t. , ..4t, - .WILMETTE LIFE july 19. 1934 TMCE BOAT TRIP, Mfrs. D. Scott Catmpbell, Scott, Donald, and Lilyan, of 523 Essex oa.Kenilworth, lef t ycsterday - on a boat trip to.-Ludington, Mich. to sn-'nd ten days. with Mrs,. H.S. 0'Neal. BIG VACÀ NORTH SHORE 611 Main Street INR.- Let us pick up and del our FREE Residential.' Your Neiglaborlsood CH -A thrilling cruise to far-away Duluth and back, wîith stopg at the mnost interesting and scenic spots on the Great Lakes. 7 days of fun ad relaxatio...72 nights of refreshing sleep. Al thé -features of a trans-Atlantic crossing for only $7 a day includng. everything. VSPORTS DECK high up in the sun, Soeoled by lake Ibreezes, whcere you play dock games, promeénade, or relax in aý steamer chair for 'a. "sun-tan" nap. DANCING to the entrancing tunes of a réal, orcheotra in the swanky3 Club Alabaina (without 'amy entrance fee or cover charge). SOCIAL ACTIVITIES am kept in 00 swing by'a charrng hosteu and a .S allig Every. Saturday JOURNEYS OCBgao L'333 N. Mich6igan Ave. (Ph. State 3m9) staff of c ongenial officers. who see that everyene gets acquainted. Bridge, tour- naments, masquerades. and -parties. SIX DAI1Y MiA LS dcliciously pre- pared, stiperbly, served, appealse hcar'ty appetites whetted by sca breezes. THE LOW IPRICE ipcludes e v er y neccssary expense. Thr mte, $4950, provides minimum priccd cgbin.. More expensive accommodations available, btail have mine food, sane Privicgcs. Fglnformaton and Reservations Cail H. E. WARNER, Agent North Shore Electrjc Station at Elm St., Winnetka Tel. Winn. 963 e .À Chicagro, laie Rowae, Cnd .'.Ln ?RHA CEERS Boys Air' CAMP 0,Ck OCtif Junior" Adair, Tom Olin, and Winstonl Frederiýk«, -ail of- Kenjlwortb, bave -been spençi- ing the past two weeks at Camp Manito-Wish, Wis., near Boulder Junction. - of good cas A Wiliiette -visitor of interIlationa of Greenfield. Ill., icnle 0f Mrs. Rober dets. Packards. '111e. W1ilmette. -4ccoii/aniinig hini ish and PIyrnouths. Rollinis is 83 i'cars of agc. PARTY FOR GRANDSON jing front-Mrs. H. \V. Oakwood and lier smalli ingfrm.son, Billy, Jr., of Buffalo arrived last; Mondav~ to visit the former's mnother, Mrs. A. J. Kuelzow.(>11 Greenleaf $ 5 0avenue. r.Kezwwl nrti ;4,000 wortIh the occasion of lier grandson's second this week. birthida%. Mrs. Arthur M. Brereton, M3 a Chestnut avenue, will entertain lier luncheon bridge club at Kildeer next lCHEVROLET Wilmette 4414 V R T I 'h a rget. ont popular Etesort in -liver your car with MRÂ hoNorth Woods. Finhing. bathing.i MotorycleServie. bating, dancing. sporty golf course. Motocycl Serice.JIM Wonderful food. American plan. The DtaIerftneat equipped cttages.,ach wltb bath. hm. o and cold runnlng water. Inside toilets. !EVROLET Dalrmaid merie. Roduced rates. write today te TOM MAIOTY, EagIe River, Wiuom'u, But there wvas a Waterloo for even Napoleon. and Mr. Rollins 'tells wîth great good lîumor of meeting his in t tb2 personl of Newton Banks,. another champion of America. Net. only did the champion defeat Mr.> Rollins, but lie played four adversaries, of whom Mr. Rollins was otne, at the s.ane. time and heat them al. Mr. Baniks phayed while 'blindfolded. lu I the accompan ying photograph Mr. Rollin, at riglit,*is shown Opaying With Forrest- (Shorty) 'Brightwell. The "setup" of the game at the mo1rent the photograph' was taken is: Black to move and win. Mr. Rollins is playing the-black. The interviewer, not heing checker-conscioug, failedf to remain for the thrilling finish' CLÔSE MICHIGAN' AVENUE Bv order of the Police department- the south end of Michigan avenue bas been closed during the bathing season. The purpose is to confine, north bounidthrough traffic to Sheri- dan road and thus alleviate the ser- rious traffic jams at Lake avenue and Michigan avenue, it is explained. il reputa'tioii is A. D. Rollins (rýqht) 7rt L. P. Biesemejier, 804 Central ave- his dag. 'Mfikcv." 18 3iears old.- Mr. While bere -.\r. Rollins, who is wvhat miglit he called an expert at checkers. and-taught -the game for f orty years, will nîeet any and aIl corners in a series of gaines to he plaved at Sliorty and Meyer's Barber shop. No. 1 Electric place. WVihrnette. whichi seemis to be an opportunity for north- shore checker ..sbarks" to get, in somne good practice. Mr. Rollinis took up the game when a voting boy, and throughîout the years bas learned a few, things about it. AIlso. lie lias shown severalother peo- ple sonîetbing about it. At one time he operated tlîe lotel, in bis home towîî. Wlien, lie took possession he, had, a sigil painted and suspended above the cash- ier's, desk bearing the legeiîîd -n guest of titis liotel . vboù can beat thie proI)riett)r at checkers , %vill receive. accommodatijons without charg-e." I t is said that the guests ail paid. Duriîîg bis prime MNr. Rollins lias etmanv of the o-utstanidiiîg plà%ler, itbs couintrv and Elngland. Among them were Chiarles Baker, erstwhile 1h'aiîlpion of Anmerica. Alfred jordan. whose record wvas next to tlie Englisli chamnpion; Champion Fishburn of South Carolina. wvitlî whomi lie tied ont a series of fifty gaines; Chamipion WVelcli of Texas, %whoni lie defeated at Fort Wortli, Champion Jones of. 11h- ilois. whoni liedefeated ini tbrec sepà- rate series. $12.000 worthq including Chevro La Salles. Fards g Prices rang $1.5 to Corne eurly-$ alroudy sold . july. 19. 1934