I mn-- Tho J aly Clearance Off ors a Rare Opportunities to Saive! Wearables New Late Summer Models.. Sheer Prints and Crepe Pastels Reduced from $17.50 to $13,09:5 0f course you need new dresses for your vacation! But you'il enjoy it SO much more if you. have the satisfac- tion of having SAVED MONEY on those clothes. This sale with its E X TR A 0R DIN ARY VALUES should prompt you to complete your Summer wardrobe right now. Practically- ail suzes await. early shoppers. Smart Frocks $395- Spring models, te be sure. but suitable for Summer travel and wear far into Faîl. Not &a iues. 87 Frocks 'ria f e, rroo* wrgular aee and senal@nally r.duc.d. MesfIy dork selers, perfect fer busine. wear. Better Cottons. $4.95, Lovely cool Summer fashions in.- cluding eyclets. linens and nov- elty fabrics. Shop early for these. New Prinhts NWdresses sharply red%&ced for clearance. Prints and solid colors. Clever detailing. Nof*ail sizos. E VER Y SALE FINAL. APP.rel Section-LORD'S-Secopid Floor A&il .Our Better Haits In the'Annual July Clearance 1/2PRICE- Thelr labels #*IlIthé story of quality ed the 9rgn Offtheir Paris designs. Rouf strows, end fabric4. Large -andsmanl1headsizes. Truly, marvolous vailues. Milùiey-OÂJY.,-Sec'nd Fl0 r LORDS-FOUNTAIN SQUARE i Girls'. AII-WooI1 SwmS U tS $2.95 Values Made by Catlelmas ~ suring you of comfort je the water eadmiomrt. ness *on fthe beach. * Ail are backl.ss models with halter fies in fwo- toclvir ilos f - eerappliques. ie 8 to 16 y.ars. LORD'S-Se-otid Floor AIl SiIk'Costume SLIPS Every Popular (-Sjmtner Mode!. -4J I .~<F 4; Type $195 CLEARANCE sexwood BACS Formerly $3.00O 'Me. hamibag success 'of the. Summer season. Gitnuine Wood made pliable by a special pecess, easily cleaned. Clever styles attractively lined in gay padginglaams. LORD'S--Firçt Fboor 3.in..one slips... brassiere, panty and slip of finae silk. 4-gocred- silk slips rocommended f o r the. larger figure. Slips with Hollywood lace-tops or failoied mouldod types. Al have SHADOW PANELS ami adjust- able straps. 32 te 46. LORD'S-Secopid Floor Ful-Fashioned SîIk Hose i 1i 69C Including 2-Way Sfrèftch Tops and Non-Run Types A drastic clearancing of 600 Pairs. higher-priced silk hose in heer chiffon and service weighfs. Ali sizes ina Summers: smartest shades. Dontf miss fIais super-valuée Hosier'n-LORD'S-First Ploor Ch#iàtx Bedroo ENS EMB LES Drapes. on pinch-peated' style .01uiready t6 bang. Spreads are satY taiored with conéroit- ing ibinding. Drapes, $1..98 pai'r Spréads, $2.98 LORD'S-Firçt pij~ 3 pairs $2.00 PhQaue WiImette 3700 FÉor RverymDay Ure. or. S>ecial Purchase IVORY Breakfast Sets 16$ .5 pieces Service for fo ur . . . 4 cups. 4 saucers, 4 plates. 4 fruit dishes. lvory .with embossed edge, closely resemn- bling Wedgewood. Order teday. Luncheon Sets Service for six . 6 plates. 6 cups. 6 saucers, 6. fruit dishes, 6 bread and butter plates, piaffer and nappie Phone Orders Filied' LORD'S-Fjrst Ploor Unexcelled for Smooth Efficient Performance LAWN Mowe rs 14-IncA 9 16-Inch $69 Blades $19 18-Inch $9 Ruades 50 Ft. Firestone. Gard.enHose Heavy di1y . e.-III&- S hreder c«plngs.$24 LORD'S Bosement Store W.ILMETTE LIFE JULY 59. 1934 MIDSUMMER SALE Esmond Pelage Blankets Buy onQ. Convýenuot Lay-Awi,= v Pla.n * Smail Douip Paymemi and Balarf Weekly: FREE French Laundry Blanket Washing with Every .Purchase ! Solid à0lors and Jacquard Patterns The unusualwarmfh insured by, the Pelage finish, and the cler.colors have heretofore been obtain- able only h expensive, ail-wool blankets. These have been roven watmer, lighter and -longer lived' . Full size, 7184. 4-inch satin binding. BUYI Bcd&rq SeCtopi--LORD'S-First Ploor Famous "%Vanity Fair" 'UNDIES' - Discontinued 85' Cuff-Knee Shortees Ste p-Ins The eeolest ami. lave- liest of Summer un- derclothings by Van. ity Fair.and regularly priced at $1 and.......... $ 1.25. Delicate shade. oif toarose in sizes 5 ta 8. YouIl1 buy $ev- oral pieces. wu know. [.0RD'S-Pirst Ploor. CLEARANCE- Cotton and St"rng . LACESI. $1.504$1.95 Values $129yard KIakes the smartest frocks and blouses. 36-inches wide in yel- Iew, brown, navy. white. ecrq, Mlue ai 'dwhite, brown ami white. Easy te wor& with. The value is notoworthy. LORD'S-,Pjrst Fiaor CLEA RANCE Cool Cotton a Jc ket-s Regularly .$225 Fifted jackets of white pique with long sleeves in suzes 32 te 40.. Short-sleeved 'Linotte jack- ets with ,broad reyeres in white. navy, green ami brown ...O ses32 te 40. LORD'S-Pirst Floor CLEA RANCE, Sum mer Rugs Off Reg ular Prices Grass, Fibre end 'Sisaliex in solid colors, stenciled de- signs and gay plaids. Lim- ited number of celers, de-' signs ami sizes., LORD' -Third loor,