Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 28

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W!LPTT I - a.aa ~jwly 19, 1934 WookIy Sharing. of Gardons GIad- dans Undorpriviloged Garden owners of Wilnnette and Kenilworth are to be Î, praised for the splendid contri- butions they have been making- to the Chicago Plant, Flower, and Fruit guild this season, it announces. The volume 'and quality of flowers contributed is surprising in view of the gener- ally poor condition of gardens because of dry weather.- The Flower guild, as most garderf owners of this district know, is tbe organization wbicb makes it possible f. for generous bearted gardeners to sbare flowers, fruits, and i'egetabies with invalid§, orpbans, cripples, shut- ins-witb sufferers in bospitals, and old and friendiess people to wbom so-ý cial settlernents minister. The recent rains bave heiped gar-, dens very mucb and with the annualsp corning into bloom, tbe guild is hoping for a large increase in the amount of jcontributions. Wbile flowers are ai- ' ways more than welcome, fruits, vege- t tables, jarns and .iellies are soreiy needed as tbe following letter from tbe suprintendent of the Martba Washing- ton Home for 'Dependent Crippied 1 Children will testify: -E ".It would be impossible to put in Words just wbat tbe Flower and Fruit c guiid meant to tbe cripples at tbis borne. We bave so many bappy hours p enjoying tbe flowers, but tbe things we need" most are fruits and vegetables. ta Otber years other grpups bave sent us f janis and jeilies, but. the oniy dona- th tions of this kind now corne from your M~ gild. So many a morning we have in served jelly on our tables and the chul- he jdren, smack their lips and ask for more. th Tbank you so mucb for your splendid of gifts." TF Tuesday is Flower Guild day for TI iVilmette, Wednesday for Kenilworth. Pa Mrs. John Hardy-Weedon, 110 Thiîrci street, is chairman of tbe Flower guild ari committee of the Wilmette Garden of club; Mrs. Paul Lang of 933 Asbland dic avenue, for the Evening Garden club Lii of Wilmette; Mrs. Harry A. Olin, 205 is Warwick road, for tbe Kenilwortb thi Garden club; Mrs. Herbert A. Lun- dahi for the Keniiwortb, Home and Garden club. Donations f rom eacb of these two Fe villages rnay' be lef t at the respective 3 Nonth Western, stations early nteD morning of collection day, or tbe chair- Cal men for the garden clubs that: arevi instruments of collection may be noti- 70( fied andthe wii inke aranemens 0w for picking up the lowers, fruits, jams, arn4 or jeliies.> Mr Contributions are taken into the ter- Ehl minai, in Chicago whene the guild its'elf V%;a, takes charge of the city-wide distribu- latt tion. Readers wbo, bave arden p'ro- otbd ducts to share are urged to communi- day cate witb tbese chairnien. "You need Mr. not bave a large garden in order to Wc contribute," the guiil erpbasizes. ab "Even a tiny, bouquet is most accept- Sur able." of Catherine KIofz Is to Have Garden Wedding Miss Catberine Klotz, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles A. Klotz of 550 Ridge avenue, Kenilwortb, bas chosen August 11, for ber marriage to Donald Lloyd Williams* of Duluth and Minneapolis. It will -be a garden wedding at 5 :30 o'clock, witb ber brotber-in-law, the Rev. Austin Pur- due, of Minneapolis, officiating.' Tbe bridai party will include Miss Marie Louise Dillon, as maid of honor; the bride's sister, Mrs.-Austin Pardue, as màtron of bonor, and the following bridesmaids: Mrs. Charles D. Klotz, Dorotby Williams, tbe bridegroom's sister, Helen Smitb of Winnetka, and jean 'Rawliîus of Ev- anlston. Harlow Lounsberry of Duluth will serve Mr. Williams -as best man' white Charles D. Klotz of Richmond, Va., George Van Dusen 'of Min- îeapolis, Donald Howard of Winni- peg, and Jay Brown of Duluth wiil usher. The bride' 's nephew, Peter Pardue. yull act as ring bearer wbite bis sis- ter. Nancv, wvill be flower girl. R. H. Palenskes Enterfain for Guest Mrs. George Manners of Toronto, anada, is to be te guest for about wo weeks of Mrs. Reinhold H.y ?alenske, 226 Tentb street. Last 1 iigbt Mr. and Mrs. Paienske enter- iý ained at- a dinner party for eigbt f riends ini bonor of their guest, and tý is week-end they ýwill entertain a Jrs. Manners at their summer home b ýWoodstock, Ill., giving a tea for r er on Sunday. On Saturday nigbt C hey %',il ail! attend the performance & f"Trilby" to be given by tbe 'eatre Guild players of Woodstock.' rie p layers bave been invited to the- eaienskes' tea. i ci Mrs. Manners bas been a concert i tist and is now entering the -field bi 1radio. Her busband, wbo recently itý ýewas manager of, a theater in itî iverpool, Engiand. Mary Leigbton d2 Mrs. Manners' stage name, andw is is ber flrst visit to the states. ai su &te Visitrs o Mfr. and Mrs. Harold Newton' alI irothy and Barbara, of San Mateo, MV Il., left Sunday after a two weeks' thi it with tbe Cbaries-,W. Moodys of 0 Forest avenue. Severai parties w] >re given in the -Newtons' bonor, su] ong' them a 'bridge luncheon, for' foi rs. Newton at wbi.ch Mrs. Willianm hol is and ber daughter,' Mrs. Harding in Schaack,- were bostesses at thie :er's borne, 2907 Lake avenue. An-ý ier bridge iuncheon was given 'Fn- CI * by Mrs. David Hall of Wilmette. r. and- Mrs. « Walter Lawrence of pai oodstock, formenly of Wilmette, gave Wi bridge, dinner on, Saturday, and on an( îday Mr. and Mrs. Charles* Keller fro Wilmette entertained at dinner. ani To W.d in Augusi Moffett-Russelli Photo Miçs Cat herine KIotz of 'Ken il- wortiris to be miarried on Auiguit 11, f0 Donald Lloyd Williamns of Diuutiand Min:nea polis. Arden Shore Invites Friends to Picnic Arden Shore camp ini Lake Bluff invites ail of its friends to be its guests Fridav of this week, asking theni to bring their own box lunches to and gather out under the' trees, if tbe ireather permits, for luncheon about 12 o'clock. No special invitation is ssued, but ail who are interested in the wvork of the. summer camp beau- tifully situated on the bluff, witb its acres of woods and its stretch of sandy beach, in its work of bringiig bappi- mess as weil as recreational and edu- cational hours to its camper guests. are urged to be present. in the afternoon a short program by the campers tbemselves, from the ifants of tthe Baby Fold to the littie -hildren, the older boys and girls, teir mothers,' and- even grandrnotbers, niefly give.q a rapid view of the activ- ,y at Arde 'n Shore. The camp and s littie brown cottages are open that ly, their liôsts, and bostesses eager and vilhing to greet visitors and showtbern Mout.- Miss Anna Belle Ferrier, uperintendent and ber enthusiastic orkers give. brief reports.. . Mrs. Frederick M. Tilt is cbairman îthé Wilmette committee, wbich -is lways represented at these outing days. Ers. Alfred McDougai is chairman.of eé Kenilwortb group. The summer picnic is one occasion rhen al of tbose who contri- ite to pport Arden Shore camp ma-y see >r themselves what it does, what it' and her brother, JakB4iî7n Cambidgeunivensity in England: Disembarking in- New York, tbey 'Iub ostpnes artypurchased an automobile and motored west, arriving in Wilmette Tuesday The third of the series of sunmen - of last week. Tbey wilI remain bere irties -for 'the Woman's Club of -until the middle of August, wben they ilmnette under auspices of its ways wiil drive east before sailing for id means 'Conmitee is postponed abroad. During their visit numerousý om August 15, to August 22, it is luncheons and dinners are being inounced this week. given in their honor. Fl ower Cuild Lauds, Cifts of N 1Ortlu Shore Carde .n Owners Dr., Maude ]B. Sands, 1024 Central avenue, bas as ber gue sts, Miss a m a activitties w ocial Gircles BU JANTHN BioECx' Social and Golf Events1 Mingle at Indîan Hill Club Anotiier of the regular din- ner dances sponsored by Indian Hill club throughout the sum- mer inonths wiiI be held Satur- day evening of tis week. Stili other social activities at the club the same" day are a buffet lunch- eon and a ladies' bridge in the afternoon. Thursday and Satur- day nights, there wvill be the usual buffet suppers. The mixed two-ball fou rsome event of last Sunday resulted in -a tie be- tween Mrs. Whippie Jacobs of Win- netka and ber partner, Mr. Coîbur, and Mrs. Frank Fulier of Winnetka and Mr. English, with a low net of 78. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart P. Young of Winnetka had the lowest number of putts, 29. The mothers' and daughters' two- bail foursome, whicb bas been post- poned severai times, irst to permit daughters to return from school and tben because of rain ' was scheduled aan for Tuesday of this week. renesday of this week was the date for the reguiar WVomen's events, with driving contests ini classes A, B, and C, and prizes for iow gross in each of the three classes. The women's golf tbis summer is being* directed by Mrs. Edgar A. Stevens of Kenilworth. Serving witb lier on a committee are: Mrs. War- ren Sboemaker of Glencoe ' Mrs., W. H. Litteli of Kenilwortb, Mrs. A. C. Goodrich and Miss Eleanor Sherman, of Winnetka. Golf af Westmoreland Golf events for women continue as major sumnier activity at tbe golf and country clubs along "tbe forth shore. A t Westrnoreland the July tournament is un der way, progressing to its, climax at the end of the month wben prizes will beawarded. Opening with the qualifying round Friday last, its rounds succeed eacb otber weekly. The last Friday of the montb is Guest day. Mrs. David T. Adams of, Evanston is cbairman for women's golf events this season. ftrs. Robert W. Kneebone 'of Evans- on is in cbarge of the summer bridge.

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