Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 12

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WILMETTE LIPE Baptist Ckurck techers make fi, possible for each de-Ma edC or Of r ýWilmette and Forent avenues - atet oerr 1 M se C7 1s fe Rev Gore . Ilýq, asorOur Aduit Bi ble class meets at 9 :45 H-yfllfology Classis Re. eogeD.Ali~, asor and fis engaged in a î4tudy of '-The Life C In the union services on Sundayand Letters of Peter.'-- We -wecome Six hundred voices, representin the mornlng. Il o'clock at First Congre- .you.. massed choirs of the Choral Directors gational church, Dr. .Allison. preaches ul fCiao vilb ie!i h the third. of ai series of serinons that The pastor wîll be giad to give pas- rendto of fhcaor clssics o hynolohe have aroused genuine interest. His $oral service to anyone if needed. Phone- edto ffu lsiso ynlg theme will be «IA Vision of God, Wise, Wilmette 3876. at a great. community service of %eor- Strong and Kind," bas-ed on the 31st ship to be helr! at the Universitv of chapter of Isaiah, the Prophet. The séries continues on .lulY 22 and 29, with St. Joh n9s Lutheran Chicago chapel, 59th 5treet and Wood- timely topics. Wilmette and Park avenues, Wlet lawn avenue; Monday evening, Julvy The annuai ali-church beach î,artv Rev.. J. H. Gockel, pastor30 Thpuiciintdtohesr- of the Baptist congregation will be heldi 9 cwihwl pntetidana Thursday afternoon and eveming, July 1 :15 a. m.-F'irst service Pastor's Institute tô be held at the 26. It ls expected that the niembers will 1 9 :3p a. m.-Sunday sehool Midway that week. bring the whole famuily and basket sup- il a. in.-Second service The masser! choirs ilsn th pers for their repast. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. ilsn h Dubbs have kindiy,,offered the use of Snniday's ser'mon subject wili be the Hallelujah chorus fromn Handel's their delightful beach and recreation seventh and iast petition whieh the *"Messiah"; the Halleluj ,ah chorus f rom roorn facilities. The commi-ittet' ia charge Lor'd has taught uis to add to His Beethoven's "Mount of Olives"; "The consists of Frank Guthridgt', chairnman' ])rayer: "Deliver Us.From Evil !" This Frank Sutherlaad, altlo, Arthur petition cafn be regarded as suinming Up Heavens Are Telling," from "The Scott, Herbert Jones, Mrs. Harry Kerr, ail the' others. We have a #ne commen- Creation" by Haydn, andr! MacFar- Mrs. Edward Meier ând Ms Winifred tai'y.% on it in one of the Ilst sentences ln' Oe l)gl. enned by St. Paul: "Thé Lord ehal lii! "pe ur Eyes." The sermon Dingle. c~~eli%,Qr me from every evil work, and wl egvnbyD.CalsClavton A latei' social event, aiways loo keil j will presgerve me unto His heavenly Morrison, editor of "The Christian forward to w.ith iaterest, is the Couples' .iidii"Century," who wiIl discuss "The Crisis class îicnic. This- year's outiag will probably he held on Saturday. August HOlY Communion wili be celebrated in in Ch ristianity." George Cýarîson will 11, and Mrs. Jlohn Davis with her coin- the il o'clock serv«ice on July 29. An- direct, the choirs. niittee is already planning something ii01-11ceiiieiite will be received after next The service open-, a week of intenl- out of the ordinary. The class la look- Stind<ay's serice' or1duiig the' after-s Ing ahead to a liveiy fal season, with flool and evening of July 27.sive, study and discussion on, the part C. Herbert Jones as, president andofpsr rinvlu atsfth George B3. Williaims and Dr. George O1n tht'-six Suii(a,.%s beginniag with Country. The Pastor's Institute is Col,- Allison as teachers. JtilY 29. stetreopti*on slides illustratingdutdoitvbteDiit cho the lite of Christ wiil be shown durîng dce onl yteDvniySho The Chicago Summer Assemnbly,. held the' Sunday school period. If Your chul- of the University of Chicago. the Clii- at Conference l'oint, Lake Geneva', was' fiien are not conaeeted with a Suaday -cago Theological Seminary, anr! the attended by Ruth Sutherland, Ora sullo<bl, we shall be glad to have themDicpe vntyHosadt Ur Phelps, Joan Oythridge, and. Shirley j>'Y' us la this illustrated review of theDicpeDiity osear!tsu- LeaQl.asdeegaes Anon th vsi- e sît 'ories of the' four Gospels. pose is to enlable clergymenl to "brush tors were Eleanor %Villi.inis,« David up" on current trends. in religious Haas, and Toni, Allison, as well as a h thought and church . practice. Last number of interested parents. These M to itC u csrmr24pSOsadter ie. young peopile are back now, with new '1ev. Oscar Thomas Oison, 1).D., ministerre eenig 8deonaosar!3 ideas and enthusiasmn foi'-(Christian rpeetn 8dnmntosad3 work. The' ninister's sermion theme for the states and provinces, attender! the ses- 11 o'('lock worsi'li service niext Sunday sions. Nine lecture courses are of- Pastor Àllison is to be Camp Pastor nioi'ning, Julv' 22, will be: --out of thefeertisyao at the Ocean Park School of Methods, (iouds.» frd hsyer nsubJects ranging near Old Orchard,' Maine,. Auguat 20 ,to The music foi' nlext Suaday morning froni the Use of psychology in persona! 30. Any Wilmette friends driving east is as follows: cosein to the study of the Bilhe will be w« ml rete hee.Ogan Prelude :-Andcante Catiabile" ntelgtoodm hsoia e --(String Quartet> .._Tschaikowsky i searc h fmdr isoia , *, i aMiss Marie Briel sarh i~ng sn 4u&rera Ottrto'3'Solo: -I Will Lift Up Mine Lectures are helr! 'Iuesday morning. Seventh street at Greenleaf avenue EYes Unto the 1His".....Evilie July 31, through Saturday mmig "A House of Worshlp" Mlis- Flor'ence Farrar nrig The Rev. David R. Kabele, lîastori' O'gan Postlude: "Andante Cantabi le" Ags ,a usncuto h i! 1 -N1) - 1<V -Symphoay> . Tschaikowsky way campus, with special event .s ar- Y IÎ E)tvl('Es i1rlgdfrat-nüsadeelns Eaî-ly ser'vice ..........8 a. n.m'Wli<'!liei .ili bc 'ared foi' dur-,mne!fratron n vnns Sunday school .. 9 a. M- ing the '.voi'shipsîv" thi'ough.i the Second service Il a. m. suiiiieî' as usual. VIISIcKNL OT Tht' Wonmaa's society will nîeet this afternoon (Thuî'sday) at 2 'clock at tht' homne of Mrs. G. A. Frimand, 706 Illinois rond, Wilmette. The Luther league will hold a beach party Wednesday evenlng, July 25. We will meet at the chureh at 7-:30 o'elock. Ail the young p)eople are invited. Begianing next Suaday morning, pic'- tui'es on the Lite of Christ will be shown during the Sunday school hour. We inv.ite t'veryone to attend. Let us woî'ship just as î'egularly ln the' sunîaeî' time as we do during the other seasons of the >year. Our early service is foi' youî' convenience. Corne to the Fî'îendly Churci' where the Way is miade plain. First Presbyterian Ninth' stî'eet at Greenleaf avenue Jamne T. Venekiasea, miaister Our -mioî'ing worship service 'is held at 11 o'clock. The minister will preach on the' theme, 'Christ and A Battie With Selfishnes.4." Ia this struggie whlch everyone must make, we may gain a helpful lesson from this experience of Jesus with ont' who was in it. The nmusial prograni foir the service wili be as follows :. Prelude, "On The Holy Mount," Dvorak;- Solos, %.Lord, Thou Art My' Refuge," Dvorak, and "'The Publican," Van der Water, sung by Edward, Otis, soloist; postlude. *"March lng" Faulkes. Miss Erma Rounds Io dfrector. Our Bible sehool meets at 9:30 and weieomes ail to its sessions. Combina- tions of classes and assignments cf4 The î'egulaî' seskions of. the' Ciiui'h school have been discontinued until the' second Sunday filn Sep)temibei'. A group .of tweaty-five young people ivili spend the week of July 23-30 at 19pworth Forest league Institute at Lake Webster, .Iad. Mî's. Norton A. Booz and M. S. Hariey* will acconîpanv tht' group* The Woînan's, Year Book is.4 1now i tht' îiocess o f .pieparation foi'-.the' lrnter. Ail rembers of the- chtîrch are 'uî'ged to flotlfy the church office of aîy. changes ia addî'esses or~ telephonie nu mbers. First Con gregational1 John.G. Hindley, Ininisteî We extend A cordial invitation to vis- itors and stî'angers la Wilnet t > at- tend the union ser'vices of tht' Baptist. and Congî'egationalchuî'ches, ,%vhich ar'e held in this eh.urch duriag the month of. July. Di'. Geor'ge D. Allisoni, pastor of the Baptist church,. has char'ge ot)fthe service's. which are at il o'clock. Tht' subject of. Dr. Allison's sernion next Sunday is "Thî'ee Pictui'es of God.", Can wie believ.e Himi wise, strotig and kind? The' ausic for the mnoîning woî'ship wili be as foliows: Prelude: "Andante" from E Minor Sonata ... ............. James Rogers . Solo: "Lord God of Abraham" ......... -'. Mendelssohn Ofertory Solo: "Selected Hymn" Postlude: "Allegro", from E Minor Sonata .--------------James Rogers1 Mr. Carman Learn will be the sÔoolt.i Miss Emily Roberts is the organist and À dirèctor.à Mrs. John Nuveen, Jr., 520 War- wick roar!, Kenilworth, who with lier children Margaret, Aune, and "Timmy" has been at her summer home at Sylvan Beach, Mich., spent !ast Monday, in Keniluromth,. metura- :ng again Tuesday with Mrs. Charles French anr! hem daughter Mary of Wabash, Ind., who will stay the re- mainder, of the week. Mr. ýNuveen spends his week-ends with his fani- ily. ENTERTAINS Mrs. William Freudenreich, 314 Abbotsforr! roar!, Kenilworth, enter- tainer! for luncheon last Friday ýthe. members anr! their ýdaughters of her quilting club in. honor of Mrs. Roger Behan (Estelle Farley). of Auborn- date, Mass., who.is visiting hem Par- ents. TAKE LAKE, CRUISE. Mms. Leonard Parson, 623 Green- leaf avenue, aund her niece Phyllis Richard!son of 1233 Lake avenue Ieft Wednesday of last week on the S. S. South America for a week's visit to Mitckinac Islanr!, Detroit, Cleveland!, aur! Niagara falîs. They sailer! froni Chicago. Tht' VacatiQni ChurcW qehool hoids Its final sesion next Sunda:y înorning, meet- ing at il o'clock for a one hour perlod. After this Sunday It will recess until the second Sunday In September. Il EWS0F HECHUR C HES Jewish Folk Musi*c Featured Part of 'EPic of a Nation- Thrilling 'symphonic arrangements and rollicking, simple littie 'folk tunes, ail closely associated with the histort and traditions of the Jewish people, will be woven together in the music to be presented in the "Epic of a. Na- tion" spectacle on the nighit of July 29 in Soldier Field as a climax to the Jewish Community Day celebration at, A Century of Progress. Leo Kopp. conductor and student of jewvish folk music.who. is music direc- tor for the spectacle has negotiated to secure rights to present the famouls "Hebraic Rhapsody" by the Russian composer, Zolotaroif, as a highlight oi the spectacle's opening sceîie which wvill be laid ini Palestine. The présentation will1 trace the his- tory and life of the Jewvs from ancient, times up to.the present, tlirough mraux lands and ages. There wvill bea scene from Spain of the time -hIefore, the Inquisition. rhis w~ill be a joyuus time with mcrry folk (lances mingling Nvith the elaboratelv costumer! dances presented in the courts of the Spanish kings. Symbolize Suffering Symbolizing- the suffering and des-. pair which wvas hum with the Inquisi- tion will be the music of -Kol Nidre.- its plaintive. mourîlful strains fillcd with human tears. Too, Bloch's im- m,rtal "Israel" symphony wvill be (,ne of the highlights of thîs section of the, Spectacle. L.ater, thé drainatic action, music and dancing will lead the audience into the happy Chassidic perior!. one of the imost impiortanlt epis.odes ini Jewisli hîs- tory.. This scene, typifying close kmn- ship with God and great job in religion, %vill feature the authentic music which bas alvays been ass4ciated with the Cliassidic epoch. Hundreds of dancers, a massed chorus of five- hundrer! mixed voices and a symphony orchestra of seventy- five pieces will be seen. in addition to a cast of three thousand4 persons. Outtal4img Leader Maestro Kopp is not only engaged in the selection and arrangement of the music for the production, but is :hoosing and coaching. the choral groups -lHe has been associater! as conductor with the Koenigsberg, (Ger- nany), Cincinnati, Zoo and Chicago iivic opera companies. Blake, Scott, known throughout the vorld for his work in the field of danc- ig, is dance director for the spectacle. Hle is a student of Michael Fokine, mentor, of Pavlowa, Mordkin and Ni- jinsky. He was formerly da .nce man- ager for 7Eva LeGallienne's New York, Civic Repertory theater. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rogers of Dallas, 'exas, have been guests for àweek recently of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Yates, 1131 Ashland ave- ue. 'They came to Chicago for the Fair and for Mr. Rogers to conduct )usiness. -o- Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumber. and avenue, Kenilworth,. entertained ier duplicate contract bridge club ist Monday. 0o- William M. Kinney,- 126 Abingdon ivenue, Kenilworth, left last Tuesday )n a business tnip to Washington, ). C. t c i c r ( il I n j a c r a n F b h h h a' ol n SI july 19, 19314

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