L f the will be I PAVLIK BROS. Keniworth 5672-54là z 0 Non~ If Yau Need j A Real Estate Loun j SEE MR. RAY DOWDALL 0F THIS OFFICE We have Iatest regulations for. F.H.A. loans and funds for every type of loan at lowest rates. Hokanson '& Jenks, Int. 513 Davis Street* Gr..nl.,f 1617 .Dam COUi us and w. are sure you Winl beneit by Our good -fuel and careful service. lit:luvit Lie %-I uag . amp~us. -.Chicago, which serves the savingg, Two new instructors have been Sbuilding, and ..Joan associations, in added to..the staff to teach an'ad- these two states, said.that the $25,- vanced course in housng. trends, F882,259 now ini use in the district -problems, and progress. They are Irepresents 14.27 per cent of ail the D.* E. Mackelmann, executive direc- loans outstanding. throughou4t the na- tor'of, the. Metropolitan, Iousing tion. council of!,Chicago*. and Arthur Starting . out as the third largest Bohnen, architect and !secretary,,to user of ýthe. sy9tem's. funds, the Il- the Chicago Genieral Advisory Board linois-Wisconsin district moved into on. Housinig. first. place in June,, 1936, where it Other courses to be oitered include has been ever sice.- one on fundamentals o! real.estate, Repayments to the Chicagbk to betaught by 'A. D1. Theobald o! were thirdhighest for the tweîvethUnedStsBuligadLn regional- banks durig 1939, Mr. league; one. on real estate practice,, Gardner said, but did not disturb taught by Morton Bodfish, executive this district's: top ýposition, in volume vîce-president. of the samne orgaiza- of boans outstanding. 'fietwo'states tion; and a cours e in real estate which it serves are using 30 per cent valuation, taught by H. O. Walther, more of the total funds than the chairman of the appraisal commit- New York-New Jersey district, the tee o! the Chicago, Real Estate ~one ekmeest on its heelg. iboard He said that 340 associations are . Rgistration in the evening divi- borowig te Cicao briks fndssions of Northwestern universit borowig h 'e Cicgo anks und 1opened last Saturday. Classes ifl and siphoning them out to families beW nFbuay7 e ia i their comniunities which are buy- teion o mor an 87. ,70 suentisa ing, building gr modernizing homes. expectedmore the n mg00stdet- This is a decrease of 17 per cent ments. from the 409 member associations _________ which were using their reserve stitution in August, 1937, the rnst Better Homes active period in t history, but is still considerably larger than the Exhibit toB number o! borrowers it ha-s aver- B aged during its lifetime. The First Federal Savings and IlelU fiuiMarch Loan association o! Wilmette is an At the second meeting of the gen-f Announce Annual Light In Photography Show The third annual "Artificial Light In Photography" show will be pre- sented at the Chicago Lighting In- stitute from February 26 to March 2, inclusive. During that w.eek, at scheduled hours, lectures will be given on the following subjects: annual Btter. Homes exhibit which will take place Tuesday, Wednes- day, and Thursday, March 12, 13, 14, !romn 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day, at the Woman's club of Wil- mette, Mrs. Arthur Dixon, in charge of the exhibit, announced the names of the exhibitors who have already signed up for space,ý and the loca- tions they have requested. Former exhbiosb e said, are the first ones each year to apply for Estate board. i. 115subject wil De "A Candid View of Chicaio.?. The, meeting will be held Monday eve-, nirng,'February 5, at 8 o'clock in the Librar oo.f h Gogian hotel, Prece4cing the meeting Mr. Fitch will be-the dinner guest of the. of- ficers and, directors of- the flvans- ton-North Shore board at the Orr- ington hotel. Because of the energetic force of the new, Chicago -board president and the wide scope of the 1 940 prégram, the meeting is expec.ted to draw an unusually large attendance. ýT h e Northý Shore. realtors composing the special welcoming committee include the following: Roland H. Peterson, Robert, L. Wyatt, Ruth Cronk, A. M. Landaker, Lewis T. Dodds, R. L. Dowdall, W. A. Sadier, H. C. Jenks, Arthur C. F. Gedge, J.* Y.* Fishrer, DavidG C. Maln, George J. Cyrus, and George S. Dalgety. Home Furnishings Subject for Study Courses 6(t N. U. Mrs. Louise T. Bolender, mrhn dlise coordinator o! home furnishings at Carson Pirie Scott and company, ,nd Mrs. Ruth W. Lee, of Winnetka, importer and promotion consultant for the Associated Merchandising corporation of New York, will offer i new course i "Merchandising Home Furnishings" in the second semester o! the evening division o!. the s'chool of commerce at North- western u.niversity. a ti The purposel of the course 1i s to give the student a. survey 'of his- torical home furishing trends; a- knowledge of the importance o! fash- ion as a merchandising factor, and .a raised standard of taste in fur- T.'.-.. W.f km urng to a DWJ( ie past week to e viies for'~ county. ove transportation la- suburbanites. i Cook