Mrs. W. T. Bew, and Horatio H. Chandler of Glencoe. Services will be held at 2 o'clock, Frlday, at Forest Hlomne cemetery in Forest park.. Mr. Chaidier*and býis.fanly lived i enilworth for a number of years. Hie was a. mnember of, the firm of Cbritcheil, Miller, Whitney, and Bar- bout, from which he retired I 1920.. MES. EMMA NO1WDQUIST mers. Emmna Nordqiuist, 75, died Monday 4ight ini the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carl A. Lindstrom,' 1534 Wme tte avenue, Wilmnette, with whom she had 'lived for the- past ten years., Surviving, besides Mrs. Lindstrom, is a son, Reuben Nordquýist of! Ev- anston. Funer-al services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Edgewater Swedish Mission church, Chicago, conducted by Rev.' K. K. Jacobeeui. In4erment wiilbe in Rosehill cemetery. OTIS G. TABER Otis G. Taberý father o! State .Rep- resentative Bernice T. Van der Vries o! Winrietka,ý passed away in San Diego, Calif., on Sunday. Funeral services were held on Tuesday ini that city with burial later at liolton, Kan. the Peoria Com munity rund. is widow survives. Prehistorw Monsters 1< uelâ Lecture Theme "Prehistorie Monsters ini Nature's 'Msweh of Timne' " is the subjeet to enwere. JL'JML 4AV.u1LLv eIILLUI1 Speer, Assistant Executive Jack Banks, Donald W. Teisberg, f ield Scout executive, John Davis, mem- ber of the rating commlttee. *Each of the ships was individually inspect- ed. by this group . ships. reprie-, senlted were' Winnetka, Glencoe,' Highland Park,. Deerfield, and, Wil- mette. This event is' held. to -familiarize neighboring ships with everyone ac- *ive in Sea Scou ts in this area.- It is. a final review toward determin- ing the relative standings of the ships. Following the review, were formai announcements.. Scout Executive Clifton. Speer*then gave-a brief ttk' on Sea Scout.activities. Awards were given to those earning them. Mem- bers o! the Wilmette ship who ben- efited by this were Bud Streed, George Randaîl, Everette' Ecken- beek, and'Tom Gatles, who were al given thçir* Able $ea Sc~out insignia. The 'rnajority of the evening was spent ini dancing, and a motion pic- ture of the Boy Scout camp Ma-Ka- -Ja-Wan. RECRUIT MEETING Monday evening, Januaàry ?9, the Sea Scout Ship "Quilmette". enfer- tained its mnembers and prospective recruits at their winter quarters, 1150 *Wiimette avenue. The gatL 'cring was evidence of a typical winter meeting, After formal opening ceremonies, Mate FEd Colegrove conducted a drill ini which ail participated. Ship's for- malities continued, conducted lIY Skipper Fred Maas. Motion pictures o! Sca Scout water activities were shown to exemplify our summer program. Skill i phys- ical nauical actîvities was tested in various contests.,' The meeting ended foliowing the ioweriri'g of çolors. CONTESTI T he event of the commnode was the opportunity for Mel the ship to cash in on "ban] s bal ers of Corrigan,1 Miss Sade' Phelan, Bess Connefly, Mrs. Véra Me- gott, Mrs. Margaret Loeffler, Miss Mary vonColin. : M vrs i