They had an accident while hav- ing an accident at Univers ai the other day. It was really planmed to have a spectacular-automobile srnashup for a sc 1ene in the new Boris Karloif- Bela Lugosi horror picture, "Black Friday.ii But the pavement was slippery fromn rains' and when the car startedý toward its predestined crashit en into a skid and smnacked intoy the curb just out of, camera -range. Itwas purely an accident-and 1*m fot kidding," announced. direc'- tor Arthur Lubin.- "We'l1 have to do the accident-on-purpose after we fix up the Car.", 1OMUIT resort is billboarding ail over Los Angeles as a week-end feature. Martha, who' is getting ready to start her ext starring picture, "The Farmer's .Daughter," deeclares the canard undoubtedly .came fromn the fact thatshe appeared as a mnata- doress in "Tropie Holiday.' ..No more _b u il s;:,once Was enug,"emphasizedMarth. "There's no 'bull, in 'Farmer's Daughter.', Just nice, gentie cows."p "Ja llopy" Replaces Horsein Wetern "ýWesterns" today are going mod- ern. There's plenty of proof to sub- stantiate this assertion. pjctures, the villain, Morris Ank- rum, wore a monocle and i Para- mount's "The Light of Western Stars,' the Zane Grey story, also produced by Sherman, the heroine, JQ Ann Sayers, rides in an auto- mobile. The car is a 1908 Mitchell and its introduction into the film is perfectly natural as the perioci of the story is 1910. i Free, Parkaing M 'ai En.. Daiiy .nardl Aiuda No. 1-Marx Ires. @@At the Circuse" With, Kenny flaer-,Florenice Bice N.. 2--Chirli. Choit ln o"C1TY ON DARKNEStse Noe . -FULL CONFESSION" Victor McLagJeai-UalyHers We.-Thur.-Ft.4at., Feb. 7-9ý-10 83DISPUTED 2PASSAGE'@ Plus 'T7HATS RIGHTI You'RIE WRONGB@ gay Kyser-Adoiphe MenJou-May IRobso The Foflotng Doubie Featurea Cog Somn 1-D)RUMS ALONS THE MIOHfAWIK7 AND "SECRET 0F DR. KILDARE' 2-"RIVATE LIVES OF SIZARETH AND E151Er' AND 'ETISISALLY TOURS" L3-'ýMINOTcHIWP AN# D SEW*IflêfibMN.G* SPECIAL NOTICE! Fri. Show Starta 12:45 p.m. _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Show Starts 12 noon FRIDAY -FOR17 BIG DAYS! 1:45 p.D . a TWO FEATURE l'uTS YOU'VE SEIN WAITING TO SUE! Jamtes Stewart-Jean Arthur TYROPoE POWER, "MRInTan GOEras - INDA tousRNanELL1u ',M R. n CpSMs ITHG E n iot A bAfmtiezirLm TO WASHINGT@N1' "IPAYTIME WIFU" Extra: Saturdayr MatUuee: Serial Mit-"~T*IU IIJWN IORNTiE! EAUUn, 11111 gi -111:1-WIII -1, I Y 'tt Mati** Sciurday. Sunday and Nldoys Mon. t. Thur.-Deers Open 6:00-25c f. 6:30 Friday a"d Saturday 25e Oupening to 6 P.r«. Acres ef Free Parking Space la No Man't lUn*1 Starting Fr1., Feb. 2 for One Fuil Week Last Timtes Thurs. S-Units-5 Frankc Morgan "HEKNRY GOES TO ARIZONA" Plus "BLONDIE *RINGS UP BABY"1 C'..arn and J.4st Timtes Thirs. Charles Laughton 66JAMAICA INN,, Plus Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., THE M&A Friday-5*tur"ly, SDfrIt Fer" 1 ,~ Phones. Wilmette or Wwetk 3900