Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 10

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COING TO NEW YORK Mres.- Charles V. Julian, 510 Fiftb street, who'. is. teaching sumnmer scbool in Minmette, wilI leave about August. 1, for a week's visit with Mrs. John Maguire of New, York Cityiformerly: of Winnetka. ,Her son Dick isspending the summer w ith bis paternal grandparents at Portage Lake, Wis. Mrs. Julian bas rented ber apartment for the sunimer and is staying with the joseph 0. Con- verse farnily, 1610, Highland avenue. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wells, 1568 Forest avenue, and their two sons, Gordon and William (Billy) returned Iast Sunday from a month's visit with MIr. and Mrs. Wells',parents in New York City. 0o Leanna Orr, daugbter of the Lea J. Orrs of 1002 Greenleaf avenue, is spending., a month or so with ber sister, Mrs. F. Gardon Coleman, in Smethport, Pa. --o-- Mrs. Albert Webster, 1601 Tenth street, will entertain ber bridge luncheon club on Tbursday, July 26. im*NNM THÉ OOLD IME T^ 1LO M Naah Suite Ma& te Orcler Il Expert Repalrlng muRemodeling and Alterations 1117 GREENLEAF AVE. BEAUJ .SHOI' Fnger ~Powder wavi ni lendin, Beauty Culture in ail ifs'Branches WJLMETTE LIFE JuIl 19. 1934 Fort Sheridan Poloists to Meet Oak Broo)k Club,ý Bypopular ,request of the two thon- sand polo fans at the gaine last Sit- day,. Fort Sheridan wiIl play aniothe&-. gaine at Oak, Brook Polo club Sunday afternoon, July 22,, at 3:30 o'clock. The main field at 22nld street andI York road will be used and free parlIr- ing is available on the north side *of 22nd street. Fort Sheridan bas a very smooth working polo team and the crowvd were. at ail times thrilled with its beautiful ridiig and teamn work. Oak Brook teatn. will have to. play hetter should it hope to take the chain- pionship at Dayton next moitili. The line-up: Fort Sheridan: Oak Brook: Lt. Hines 1 James A. Hannah 1, Capt. Grenier 2 ('eo. A. Bates 2 Maj. Chamberlin 2 Paul Butler 3 Lt. Smith 4 P. Porter 4 VISITORS FROM HONOLULU G. A. MfcEldowney, and bis two sons, Robert and George, of Hono- lulu, who were en route to Detroit. Boston, New York, Washinfgton, and Ricbmond, Va., stopped last week to see bis brother and family, the J. Ed- son McEldowneys. 620 Abbotsford road, Kenil wortli. Tbey wiII btop again on their wav.home to see them and visit A Century of-Progress, sail- ing from California on September 1. vMiss Una- DelkjýMoEdown.of Hono-, lulu, who bas been visiting.bere and in Florida since last October, is return- ing to the Island witb berý brother and nephews. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Scbleier. and daugbter, Lauretta, 1629 Central ave-, nue, bave just returned from a two weeks' fisbing trip tbrougb the *Lan~d o' Lakes, spending most of their tinie at Tomahawk. Wis. M4 13 CLENBRAE Miss- Virginia Wilson of Lockport, e-ee1 . Ill., is guest for two weeks of ber bu-. P00 I L"' friend, Miss Esther McKeighan. 1025 ~j Greenleaf avenue. You sliould try fuis Week's Speciali Raspberry Ice and Vanille lce Creom "45c Regular 60c value (QUART) PEACOCWKS- [IE CREAN 413 Linden Avenu. Wilmoite 4120, From $200 to $300 et REDUCED RATES!I THSis a good opportunhty for you ta catch Up Iwith old debts, taxes, mortgage interest or oth'er obligations... .even to buy new clothes or make nec- essary home improvements. We'II advance you the full amount of your Joan in cash, in 24 'to 48 hours., If ýyou n..d less thon $200. we'II gladly arrange a lban of any amount foryou ai our. regular Iawful rate. PIRSONAL -FINANCE Co.Ï 708 Clau Sree Sot, Evaastoea Wilutt. *M2 G1neafml I .lREUNION AFTER -41 YEARS,.I Reading front leff to rigial: Mrs. Soph ie Johnson of Albert L'a, . i,.: Mvrs. Wanda Blitek, Piedmont, Galif.; R. f.. Groli. Chica go, and MArs. Mathil/de VaniSchiuck. Rerlini, Gcroloot.n. Tihis iaiterest-ipg famuil v g!eorip is eptjoytiig a reunion ai te bone of tire latter's sont. Le'on F. Vadi teiick. 123 Seventcenth sireel, Wilmettr., It is rather a coincidence Ihat these sis- fers ai-d their brolter havee ua scuen(ache otiter suece t/te. Worlds Fair of 1893. AmD>ony the.iiiany interest!nq souveni .rs .Ilrs. 'iTdSchti-k Ibreoviht fromu Gernipie . zas a seasoît pass. for t/he 1893 Fair. MOTOR TO HARTFORD NIrs. William -Linke of Hartford, Cotin., who bad a ten day visit witb ber son andI daugbter-in-law, Mr. and Nfrs. Gardon Linke inEvanston, left« with them last Saturday. by mnotor for hier home. Mrs. Gordon- Linke is the, former Marjorie Oleson of Kenilworth. She and ber busband will spend their three weeks' vacation with the Iatter's mother. ~REPORT ON RELIEF WORK Commissioner of Public Works C. C. Schultz reported ta the Village board Tuesday nigbit that hie now lias 16 mnetif rom tbe relief rolîs working on the streets. Some 40 othens are to be added this week, the 'Village to funnish transportation for the. IIICIlta and from ýEvanston. Ms*Dorothy Deaniing of Kansas City ari ved last Monday ini the vil- lage to spend a few weeks w itbbier cousins,, Mr.. andI Mrs. M. A. Con- rad., 178 Prairie avenue,. and lier uncle and aunt, Mr. andI Mrs. B. B. UdelI.. 302 .Parkc avenue. Mn.' andI Mrs. Arthur Bonnet, Arthur Jr., andI Betty, of 157 Robsart road. Kenilworth, spent the week- end at GuIl lake, Mich. -o- Miss Alice Grahami of Blooming- tan, III., is the guest of bier niece, Mrs. Clyde. Ross, and bier family of1 1321 Cbestnut avenue.' Walks, Gar 'dens Attract at Camp Skokice Valley Camp Skokie Valley at Glenview ànd 'Harnis road,- the largest CCC camp in the United States, is also strivîng to be the best appearing. Many visitars at'the camp are agree- ing that this ambition bas alreadv been realized. Under the direction of Capt. John r., Crehan, district comman der,. the men have planted flowers, sbrubs and tréýes; designed artistic walks, and seeded lawns that are now a pleasing green. Rock gardens are anot her camp feature. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin. Hawley,,515 Warwick -road, Kenilworth, enter- talined at à suipper pari Iast Sundgy. at the Glen View Golfclub'in bonor 'of Mrs.J.* A. Odeli of Evanston and onthe occasion of Mr. Haàwley,'s birthday. Ni.an Mrs. George H. Rigler, 706) Cummnnlings.;avenue, Kenilworth., returned 1last Monday after a two weeks' motor trip tbrough New Eng- ]and.. Mr. and Mrs. Hughiston Me- Bain of Xinnetka accomipaniied thein. Mr. and Mrs. 'A. R. Peterson,. 227 Raleigh road, Kenilwortb, are leaving the end' of the month on, atrip to Yellowstone and Glacier parks, Lake Louise, and Jasper' park. Tbey will be 'accompanied by Mr.* and Mrs. Samuel Rotberhel, of Glencoe. 1 WIL'METTE L.1 P E, ji4ly , 1% 1934

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