Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1940, p. 38

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Y. W. C. A. Survey Acceptance of the North Suburbai area chairmnanship of the metropo]i tan area educational survey of ti Chicago ýYoung Womien's* Christia asciatlon,. by Mrs.* Beverly B Vedder, 590 Wilow road, Winnet1ka je -announced by Miss Lilace. Reic Barnes, Yt.W.C.A.ý president, at ti rnetropolitan headquarters in "Ch! cago. The North'Surburban area in cludes Winnetka, Kenilwôrth,, Hu> bard Woods and Glencoe. "Clubs and other organizations ir these, suburbe wilL be vis jted, b: members of the Associton stali seeking toý determine how the Chi. cago Y.W.C.A., can best serve eac] cornunity,". Miss Barnes says "Ibis educational survey wbich wýil1 continue-for three months is part of a consolidation program througl which the Chicago Y.W.C.A. hopes. to extend its services. Last ye4r more than 330 girls 'took part in its aesociation activities." In outlinlng plans for the progranm Miss Barnes said that the Chicago Y.W.C.A. had met increased de- mands during the past few years and is now seeking further co-ordin- atton of its activities on the basis of past services. "We have learned that the associ- ation ie serving several distinct groupe of girls and young women whe corne to us from many communi- ties. A large number of them have no family attachments or other re- sources. The majority of theni are nôt drif tenu. On the contrary,. tley arE fine, wholesome young girls who have lost their jobs or are confront- ed with sorne personal problem they cannot solve alone. *"Nearly 40,000 of them came to the association last year seeking aid 'in a multitude of'difficulties that ranged from health and job prob- lems to those of personal safety. Our Y. WC. A. residences offered a home to 11,000, and approximately 6,000 took part i the buinessa n,, * .ebruary 17, were announced thi week by Mrs. Holland PlaHavhan.- S.They are: Frank Badger, Paula Miller, Willard--Jarchow, and Phip DeBerard of Wlmette; Jean Seidel of, Glencoe; M arilyn Titus of Ev- anston; Yvonne Anderson of Kenil- worth;- and. Happy Ciquoinne ýof Winnetka. The commlttee le mnaking elaborate plan~s for the affa jr. A chorus of seven girls.and a num- ber of dance teame Will- take .part, in the floor show. Children of grammar, school. age, soQns and.,.daughters of Shawnee n.iembeùs., will also have an event on Saturday afternoon, February 17. It ' will be a Valentine party at 2:30 o'cdock under the supervision of Mrs. Catherine Rogers, chairman. Boys and girls of the seventh and eigh& grades wi1 atted the *third of the Shawnee Young peoples par- ties to be scheduled; the Turnabout dance, on Friday evening, February 16. Mrs. Carl Bruch and Mrs. Grace, Moore are, in charge of the. event. Mrs. Zander Speaker AI Orphanage Society The Woznan's Aid Society of the Uhhcëh Orphan home, 3730 North Cal- ifornia avenue, Chicago, has been fortunate in obtaining Mrs. Henry Zander, Jr., of Kenilworth as speak. er for its annual nionthly meeting and program at 1:30 o'clock Thurs.. day, February 8, Mrs. L. A. Seidel 0f Wi1mette, the program chairman, annôunces. Mre. Zander will review "Maud," a diary by Maud Rittenhouse wh.ich Richard Lee Strout edited. A regular business meeting will follow the re- view. The social heur alter the re- view and meeting is to be a Valen- tine Party. ~Mis& Jean WJUtbeer, 4esgh- ter of the Alfred Wlt berger, of Kenilworth, andi a member of Alpha Phi aorority at Northwest- ern, b roa d caast a program Thursday night of last week over WBBM. Miss Wiltberger tvas chosen by the "Vox Pop" pro- gram as being "The tllpical coeci Of 1940." Jean WiIIberger Chosen "Typical Coed1 of 1940" Radio listeners were delighted te hear the voice of Miss Jean Wilt- berger of Kenilworth 'coming over the air waves Thursday of last week at 6:30 o'clock, over WBBM. Miss Wiltberger, an Alpha Phi at Northwestern university in the class of 1941, was chosen by the "Vox Pop" program as being "the typical coed of 1940." She was its guest on the Century to, New York and back and was the dinner guest. at the To Report on Sale 0f Lecture, Tickets A meeting. of the Woman's aux- iliary of the Evanston hospîtal will. take Place Wednesday,. February 7,. at :30 o'c 2- 1lock, at the home of Mrs. Chester A. Cook, 115 Dempster street, Evans ton. Dr. Prederick Christopher, chief of the department of surgery at the hospital, will speak, on his work. Mrs. Everett- Cook, chairman, will report on the sale of tickets for the course of lectures on current: events Clifton Utley will give in Patten Memorial hall, Gerard avenue,' Ev- anston,. Wednesday evenîngs Febru- ary.- 21, 28, and March 6 and. 13, at 8:15 o'cock. .On Mrs. Cook's. commlttee are. Mrs. Linn McBride and Mrs. Arthur H. Peters. *Ushers for the lectures will be the MiLssNancy -CeokrelU, isab~elle ~Fiske, Jane Miller, Virginia French, b orothy Meaker, and Molly Meaker. Patronesses for the series are Mrs. Hugh W. MeCulloch, Mrs. Edwin S. Ford, Mrs. Glenn Greenwood, Miss Isabelle Fiske, Mrs. George Falley. *Mrs. Axel Hôfgren, Mrs. Richard Scott, Mrs. Leonard Wilson, Mrs. Everett Cook, rs. Hugh Bride- groom, Mrs. George Slight, Mrs. Robert L. Scott, Jr., Mrs. Samuel Hypes, Mrs. Wesley Bownian, Mrs. Dunca-n Meier, Jr., Mrs. Melvin Cas- sidy, Mrs. John Dixon Ristine, Jr., frr. Phillip Sneider, Mrs. tDonald Lourie, and Mrs. Louis Tilden. Assisting at the tea which follows the meeting Webruary 7, will be Miss Elizabeth Odeil, Miss Ada Belle Mcçleary, Mrs. Everett Cook, Mrs. Louis Tilden,. Mrs. John J. Louis, zind Mns. Perkins Bass. Sunsel Rige Announces Vaienlin, Dance Fol,. 10 Cheet- ieg of prep- 'eh 8 its on- tin gave the y, and Mrs. ýd Mrs. R., A. In poured tea I chai Nrtn an&d

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