Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 18

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WILMETTE LIFE July 19, 1934 G.OLF tLESSONS et Playecres North Shore residents know fhis is exacfly whaf they gef --Free individ- ual instruction. YOU, TOO, can improve. your game if you tAke advantage of f his offer- there is absolufely no charge except for the practice bails. Golf professional on duty al day to serve you.. Corne ou+ any ,lime- preferably in the morning or early. affernoon to assure you individual attention. Affer 4:30 P. M. if isn'f always possible fo give private instruc- tion. These lessons are available to anyone over 12 years of age. Don'f forget, Playacres charges only fiffy cents for a large pail of good practice balîs - lias watered tees- fine fairway beaufifully wooded, and is semi-private. Corne ouf and learn. Try a few lessons dluring the day-or phone for'appoint- ment. PLAYACRES Northeast Corner Loke'Avenue& Hibbaàrd Roud WILMETTE Harvey Olsen. Pro Phone Wigmette 5301' Plan Organization of 'National FIyJng North Shore Aviators ClbPanWs ýA group of north shore aviators, bath amateur and professional. is P p lrA p oa planning the fomto fanar h ational Flying clubs associa-; club, ta be organized on- a. non-profit1 tion unider the leadership- of Kurt basis. The tentative -plans include a Kunau, internationally famous aviator coniplete ground school and flightan d acrobatic wing-walker, is rapidly course ta be given by licensed menm- beconîing one of the niost I)opular bers of the club. Any inan initerested1 and successful flying clubs in Amer- in the study and practice af aviation ica. who is over 18 years of age and This "inew deal" ini aviation hias al- possesses the physical requirements ready taugh't over fiftv members Ilow to bold a license may secure informa- to fly, bath in power planes and in tion by calling Stan Lindstrom.i Wil- gliders. The Iractical instruction is mette 2175, after 6 p.m. carried an at Sky Harbor airport wvest of Glencoe." Charles F. Abel' Air ines Fod Pane former liolder of the' world's record Air ines Fod Pane for looping gliders, supervises the Now at Curtiss Field glider, activity and Duaine Howard, Eugene Shank, operations manager Hollywvood stunt fluer, inistructs in and chief pilot for the Hanford Air the power planes. In addition, the lines, brought a Wasp powered Fard club hias trainied groups in aviation ta Curtiss -airport, last week, leaving theory and aerodynamics at the reg- it there and flying back ta the Chi- ular weekly. lectures at the <lown- cago municipal airport in a Fokker, town club raoms. also owned by the Hanford Air lines. The .primary purpose of tlhe club The Fokker had been in the Curtiss is ta pravide the vouth af Anierica shop for the installation of a tail anl opportunity ta learn ta fly and wvheel to replace a tail skid., The ta enter avýiation at the Iawest pas- Hanford Air lines have the goverui-- sible cost. Unider the carefull super- muent air mail cantract betwveen Chi- vision af licensed instructars using caga and the Twin Cities. licensed ships, stiadents soan find _______________-themselves soaring hîglb amiong the Tevis Gibson- Back From clouds-full fledged pilots, il is said. Miss Tevis Gibson ai Highland for the National Air mneet which Park,' wha learned ta flv at Curtiss wiIl be hield at Skv Harbar airport. airport several years aga and recent- Suiîdav-. Jilv 29. Tickets are naov on 13' returned from an extended Visit 'al daclthé public, lias I)een invited in California, bias been vis iting Cur- ta attend. , [ail% outstanding aviatars tiss field occasionally iii.recent weeks. will 1w I)resent and the ineet j)ramises Last week. she flew ta M1olîne in. a ta be aone af the largest air events Waco. Dwighit Morrai,%,, flying i- in Chicago during 1934. structor at Curtiss. accomipanied hier A special meeting of the club wvas and gave lier cross country instruc, lheld an Fridlav eveniing, July 13,. at 11011.the clul)ros located at. 309 S. L.a- iSalle street. There wvas a lecture and iN. W. Airways Lockheed several talks by fanions aviatars. also. Diseharges* 2 at Curtiss i:1 Ntiona cAir ern gth A Nartbwest Airways Lockbieed meet.l 10rion stopped at Curtiss airl)ort one day last week on its soutbbound mn John Maxellos Again Is fromn Minneapolis ta Chicago ta dis- Flying at Sky Harbor charge twvo passengers. Not long ago JonMxlsofte aels Northwest .Ai%- s iaugura*te(l Jh aels iteMxlo faser er ir ewavs Ciao acrobatic troupe arrived at Sky Har- te e rvii iie bîOeepneicgand ck-bar.airport lasî veek froîn New I he Tinra Cies wOîroulne, ariock-York City, in a Waco F, open cock- liee Flctr, mkestworoud tiPspit sbip, which lie purcbiased in the a day 1, astern city. Maxellos, after leariu- DanPetrki, J., ow ng ta fly at Sky Harbor a year .o D-an * Pterkn, J., N w.- i two aga, braught a Fledgling. He Has. Transport License i vent ta New York in the Fledgling Daniel Peterkin, Jr., of. the Moron1 and traded ihis ship in f or tbe Waca. recetly*pasedthe He told members of tbe Sky. Har- Sait company, bar arpart taff tat hehed bi test for his transport license at. Cue- brarotsafta i n i tiss airport: Last Tbursday hie flew troupe expect .to be in Chicago .for býis 1933 Stinson Reliant ta Battipe the remainder of the summer, which Crek, ich, i a'business trp means that Johnny prabably, vill be Peterkin's father-in.-law., Walden 'enfeunl ron k abr Shaw, also passed, a flight test re- cently at Curtiss field and obtained *his privatepilot's license. Makes Chartér Trip to New York City,,Friday Herman Anderson,* vicé-ýresident of .tlîe Chicago Aviation corporation, operators of Curtiss airpart, left the airport last Friday morning in a new Stinson Reliant on a charter trip ta New York City. Anderson had one passenger with him'. ARRIVES FROM CINCINNATI A 'Pute OH company Waco arrived at Curtiss airport last Tbursday light f rom Cincinnati. Major Motor Overbaul on Flying Club Baglet The American eaglet used by the National Flying 'Clubs1 association for its flying activity at Sky Harbor air- port is, undergoinig a major mator ovýerbaul at thé Sky Harbor shop. W~ork on the job was started early last week. The sbip is pawered by a Szekely motor. SOLO TRIP TO MOLINE Miss Belle Hetzel,' the Omaha school teacher wbo bas been doing some flying of late at Curtiss air- part, made a solo trip ta Moline and return last week-. -~ I i. î~ AVIATION 10 pi à , 1 . MU Uw- july l% 1934 WILMETTE, LIFE

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