Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 20

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WJLMBTTB LIFE July 19, 1934 SHOP FOR CYCLISTS Cyclmng smoothly along- the Iak<ï fronit is a sport bieing enjoyed by many north'shore residéýàts because of the convenient loc ation of the Spanish Court Sport shop,.910'Span- ish court, No-' Man's Land, which, specializes in the rentai, sale«and ,re- p air of bicycles. The Spanish Court Sport shop is unider the management of Mark Harris. who aiso. owns the Spanish Kandy Kupboard. rFriday and Saturday Only DANISH CHERRY POCKETS Adelicious new coffee cake ... 4fr PIES 21 Mb. 1 GERMAN APPLE CAKE Real Germen style. In squares...............IU JELI.IED FRUIT SALAD Refreshing Summery salad, portion J BONELEqS BAKED HAM ~Sliced.- Beû you ever tastedl Lb .......1...... ............... Bake Shop-Street Floor :WI[EDOILD'S-EVANST@N On Davis Street WiImefte 1100 S4EN TA LIK ABOUIT and WOMwE N 1001 Parfculaly nce Vernon has REDUCED ITS ~~ FEStopc.s that are . in, Most' instances low.r . Nue Neecharged by mediocre courses that 4 ? alcfplayers oy bacaueo the low -rates. N@wy. ce pO'thusmrvlus golf course . as. economkiafly as Mh .Imapet curs tht ofer nolug comparable. - NEWlTB4MRARY LOW RATES lun aylUHein ofoe 7 A. W.-- .IM sunday. 7 te 12 N...1 or Ail Da'y .Mll Sand.ay. 12 MN... t 4 P. bM. or. A Par ----- w---------------I. Sundy.'4 P.. ------- --- ------ 75e CO U MNTIRY.eCLUB- Jtwt 1~% âBa.. mat V D..r>leld North Shore Personalitiesj Continued 'fromn Page 17) million dollars allotted by the f ederal government in 31 counties of Illinois for the alleviation of the droutb. In- structions had corne by wire at 4 :30 i in the afternoon and by 10 the plan for putting meni at work had to be formulated. "We'll have 'cm drill weils," suggested Mr. Ligbtbody. .Urged to Write Book WVhile he worries over work-relief and deveiops - bis pipe collection, his famnilv takes pride in the tropby. col- lection. Katherine Jane, a freshman at De Pauw, is a sports fan and knows the records of as many athîctes as ber father. Jimmy, Jr., c an't make atbietic records at New Trier because of an old back, injury, -but he is"piling up achievements in other ways--the band!, the drarnatic club, and so, on. Mrs. Uightbody inventories the tro pbies and goes in for club work. She. is the, newily eiected regent of the Glencoe D. A. ' R. There are always new records to make, according to the Lightbodys, but they wish father would take time out to'write a book about bis old ones. VISITS HERE -Mrs. Joe Contillon of Hickmnan, Ky., is making a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. ?Willis L. Butler, 718 Forest avenue. William Sundlof Begins Training at West Point William A. Sundiof, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sundiof,' 1533 Green- wood avenue, Wilmette, a graduate of New Trier High school, who was sworn in as a cadet at Westpoint Military academy, on july 1, lias been assigned to the second company by Maj. Gen. W. D. Connor, super- întendent. The total strength of Sundiof's class is 374. For the next six weeks Sundiof and lis ciassmates will receive an intensive course. of instruction in various military sub- jects including both drills and lec- tures. Early in August, the ciass w 'Il be ab sorbed into the corps of cadets and will participate in the im- pressive parades which are held daily. . RENEW CONTRACT . Bespeaking confidence is the renewal of Leonard Keiier's contract for the Wainut Room of the Bismarck hotel, by Managing Director Roy Steffén. Keller, the tone poet, and bis music bas in an amazingiy brief 'time estab- lisbed tbemselves as, entertainmentfek-? tures wbich f ew have ever been in a positiôn )to enjoy. In the short time Keller bas been on tbe air, NBC has provided additional broadcast periods for bis music. In addition to playing for the radio audience, Keller'directs a floor show and' initiates -dance -melo- dies for Walnut Room guests. His rbythnîs are charactenized with a colon and appeal .which'few orchestras have ever caught, it is stated. . C ASSORTED LAYER CAKE CHOCOLATE ICEBOX COOKIEI Butter cookies that meit in your montl Modyte Md.. le Hosei -- .--: soc Md.y t. Fvidy, Ail Dey --,76. bdfw .. 18 HW«------ 75c Sefudy. fisr4P. M.---------5.e BOY" SCOUT> NEWSI Scout Frïend t E SCOUT Asked to Enjoy Stil OUULME Week, at Camp. A CHALLNGEThe f ollowing invitation, made. last A CHLLENE .*week to residents of the north shore, To any.Snipe owner. The Wil- is repeated for the benefit of -per- sons whomay flot have completed mette Sea Scouts. would like to get- their vacation plans: together witb other Snipe owners Ail parents and friends of BOY and form a racing committee to ar- Scouts are urged to visit beautiful range a scbedule of -weekly yacht Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, at Spring races for the rest ofte\ umr lake, Wis. The North Shore Area Uic smmer. council wiIl run a seventh week pro- gram for those interested. in being at NOREASTER AFLOAT . .. Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-W'an, from August 5 to 12. For $7, each, everyone- The Snipc, Noreaster, buiit by Wi[- father, mother, sister, brother, wif e, mette Sea Scouts, may be seen often sweetheart 'or friend can spend a giiding over the waters of. Lake full week at Ma'Ka-Ja-Wan, having Michigan. This trim boat was just as good a time as the many launched atil1:30 o'clock in the scouts are now. enjoying. morning, july 4, in the presence of, -Ail kinds of activity» await the one hundred spectators at the United rnany vis itors-personal attention be- States Coast Guard station, Wiimette ing given to swimming, waterfront barbor. Capt. M. A. Jacobson of activities, nature study, handicraft, the coast guard station gave the boys canoeing, rowing, sailing, fishing, a talk about safety on the lake and hiking, playground activities, bail taking care of the equipment. Mem- garnes and every sort of activity one bers of, the ancient order of "Sons couldpsii eie of Salvage" received their member- H.ere is a very inexpensive vaca- ship cards (pieces of sandpaper) wit .h tion. with a program full àf good due ccremony. Mrs. W. C. Huggins, times, it is pointed out. Chef Ronald wife of the skipper, christened the W. Ross is to bc the cook and -baker boat "Noreaster," C. B. Burpee took, -ask any. scout who's been to camp moton ictresof he lanchngand hear what ,hle thinks of Chef and gave the film to the ship. Rs'coigi atb et After the boat was launched and Transportation to Camp Ma-Ka- rigged, R. D. Hall, second mate, and Ja-Wan is the same rate as for.the Bruce Ellison and Claude Smith, scouts-$5, round trip, providing apprentice Sea Scouts, saiied the boat thirty people sign up for the train. around the harbor. For full particulars cal! Highland Park 629, or' write to Boy Scout headquarters, 21 N. Sheridan road, AT THE HARBOR ... Highland Park. Three Wilmette Sea Scout boats N. S. Scout Council now rock gracefully on the waters of Wilmette. harbor: :the Snipe, a they've made a large sea chest to "sharpie" and a canoe. The scouts contain. the rigginigs. have built a dock, while ashore --R. D. H. W I-LMglrT£. jùiy 19, 1934 LIPE

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