarisli card party Suîida3ý eveiii'ng, July 22. *Five huîîdred, pinochle, bridge and butico will be tlîe games of the even- iîîg-and there .will. also be tables for euichre, sixty-six, anid other gaines, it is anîîouîîced. The Rev. FatheÉ Arthur R. Sauer, the chairiiai, will be assisted by'a' large -committee. Engineers Threaten to " .Force Fee Collectioný An itivoice received by the Villagei board f rom Pearse, Greeley and Han-i sent, engineers for the Village. on the waterworks construction, read at the me eting of the board, Tuesday nighi. claimned t.hat a balance of $8,109.30 Was due them on their contract. An acconi- panying letter stated that if the Village did îlot see fit to pav the, amouint, tlî.- matter would be placed ini the hands of attornîeys for appropriate action. The V.illage dlaims that approximately $2,- 700 is actuaily due the enginee ring firni. The matter was referred to President Dubbs for attention. Seek to Solve Mystery of Unsavory.,Water.Taste President C. P. Dubbs reported to the Village board Tuesda3- night that a thoroueli investigation into the cause for the peculiar taste and. odor of wvater puniped here had iso far faîled to solve the problem. The sanie situation exists iin other vil- lages on the north shore. A confer- ence of officiais was held at the Lake Shore club, Chicago, Wedîîesday night, ini a furthier effort, to solve. the difficulty. Eý,CONOMY SHOP NEEDS .Economny Shop lives only by the continued understanding. iîîterest and' generosity of the home mnakers of Wilmette., Just at present -it is- feelin g the need.of.a littie aitention as ils salable ar- ticles ini- aIl departments are at the ebbtide. If you are refurnishing' refurb- ishing, or redressing may the shop hâve the left-overs to hielp make a home for somneone else ? Economy Shop is open six days in the week from 9 a. m. until.5 p. m. Drop -ii and get acquainted! -Mrs. A. L. Grinneil, chairman. Note: Economy Shop is eonducted by the Woman's Club of Wilmette 1933 Personal- Property Tax. List Contain s Errors I Park District Saves f Money-for Taxpayers Trhe 1934 tax Ievy of the \Vil- mette Park district was adopted at an adjourned meeting of the park commissioners. Tuesday of this week. Trhe levy for 1934 amounts to $61,237.50 of which oîîlv $23,450 is for corporate purposes- and t'he balance for maturing bonds and intcrest 0f'vital importance at the Tues- day meeting wvas the action taken by the commissioners i1, giv ing immediate relief to the taxpayers of the park *district by making a' re- duction of $15,000 on the $66,000 tax levy for '1933, applied to re- tirenient of bonds maturing May 1, 1934. These bonds having been refunded under the new law, per- tnits this reduction. This pro- cedure reduces the 1933 tax levy, payable January 1, 1935, approx- îmately 25 per cent. Lt is anticipated that a similar saving to the taxpayers may be realized with reference to the 1934 Park district tax- levy by again resorting to the refunding method. Withdraw Applications for, Truck. Route Here .\nnouncement wvas made at tlhe meeting. of the Village board Tues '- day night that the application of trucking companies fr a permit to operate over She 'ridan through \ mette, made to the Illinois Commerce commission, had been withdrawn. The'comipanies have agreed to use a. .highway to the west of the village. Thiis-,is tiot cptîsidered to appi'y to aIl of the tru king. companies seek- ing the permit. * PAY LEGAL FEES Thle bill of '$1 ,500 tif Kirkland, Fleming, Green & Martin, attorneys, for expense of appealin g the mati- damus suit to compel the Village to issue a permit for the erection of 9 garage at the northwest corner 6f Main..street and Lake avenue. was -allowed by the Village board Tues- day night. The verdict in the Iower court was against the Village. In 1Th',isIsu A musemnent Directory ..Q4 Av 'iation 18 Boy Stouts,..... ...... 20 Book1 Comment ......34 Churcli News .. . ...12 'Classified Ads ........ 44-46 Editorial--News-Commzent 26 Home and Garden....... 36 Junior Life ............. 14 N,. S. Personalities ........ 17 Recreation..............40 Society Pages ........ 28-33 Yachting News .......... 47 1 'Notifications Soon to Be Dis- tributed Confuse Allocations to Sebool -Districts IH. S. Marshall, New Trier'town- slîip assessor, reports that the county assessor has *compiled and p'rinted for distribution the usual list of noti- ficationis to taxpayers on personal property values. This is for the y'ear 1933. Ltappears from a preliminary in- spection that in this compilation from, the field books some clerical errorq have occurred in allocations tt$ school districts. To illustrate: Appar- ently -al those residents of Glencoe who live in Winnetka District No. 36 are shown in Glencoe District No. 35. Again, a number of Winnetka residents, are erroneously shown in Kenilworth District No. 38. It. is understood that the county assessor's officeý will proceed immediately to check the printed lists : gainst- the field books again for the entire town-. ship,.- so it should ,not be necessary for taxpayers to file complaints iin order to procure corrections. Show 37% of Full Value It is understood that, the assessed values shown*by the notification lists are 37 per tent of the fuît value re- ported by the local assessor for' in-, dividuals and unincorporated busi- nesses. Corporation returns go di- rectly to"the county assessor. Some individuals and unincorpor- ated businesses will find that, aI- though the list shows that a returii was filed, the figures do flot agree with those filed. This is because some filed 37 per cent of full value, some used saivage value, some overlooked the automobile, and so on. Total Value $8,870,000 The field books had to be returned to the county assessor within two weeks of the filing -of a large part of the schedules. Consequently it was impossible to notify taxpayers of sucli changes as were made. No penialties- were added to any return by the local' assessor. About ten days are allowed';by the board of appeals after receipt of the printed notice in which complaints may be fiied. It, is hoped that there is a sufficient equality in this assessment that few will have to avait tbemselves ofthis appeal. It is understood that the total assessed value for the toWtn- ýship adds Up to $8,8M0,000 for 1933, as, compared with about $l4,00,00 for 1932, which was reduced by the board, of. appe.als to« $11,800,000. SIni total, therefore, the 1933 assess-, nment is on practically the same basis as the onie made for 1931. WANT ÉLOCK AT BEACH A reqruest presented to the Village board Tuesday night that a dlock of. sufficient. s*7e to be seen' frôm the bathing beach be.placed on the new waterworks building, 'was 'referred to 'the committee on sewers and *water.