Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 14

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JUNIlO.R VOL 7, NO. 47 WILMETTE, 1LL"OIS, JULY 19, 1934 Newsui Youngsters Ride- to Beach Every Friday Every Friday is beach day. The first week Mr. Mackie went wvith us; the second week Miss Bierer accorn- panied us. Sorne go down in a truck, and others a in Mr. Stone's ~II. car. We goat 1 o'clock in the af- ternoon and corne Sbhorne about 3:15. pole 8 feet in length to be put in us lessons every day. On beach da the center, and two interwound poles we eacb bring a penny to pay f( with a îoop at the top are placed the gasoline used by the truck. Th about six feet froin the center pole. niey that -is left we put away.A .Attachied to the ceilter pole is a the end of the year we are goingt .string with a. bal! tied at the -end. have a party with the rnonev.-An The object of the gaine is to bit Borre. Village Green. the hall through the loop withi your hiands. Eleven tures through the Children Have, Frantic loop is gaine. In the ceniter isa neutral area wherce a point is award- Search for a Red Hai ed to the opponent if ylot step into WVe had a scavenger h'unt recentl, tlîis area. at Village Green. W'e were divide This gaine lias l)rove(l to be very ilito roupôiis of eiglht and given a sll poptilar with everybody. -Jiin of paper on. whiclh the naines of thF Badgr, Vttnan prk.things we %vere to find or do wveri Badgr, Vttnan prk.written. The list wvas as follows: rustv n ail, apple seeds, candie. th( Pegy TlisSom thlp habet writteii backward, a e Exciting and Interesting Mas: issue of the Ladies' Honm Do you want to knoi seinethin g Jo)tîriîâl. Theiî Ailthe teains set oui exciting and interesting? XV ell, jî to sec which eue.t cotil(l collect al tel] you. Sally Joy rwî a writer the things first. Evervene, had à lot of the Chicago Tribune, lias w"eeklv % ffu ail(Ithie w-inners were rewar(l parties everv-suinuner. The first pa.rts' ed wîtlh a piece of c;tnd(I-.-Hilda wasto see a gaine between the Cil)s Výoeller, Village Greenî. and Pirates at .Wrigley field. Fifty boys and fifty girls get to go on each Playgrounds Keep Child parti'. Sally chooses the youngsters hy askjng thein to write to her and PromLonging for City tel] ber why they wvant to go. I 1arnm came 'froin Chicago a week ago ene of thie lucky, girls.-Peggy Butler, te live in Xilmette. I thoughtI Vattînan park. would miss, the Chicàgo parks butI _________________find Village Green a fine place to amuse yourself during the summer. Margaret Wants to Be 1 am interested rnostly in high jump- ai Cubs Park July .31 ing. 1 arn weavinga basket and an nearly finished. 1 aIse would like ýýare going to Cubs park July to be on the kickball teain. Monday 31.' Only those who attend the play- J. expect to start making tin can ground and enter contests rnay go. trees. Broad jumping, foot races, I hope I can go. I went to. Cubs and tennis are other sports I enjoy.- park with thein the year before last. Merle Carlson, Village Green. I did flot goý last year because I was__________ on my vacation. But this vear I will be here.-Margaret Kivland, Vl Poster Contest Artists. lage Green. Develop Many Subjects Many great artists such as Beatrice IT RAINED, 0F COURSE L., Bessie B., Dorothy D. -and others .OnFrdayth 13hwe er g ongare contributing a poster te the Onhaveraye I3h aswecywerle ngposter contest. Sonie of the posters, skt e, h ave nraces s ch oa tbiccles rluer are about tennis, basebaîl, kickball, skae, wagon, eab o o rae. Bt the doîl show and rnany *othér sub- whare we wn.ererbo to beinit jects. Yellow and black< have been star ted rinn. Everydy wishe i used more than any other ielor for would s Vto S did . R br.the post ers.-Marjorie- Albright, Vatt- Heinen, attian prk.mailà park. THREE NEW, TEACHERS ALL TO RACE FRI'DÀY We are making a lot of frames, and Thr îlb icycle. races, skate aIl the children bring their pictures. races, scooter and tricycle races at We have three new teachers, a m iman 030o'lok. Le'sbethee.AI and two wornen, Miss Bushnell and103,occk e'b tre Al Miss Buehler.-Patricia Symons, \il~ ages. Sand-mQdçling contest will' be age Green.. held Friday, August 3, .at the Village _______________Green. -Virginia Lundy, Vattinan park. TERRITORY CONTEST The territory contest was scheduled VATTMAN JUNIORS WIN o be held at Vattman park Wednes- Recently in a. bail gaine with Vil- lay, July 18. Juniors and inter- lage Green our juniors won, 13 te 1IL rnediates were urged te sîgn up for The Village Green Pitcher walked the events.-Dorothy Nilles, Vattinan about ten flen)-Richiard Fariner, ark. Vattinan park.1 t c y t lay for 'he to 'n Ir ip, re d a e Lt la Girls' Bicycle Hike Set for Next Monday Another bicycle hike fôr girls has been scbed.uled by the Recreation board for Monday evening, july 23, at 6 o'clock. Reservations rnay be rnade at the recreation office, 914 Central avenue,>any turne before noon of the day of the hike. Members of the Recreation staff conducting the hike aninouxice that any girl more. than 15 years of age, who can heg, borrow or rent a bike is eligible to Reasonable rates have been ob- tained by the board at a bicycle shop and girls desiring to go on the hike rnay make their rentaI fees less by oh- taining their bicycles in a greup. The recreation 'office wvill make reserva- tions if desired, it is announced. No expeilses, save for those wvhe desire to rent bicycles, are cennectfed with the hike since each girl brings-nm- ber own lunch. Invite Wilmette Publie to Annual Track Meet sec the gaine with the St. Louis The annual track meet wvill he held Cardinals. Only the boys and girls July 25 at 10 o'clock ini the nîorniîîg, wvhose attendance is regular at their and July 26 at 7 o'clock iin the even- respective playgrounds are eligible te ing. On Wednes- see the gaine. Last year- the play- d a v ni o r n i nl g grounds saw the Cubs play -1he Cmn- .,there wvill be the cinnati Reds. Evervbody is looking - ball-thirtwirig and forward to going to thîs year's Shiglh-jiuîup evenits. gaie 'vhich ouglit to be a goo(l fell The (asles and( because both teais are contending broad jurnps are for the pennant.-Býeleov Haley', te be lelcl 0on Vattian park. Will You See Cubs Play Big Game July 31 ? Two hunldred and fifty boys and girls of the two playgrounds, Vatt- man park and Village Green, will at- tend the Cubs' gaine at WTrigley field on Tuesday, july 31. The playgrounds are again iîivited with the compli- ments of the Cubs' management to event is open te alilclasses. 'Tlîe- meet I îs to he hceld. at the Village Green What Next?, Girls Make rbe th dv. W hp o wl i Posies Out of Tin Cans etlre-Shirlev Pearson. Vattînaîm park. l'le senior and interniediate girl,; Werc ei0g19teiniake floiwers oilt of Eight Girls Defeat Six tîianl s d o us Iiv9 Boys in Basebali Gaine brotight our oi: otherwisc wc u tsed Monday, july 9, six boys played crepe paper tînt the park furnislied. eiglît girls in basebaîl. Miss Bierer XVe could make- the flowers of twve wvas a member of the girls teain. TIhe Clers. 1 arn especiall3- interested in 1naines of five of the boys were making them.-Oliv'e Carîson, Villageý Albert Sargent, Engene Has'selberg, Green. Charles Hillînger, Freddie Woodhury and .Dick Borre. The score was 7' BEAT GREEN THREE TIMES te 2. The girls won.-John Sargent, W aepae he ansi Village Green. ehv lydtr gisin kickball with Village Green and we 4~ET POINTS FOR POSTERS have won. theinal.. The first gaine The boys and girls of Village Green we played, the score wvas 22, to 21. are rnaking posters and baskets. 1 Th' e nex gaine the score- was. 17 te rnight make, a poster with basebaîl 12, and te Iast gaine was 21 .to 0. 1 pictures on it. You get two points like to play kickball very inuch.-. for rnaking it. But if you win in the Flora Alice Jon es, Vattrnan park. contest you can get more points te- ward your medal. 1 hope I Witi a. SATURDAY TREASURES medal .-fée Voeller, Village- Green. vr Stda mongwe1he HOPES TO.GET MEDAL a treasure hunt. ýAt, 10 o'clock yen go te the park 'alins vr a hunt for eight different things.-Mar.. 1 like to, play baseball and to play jorie Etienne, Village Green. on. the toy*s. I1 >arn raking a basket. I hope I will get a medal.-Richard Borre, Village Green. PLAN TERRITORY CAMEBERAy We were, to ,have a territory gaine Monday afternoo3nJly 16, at 1 :30 For That B.ig Track o'clock. Thejniors and seniors were to la. -Lorraiî,e Napoli, Vil--Meet vlvednesday lage Green. We are going to start making wall-adThrdy paper wastepaper baskets. It will, be Jl 5ad2 "sort of" hard.-Bettie Kraft, Village Jl . n 6 Green. Vattman Park rs Welcoming Loop Tni Thursday, july 12, a new contest was'added to the Vattman- collection of games. This new game is called loop tennis. The gaine as intro- duced at Vattrnan by Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation in Wil- mette. Equipinent for the garne is a steel s 8 . if e Ï) 1 y ro ýo m :e y n S, s e s 1 e

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