Ceorgia Steele q Mrs. George R. Steele. 918 Sheri- dan road, Wlmette, is giving a troussea ~ Lu t U t ner -nomre today ')'uar 15 chairmnan, and directed by (Thursday) in honor of her daugh- Mrs. W. Whitaker Baer, in charge ter, Georgia, Bellewo sto of. book reviews, wiil begvnF- mnarried on- Saturday at St. Francjs day imorning, Fébruary 9, at 10 Xavier church to Rober, E. Driscoll, o'clock, in -the lounge. son of Mr.. and, Mrs. Martin 1. Dris- The revlewer.will be OlivJae co fGlencoe. of Chicago, an outstanding reviewer, That evening Mrs. Dbriscol wiîî -Past, president of the Rogers'"Park hav adîne prt fr: the out-of- Wmacicu, n a contributor to town guests, among themn Mrs. Mn Delphian:, whose pleasing persnit nie L. O'Neill, the bride~s aunt from .anld charrng way of. inter'rig Albany, N. Y., and Mrs. Rose Peter- literature are known to Most of the son, a iriend fromn Denver, Colo, club womnen of, the. Tenth district, Miss Mary Ahearuin s also comîing Many of whoni heard Mrs. James fÉrom Denver to ýbe a bridesmaidý at several Spring meeting ofth and the bridegroomIs sister, Mrs E: district when she read. the prize win- A. Sharpe, frorn Toronto, Canada, ning ,poemns and stories the m rem- to be the matron of honor. bers had written.' The book shewllre wil b Wednesday. .of *this' week Mrs. -Happy Dys revi L enckeigsb Dricol aidhertheedaughters, autobiography- For the rernaining lits. Sharpe, Mrs. W. A. Rogan, mornings of the series, Mrs. Bae and Mrs. Emnmett M. Grace of Chi- , M eoi wo heJ cago', Wèe'è eô-bostesses at a lunch- hscoèýôr*iwr epeWo tef eon and linen shower for the bride are outstanding in this lield and daugh at the North Shore Country club. 1 who attractlarge audiences. Srg A wek ao Ms. arol Votz f I this post-holiday luil, n is ex- Spoodg AWinek agoveMrs. thar o V oropected that many women, memnbers marri Winetk gae akithenshoer orand flon-memnbers-the reviews are white Miss Steele, and Mrs. Everett Earll open to the pubic-who have flot had broidei of Chicago a miscellaneous shower. timne to attend the six earlier re- views of thre series, will now have groom, tihe leisure to join thre informai and Kinnel delightful Friday morning classes his bri Peard-Carey Wedding and hear eaigsfrr the latest i Rog Tak,sPace Fol>. 3 year.Tickets ay b¶e :ecured at thedo.FBM Recently Mrs. ilin -rm net 'ancsv eara of tHighland Park, forrnrerly of Wilmette, Who is to be mnarried February 3, to Walter James Carey of Evanston, also a for- mer resident of Wilmette. Saturday Of last week Miss Marie Aamodt of Olicago gave a luncheon and home' applintments shower for the bride at thre Shoreland hotel. Thre Rev. Chrisopir Keller will per- form thre wedding ceremony in thre 'H oIIoway-Prosser Riteés To B. Laf. in March Miss Helene Holloway, daughter o!f George E. Holioway, 330 Oxford road, Kenilwortir, who is to be mar- ried to Robert G. Prosser, son o! Mrs. H. G. Prosser of Evanston, for- Irierly of Wilmette, has cirosen Marcir 30, as ber weddlng day. D)uBoil-..The Drake s. CharlesB. Mkgnney' frmer Mary Beth Cha pin, hter of Mr. andi M rs. ue L. Chu pin, -1119 Elm- avenue, Wilme.tte, was ied on Christinas day in crepe weddilng gowrê em-> ?red in silver. Thre bride- %is thre son f C. H. Mc-ý w, of Phoenix, Ariz. He and 'de are makîng their home. gers Park. Guest of Honor at North Shore Parfies Miss Virginia Bryant, dàughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bryant of Evanston, Who is to marry John Henry. Brinkert, Jr, of Rochester, N,. Y., February 10, bas been en- tertained by numerous friends, amnong whom are. several from tis section of the North Shore. Tuesday, Mrs. Harry White of Plan Joint Dinner Five alumni and patrons clubs in the, Chicago area 0f. Stepheris col- lege, -Columbia, Mo., are cooperat- ing ini a joint dinher meeting which. will be held at 6:30 o'clock Friday evening, February 2, at the, Chicago Womain's club. President James Madison Woodý of Stephens will, be hiere as* special *guest. of honor, and- will- speak a t the program whijch is t(? follow the din- ner. Attendlng will be alumni'from al oveir the Chicago area and niany pa- trons, the parents of présent and past students at Stephens. A junior college, someof its graduates go on to NorthWestern university to> com- plete a fôur-yýear course, and a Northwestern group f former Ste- phens people, under the presidency of Miss Katherine Lorch, are also ta-ig4&t in the arrangem~ents. Ail plans for the event have been made by Mrs. Charles MacConneil of Evanstori, a patron,, and Miss Annabelle Buik of Maywood, presi-ý dent of the Stephens C ollege After- nopon club. Former WiImelfe Mon To Wed Evansfonian Thre we<dglmg of Mary Virginia Muth,~ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mutir of Evanston,. to Richard Beach, son of Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Beach of Chicago, formerly of Wil- mette, takes place Monday, Febru- ary 5, at 8 o'clock in the evening,, in the rectory of St. Nicholas' church mn -Evanston, with relatives -and a few friends as guests. A reception, at the.Muth.home will folwte.rv ice.01wthse- Mr. Beach, who attended New Tri- er'High sehool and thre University of Illinois, and bis bride will live in Ev- anston. 01, or lhe .dinner. £Yr-JWUI A. istreet, Is inr