BEFORE RENEWING YOUR LEASE Corne and s ee Ultra Môtdern Home No. 2761 Lawndale Ave, . Isabella, Evanston. Other homes under construction in Wil- mette in, varlous price ranges. -If inter- ested talk it over, wth us any Sunday, or phone Seeley 1424-14e8 and we wll ýmake ppoitmient. 147LTN38-4tp EAST WILMETTE - RECENTLY. RE- modeled brick anid. stucco home. 6 bdma., L' ba., sunm and screened pchs. l.W.0. heat, Cor. 50%M0. Fine trees. Gar. Nr. ail schoola, churches, traits. etc. Rent $125. Seil $15,500.' See .ytuz broker. A..B. Van Deusen.' WiI. 733. 147LTN30-tfc WITH A VIEW 0F THE LAKE. LARGE, grounids, charminig home, 6 -bedrooms, 3 baths, oil heat. .3 car garaee. $27,000. Will. consider smaller trade in Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, or Winnetka. Caro- lyn V. Lang, Winnetka 1194. 147LTN39-ltP $7,000 THQROUGHLY RECONDITI0NED 6 rmn. hse. having wonderful spéculativeê value. ODH REALTY, WINNETKA 115 147LTN39-ltp DRASTICALLY CUT FOR QUICK sale. S.E. Winnetka colonial on almost IV2 acre of ground;, 4 mas. bedrms., 31/2 baths; servants' rmns.; 2 htd. porches. brkf st. rm.. open terrace. 2 car gar., h.w. ofi; Heinseil Realty. Winnetka 254. 147LTN39-lLC 1ARGAIN OWNER DESIRES TO. 2ACRES, ROLLINn, OODED PROP. 5 mniiutes t lmte Water, sewer, electricity in and p aid for; may divid. HUBARD WOODS 2 beautifully. wooded lots, each 65 Mt, asking $3,500 each, offer. Gre. 4042 Mrs. Wlnslow. Rand. 4042 151LTN43O-tp For SALE--CHOICE LOT ON MONT- rose, '550 west., BiX sacrifice, need cash. Address Box 442, Eagle River, Wisconsin. 151LTN38-tp ma3 WANTED TO BUY-VACANT W A N Tr E D -BY PRIVATE* PARTY- wooded lot in or near Wilmette. Must be reasonable. Deal with private owner. Write B.214, leox, 60, Wilmhette, 111, 152LTN39-ItP 153 îrFR ALE-SBUMMm coIrAGEs WISCONSIN LAKCE HOME LOG CABIN ON TOM'AHAWK LAKE near Minocqua, with every mod. con- venience, ainone fine neighbors. Address 156 FOR IENT-4SUMMEft COTTASES ELCHO, WIS. 80 ACRES OF MAGNIF- Icent trees. House wlth large screened porch. 2 car garage. Switmming and flsh- ing. Motor boat and camoe. $500 for sea- son. Cail Wilmette 389. 156LTN37-4tp 171 HOUUENOLD GOODS MODERN DINING ROOM SET - DON- aid Deskey designed, English Syca- miore with Chinese red triin ' consista Goode, manager of the veteran s administration, commenting on the work done by the social service de-_ partment for the men, writes:, 1"1 cannot speak too highly of the splendid service rendered our pa- tients at this hospital by the, com- mittee fromthe Womtin's Library club of Glencoe, headed by Mrs. Wil- liam C. Miller. These ladies, togeth- er with simailgr groups from other North Shore towns, bring volunteer entetainer.s to. our hospital fori in-1 formai afternoon. entertainments in the wards. ."Ther e are> certain wards .where, for one reàson or another, many of the patients, cannot be given -the privilege of occupational therapy. In these wards, a large part of the pa- tient's time is necessarily spent in the ward. itself, with a need .of, some pleasurable distraction t o prevent too niuch introspective thinking. Breaks Menotony" "The holding of these afiernoon ~prgrae beaks 4ethe notny in a happy way and gives the patients interests outside the miélves. Many patients greatjy enjoy them and look forward to their repetition. We deep- ly appreciate this patriotie and kindly service." These afternoon- programs are made possible through the gener- osity of those taking part and con- tributing tIjeir talents., The money age of more than four tmuuaxiu miles ini a, hip built particularly for warmn weather cruising,,wlth ai outside stateroomno, osmart nlght clubs and. outdoor swlmxnlng Pool and beach, decks. Sightseeing trips, both 'in Barren- quilla and ini Havana are ineluded i the fare, -as weil as accommodations and meals, at the Hotel del Prado ini Barranquilla. This newseries of il-day cruises oetein, addition1 to the 12-day Caribbean Cruises currently-oper.t- ing on the Santa Paula and Santa Rosa. each week fromn New York. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Monahan will moive this week from their address at 124 Park avenue to their newly-, purchased home at 516':Central Street, Evanston. __o-- Mr. and Mrs. William Harr$4&é 1440 Forest avenue, Wlmette, are leaving February 3, for the South to spend five or six weeks at Sebring, Fia. 0o- Albert J. Graf, 607 Laurel ave- nue, in tlhe East on a week's business trip, is visiting Washington, D. C.. Boston, and Philadelphia. -o- Dancing with her figer'tips is a COLONIA HOtISE, SE. just newly decoratcd, 6r porch, gas H.W. ht., corner1 fence. Priccd for quick sale,$ owner, Highland Pk. 753, office 147 ATACTIE 6 RM. flOUSE 9 did location, 3 bedrms.,1 breakfast nook, screen porch, o age, $10,500. Carolyn V. Lang. 1194.. 147 pcash. 1027 *iVi9 a... '.ZlecI1aJ. 1711 FOR SALE - HOO VER1 t cleaner. In good worling or * pight piano and dressing ta Wimette 2088. 1711 ?DOUBLE. BEDSTEAD, CHEc 7dresser, antique xnahogany.< dition. Cail Wilmette 1792. 1'711 rc "'Mrs. James G. Jiiaer, parents of TNa6.4tp Miss Mary Jane Elder, one of the ACUUM young artists to àppear i the reci- er. Aisé tal, have contribûtéd the tickets to le. Cail be sold. These will be ready for dis- TrN39ltp tribution withi a few days. r AND >od con~- List Yeuthful Artiste 'Young artists from Wilmette, TNa39-1tc Winnetka, Glencoe, and Highland VANTPark are taking part i the récital, tsonabie. TN1-t and the social service departrnent hIc. ___ Junl K39-ltc 0 67x300., BOOKS. MIL & PAPER.1 939-ite Can Wil. TO CLOSE AN ESTA1TE, East side of Wlmette. $ STONE, Wilmette 1644.