At Tea by President i. Mrs. John, E. Barlow, 2757 Garri- son street, Evanston, president of 1 the North Shore Vassarclub, has Invited the members et her, board for teaThursday afternoon,' Febru-, ary 1, to meet Miss .Helen Kenyon of Poughkeepsie, N.. Y., former presiý dent of the board of trustees of Vassar. Miss Kýenyon 18 in Evanston thîs week attending a meeting of the Board of Home Missions o! the Con- gregational church. She is the only women who has attained the honor o! président of the board of trustées. Fromn 1917 to 1921 she was president o! the Asso- '- ciate: alumnae, and an alumna, trus- tee of the college from 1923 to 1928.. Upon reappointment i 1929 she was elected chairman of the board and ""' ' held that office for ten yeàrs. Serving as officers of the North Shoere club -are MrsI3arlow, Mm ., M?'g7Herbert RKchs, of Re Robert W. McKisson of Winnetka, dren, Bil Judy, and Susan (frc vice-president; M r s. Alonzo M. of severai cocktail parties preced Davis, secretary;' and Mrs. George Friday evening by thé Woman', D.*Wheatley, treasurer. Other board Mr. andi Mrs. Kochs are enterti members include' Mrs. 'Arthur W. where the bail is to take place. Wakeley of Kénilworth, Mrs. Julian Anderson, Mrs. Ronald M. Kimbaîl, Mrs. Phillip P. Merrill, Mrs. Keith Preston, Mrs. Aima deVries Schaub, Add fo Preparalions for Godo MKeldin, and Mrs. Robert Globe Trotters Baill Boston. 31 An Bi Kuper WiII Read "Famiiy Portrait" On Monday, February 5, Anne Birk Kuper will present her monthly reading -under the auspices of the North Shore Congregation Israel Sis- terhood at 2:30 o'clock in the lounge o! the templeini Glencoe. She wMl bring to her enthusiastie audience, an outstanding play success of the late New Yor-k eson; namely, "Family Portrait" by Lenore 'Coftee ~Gibso aQP CbeerPhoto rultoorth, pictured above with her c1hll- om left to right) isa b be hostess at one Hig the Globe Trottera' bail to lie given s board of the Travelers' Aid society. t4i*iig their guests at thé,Drake hotel,- U. of W. Alumnae fo Have Air-TraveI TaIk Lay tor IUuics ot Episcopal CIiurcl, 'Fbe nine guilds of the Woman's auxiliary rof the.Church of the Holy, Comfrter ,wil meet .for, 1uncheon and sewing next Mondayr. Mrs. George Danforth, 333 War- wick road, Ke nilworth, . will enter- tain the Chase guild, And Mrs. Rich- ard Westbirookç, 2204 Chestnut ave- nue, Wilmette, the, Whitehouse guild. The McLaren gulld is to meet at the 'home of*Mrs. Hill Carruth, 179 Fuller' lane, Winnetka. A meeting o! the Anderson guild .îwill be held at the home of Mrs. Walter C.. Doering, 1335 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette., and of the Gris- wold guild at the'home of Mrs. T.. WeIler Kimbal, 333 Leicester road, Kenilworth.' \Mrs. Harold F. Tideman, 138 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, will lie hostess to the Stewart' guild and Mrs. William W. Guidley,, 1309 Çbest- nut avenue, Wilmette, hostess to the Seabury guild. The William White guild is, meet- ing with Mrs. Howard Mullins,- 624 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth,:,and the James Madison guild with Mrs. Rex Rathbun, 132 Winnetka avenue, Kenilworth. IwLaîng on~e more actlvitY to- their The next mnonthly luncheon meet-MetiErbFbur1 many preparations for their Globe ing of the Univers ity of Wisconsin 7 n al Fbur Trotters> baIl, to be held Friday takes place Saturday .Two of the chapters of the Iý evenlng at the Drake' hotél, merri. of this week at Mandel's at 1 o1clockr, Crane Nursery league annoi bers of the, Wonian's board of the The speaker 'will be Miss Dorothy -L. meetings in the near future. Travelers' Aid Society are Iearning Caraty, director of the women's div- The Myra Lane group will1 the dance invented by the Murray ision of the' United Air Lines, wha luncheon and a sewing session dancers ini honor of the occasion. wil show a, film, "'From 'Coast to Wednesday,' February 7, at The dance, known as the Globe Coast by Plane," and tel the experi- &j'clock, with the hostess Mrs.1 Trotters' trot, will first be, presented ences of an air hostesses.1 Kassel of 7735. Kenton avel by the Murray dancers, then the Plans 'are~ develnping for the Scan- Niles Center. Mrs., R. R. Sniitt members o! the Woman's board and dinavian pràgram to be given Feb- Evanstonj is co-hostess. The. gues their escorts will give the dance, in- ruary 25, on' the South sidé, as a honor for the occasion will be 1% viiting aIl the guests to learn it. benefit for the scholarship .fund. John L. Reichert, new presideni June Nelson, who has' cômposed Donald Frisbiè of New Trier High Mary Crane league. songs for' some of the Service club school will show the colored films c)f The Jane Addams chapter is mý shows, bas written the music to his recent visit to, Denmark, Sweden, ing -to conduet business, and which the Globe Tnffgi,.W fra '4.-.* - .4-. Mlary )unce hiave. n on, 1':15 Paul nue, hi o! ,t. o! Y[rs. it o! ieet-, do i Bridge Club Dinner Mr. and M rs. Glenn 0. Sensiba, 37Cummings avenue, ICenilworth, entertained the mnembers of their bridge club at dinner at their homne last, Saturday evening. Mary Crane Chapfers to