Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1934, p. 8

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I 8. WILMETirTE LIF E July 19, 1934 t ~ j IXeasonable cost. Visit, write, or "phone the offices of MILK SHAKE , LC0,.4, E@u.hàd I....Cep e ni. Made to suit youir 2ad FI., 1737 Howard St. 14thEI.,I105W. Madison tatTt oe td wcst of cqy 99 eg Chica90C o«9 DELICIOUS ICE CRBAM Phomm.CS leif 5M Phone: Franklin OMS7e r per 33e lrN SORAN LUNHEO IOSTESS I TRAIN HITS CARVigiaAnD lpBUIES OK Mrs. Alexander. Joslin, 240 Essex. at rda hiaoNrt h r Weds AiD l 'ConnellviiL road, Kenilworth, entertained at ad M iwake ahica.Nratho- At tbe hom fbparns r luncheon last Saturday in bonor. of ad'lw-uetri tükaauo Atheom ofe pensM. PREPARING FO Mrs. A. E. Woodwortb of Darling- mobile at Seventb street and' Green- n r.CalsH ulpo 9 toS .leaf avenue drivein by. jerry l3acus, Elmn street, Winnetka, Miss Virginia. GjIL.I T UR E >621 Center street, Chîicago, and pushed Ann Dunlap was married Wednesday Y ~~it against another car parked at the evening at 8 o'clock' to- Plilip R. curb. The Bacus car*was badly dam- O'Connell of 907 Central avenue, Chamber of Commerce 'Corn- aged. but the parked car was flot iin- Wilmette, the son of the late Mr. manàds"' Members to Forget A UTO REPA R jued.andI Mrs. Martin. O'Connell of XiI-e T 0 N cmette. Worries Wednesday 1 ,NT ýN ATR POLICE HAVE THAT LADDER The wedding was a very simple - 12011 W^SHINGTfbON àV. William Crosswhite, who lives above one, only immediate relatives attend-, Business anîd professional men of <afme e.gm~mc>a garage at 823 Central avenue, re- ing. A small reception foliowed for Wilmette are to forsake the responsi- DVIfL. 31*42 turnied Monday evening after an ab-- a few close friends. bilities of office and store for a dav seîîce of a few minutes to find a ladder The bride wvas attired ini a dress of next week, forget such entatîglements 1 F11I ~ Iagainst the building and a screen partly white crepe made withi a jacket, and as occupational taxes, whatnot, and hie I *4J U I>"~~I removed- from a. window. The in- carried white orchids and lilies of tlhe thenîselves to the wide open spaces for J rR 1j ruder was evidently f rightenied awvay. valley. Her sister aid W onl' attend- a session of golfing, good. bad and ini- He cati get bis ladder by applying at ânt, Betty Dunlap, vore a fticket different. the police station. dre.ss ini blue crepe with wvhite acces- In a proclamation sent out this week sories. Her flowvers wvere pink rose- eeyOtmsRtra n ime bmd. fCrhare 'nels bester. of the Wilmette Chamber of Coin- matiforhis roter.merce is "comùmanided" to appear at au me Sum erMr. O'Connell and bis bride will the Vernon Country club promptly at plot bave a wedding trip now. Tbey 1:30 o'clock XVWednesday afterîioon. have taken an apartnîent in the Julv 25, for a joint outing. and golf specialSpanish court building ini No Man's tournament that is planned tg) eclipse t ~Land. aniv simfilar event iin historv. ancieîit g or moderni: iBoy Is Injured When Start at 1:30 P.M. Struck by Cab Here 'leVro onr li.i ltr Every.Monday. Tuesdav morniing wvhen Ray Bruni- mation is required, is on Sanclers road, miond, 14 vears old, whose -home is.ust south of Deerfield road. and af- Tuesday. Wednesday iii Eau Claire, Wis., was walking in1 fonds ail the usual country club facil- ibe entr la e o Man steet at ties. including refreshments. it is ex- COakwood avenue, hie was struck by a plained. Tee off time is-I1:30 or any S ham oo ad Wae 75taxicab driven by a coîored man îîamed Woolfolk, of Evanston, who strong pointit 1 made ini the For APPOinfm.nt Phone Wim.ft. 4517 took the lad to the Evanston hospital proclamation of the fact that "aîîy and i ii a car belonging to a man whose ail types of golfers"' will be I)ermitted nine could flot he learned.- The bov tQ participate iin the tournament: This A lb iight Bea fy ,.ho preceived painful but flot serious ùid- is interpreted to include miembers of 1 193 Wimfi. Avenue "The North Shore's Smart Beauty Sales." left elbow, leg and knee. He was on of scores in the* low eigbties or upper bsway to work at a filling station sevenities, but are thought to sometimes at Maini street and Washington ave- suifer lapses of, me.mo.ry In cumputing nue. He lives with an aunt at 2509 their scores. But certain it is, if the U e m a,. shland avenue, Evanston. Xoolfolk Pr.oclamation does :not misstate the Lunricate. uasoliune was' arrested and placed under $300 facts. that no one wvbo imagines be can. bonds to appear in police court on play golf wiIl be barred. In fact, he D-X gasoline is a lubricated gasoline. This feature julv- 30. may even w~iîî a prize, no matter bow guarantees you against many annoying. motor dub-ious bis game may he. for prizês troubles. MOTOR THROUGH SOUTH are promised for ail. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Yates, Where to Get Ticket* D-X gasoline will give you more miles per gallon. 1131 Asbland avenue, and their tbree Don't think that ail the fun is free. This statement is backed by our written money chiîldren, Willianm, Jr., Natalie, and Down ini one corner of the1 proclama- back guarantee. Nyhla Beth, left last 'Monday on an tion, in snialî type, it is statedi that DX asôlne illgiv yousmotherperormace.extended motor trip through tbe tickets will entailP a very modest f ee. D-Xgaslin wil iveyousmothr prfomane.soutb. They will go direétly to The instruction is to get these tickets Buya an PllToayMemphis, Tenn., and then spend sev- f rom ' F. C. Cazel (druggist),. 1167. Bu aTak ul ody.,eral days in éach of the following Wmex.aeue o---- Aram--Mestjiatn- cities: Little Rock and'Hot Springs, (ruig dealer). 511 Main street. ff Ark.. Dallas, Austin and Houston, _________ Texas, and New Orleans. Tbey will SER ICEn -STA ION Spend the, month of August in St. MAIN STREET CRASH SER IC S A T O NPetersburg,. FIa., wbere tbey ild Sunda-e,,eniing as Mrs. J. Hess, some deep -sea fisbiing. Tbey wiîî 1818 Summerdale -avenue, Chicago, was LUBRICATING MOTOR FUEL visit friends in Dallas and Houston driving we st on Lake avenue, ber car Grom By Rad enaworh 596 and both- of Mr. and Mrs. Yates' was struck at Main street by a car fanîilies in Austin, expecting to re- dieib nrwE esno ie turni to Wilmette about September 1. Center, who was driving south oni thai tboroughfare. Eleanor Nelson, 9 years _____________Carleton Rossý of Kenilwortb and old, whio was riding witb bier father, Qd Db sGeorge Laing and James Donovan o 'f received minor cuts and bruises about Winnetka are to be guests this week- the mouth. The drivers came to an T ~~nd.of .Peggy Parker ~n e a- amicable seftlemen st epniii~ ents, Dr. and Mrs. Fred'Parker of for sligbt damages. r P u G~~lesie, at their summer cottage, ------- WiiI a cash T.n osdrteHu odbe h'getfrteps ekof Thn onidrdi HushodMrs. William- A. Durgin, 627 For- bis daughter and family, -the William Loan Plan. Loans of $30 to $300 est, avenue,, who bas been visitingW.Searso56Gre oo avn. ban eIp areavalabe t famlie kepin reaties in Rochester, N. Y., for he his;week-end they will ail join Mrs. refinance house, who-haveiuffi-c-înt income past thre.e weeks, will return ,to Wil- Jerrems. at the Jerrems' summer to make regular monthly repay- mette the last of the month. home in Holiand,. Mich. your d.bts? ments over 20 Months. Only sig- d --natures required are those ofhus- R& É-.;ne M

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