Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 27

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July 19, 1934 WILMBTTE LIPE 27 Federal Officiais ýAnxious -to A gain Seo Skokie Pro ject 'Montbly, reports on the progress of the Skokie Ermtrgency Construc-' tion ,work, causes, Herbert Evison, su- pervisor of the United States Dep art- ment of thé Interior. National Park service, State Park division, to want to r.eturn soon, to the. Skokie project of the Forest Preserve district. He so said ini a letter to Charles GSauers, general superintenet Forest ýPreserve district. Thetter is highly complimentàiry. It reads: Eager to Iterit -J have just spent considerable trne, in the course of a very busy day, in going over the most recent of the mon thly reports on the work on the Skokie. The Impression I get of it-of the dean-cut, well-planned work It- self, of the effiient organization direct- ing it, and of the careful record of ac- complishment that each superintendent keeps--s such as to make me more -inxious than ever to get back there again, to see what has been accom- plished since ,that day Iast July when I Iobked over a littie bit of It. It seems to me that nobody could look through these records even very briefiy without ketting a trernendous thrill out of the transformatio'n that ks taking place there. -1 wish you would expres.- to 'Mr. Flugh Kent and to the nmen working under hlmn the contlnued« appreciation of this office for what they are dolng." (Signed) '.Herbert Evison, Supervisor.' The letter .,was writteii at Nash- ington, D. C. "Mr. Evison will see marvelous strides accompished snce bis Iast %isit." Superîitendent Sauers said. "0f course, the, mont.hly reports give him some idea, but personal contact wil show bim we have been' constantly at work doing things." The Skokie marsh transformation was brougbt about when Forest Pre- serve officiais went to Wasbington to confer with President Rooseveit when the President's plan of forniing CCC camps was first announced. Five companies were assigned. Today there are ten companies, quartered in l)arracks. Christian Science Services "God" was the subject of the les- son-sermon in ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Suinday, July 15. 1The golden text was,- "Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanks- giving, and bonor, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever". (Rev. 7:12). Among the citations, which, coin- prised the lesson-sermon ivas the following from the Bible: '«l know that, wbatsoever God doeth, it shal be for ever: notbing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. That.wbich bath been is now, and that which is to be bath already been, and God requireth that wbicb is past" (Eccl. 3-:14, 15). The lesson-sermion also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Scien ce and llealtb with Key to the Scrip- tures,"l by. Mary Baker Eddy: "We bury the sense of infinitude, when we admit that,, altbougb God's in- finite, evil bas a place in this infinity, for evil can bave no place, wbere ail space, is filled witb God" (p. 469). CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICESý . *Life" will bie the subject at the services in First Churcb of Christ,~ Scientist, in Winette, held Suniday morning, july 22, at il.o'çlock in the edice aft 1 Cnta aene.Sn-1 WOMENH are sending tkei.r F1NMEST TH iHGS" NORTH SHORE QUALITY LAUNDRIES NORTH SHORE QUALITY LAJNI ofFer à service to meet .very pocketbook and requirement MRIES DAMP WASH Everything wathod. Soft woter ed'pure soop used. Shaken out end assorteci. R.turned damp &Il ready tu ion. THRIFTY HYDRO Wearing apparel returnod damp ready to, ion. Fiat work ironed. Bath towels, wash cloths fluffed. Ev.rything -assorted. FLUFF DRY - Everything washed. Househoid linans ironod. Wearing apparel fluff.d dry. SmeiI addi- tional charge fori strching and hand finishing.1 ALL PRESSED Everything washed and iron.d. Ail ready to use or put away. Shirts bond fiish.d et imail additional charge in this service. FAMILY WASH Everything beautifilly finishod. Shirts finshod wiithout additional charge. Table linans -and wýearing apperel, hand finished. THE FINEST LAUNDRY SERVICE YOU CAN SUY. w ASHING sheer silks and fine linons af home bas become a thing of the past. And we're proud fa say thaf we membe "rs of North Shore Qualify Laun- dries have had a lot too if Every day more andm north shore women are discovering the à rthll Of sending their 'finer fhings" fo ul. They have learned the perfection of our equip- ment and mefhods . . . the meéticulous care of our frained employees ... fhings thaf point the way fo economy-and longer wear. If you do'nof know thaf even your sheeresf underthings are SAFE with any member here's a 'suggestion. Send only ONE garment- in your nexf weeks laundry bundle. We're sure you'Il be delighted when if is refurned, and will'not hesifate any more in sending us ail your "finesf things' in the fufure. The insignba of the North Shore Quelity Laundries stands for per- faction in methods, car. in execu- tion end atisf action to patrons. Potronize the. laundries displaing ifon trucks and 'windowl NORTH SIIR-0«U 1210 Central Avenue,Wilâmette 618 N. Green ByadHighland Park 566 Chestnut Street, Winnctka Phone Wilmette 1800- Phone =gladPark 177 Phone Winnetka 602 806 Dempter Street, Evanston Phone University 2776 1709 DarrowAvenue, Evanstoni 1014 Davis Street,BEvanstoa Phono University 4m2 Phono Univeruity 0112 july 19, ý 1934 27

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