Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1940, p. 32

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Norman Ross, Cliffon U fI.y, and Schuyi.r Ladd W111 Share Ail-Day Program NormanRoswell kboWn .NBC personality, wil regale bis audience at the Womnan's, Club of Wilmette on Wednesday, February 7, at 10:45, with pertinent tacts about musical. personalities .of radio fame. iM'e will answer sucb current questions as "Wbfat famous Musical director ls reported to be in.love witb bis sol-- ist?" "What is tbe largest sponsored musical programin tbe history.o radio?" "What university bas just awarded a mnedal, to Connie Bos- wefl?lp Norman: Ross bimself lias a ro- Mantie background. He s known among bis associates as "Big Moose'- because Of his 6 feet 2' inches. He was educated at Stanford Univeruity where 4e pocçupied the aamÇ roo ini whicih Herbert Hoover lived as a' student. He left college in 1917 to join the army. He became an expert aviator and acrobatic instructor. HW-ý bad tbe experience of piloting a plane wbicb, because of, a folded wing, plunged 2000 feet to a soit land- Ing in a marsb. From the Interallied swimming gamies in Paris i 1919 be went on to win 400 and 1500 meter free style events in. tbe 1920 Olvn- à, .Mr. Ross later entered newspaper work as a sports writer, and then entered radio i n 1931. Mis popularitv in radio work is numbered into mil- lions of listeners. Mrs.- E. A. Felleni%, chairman o! the music department, will present Mr. Ross. Following tbis program Clifton Ut.. ley will give the last of bis series of lectures on "Current World AI- fairs." These lectures bave been sponsored by tbe civicg department of the. club of which Mzs. . Henry Maurice SeYmour A NBC radio personality, and a mn whose career prwr. hie broadcasts has been filled w.ith adventure and variety, of e.xpe- rience,' zs Norman Ross, wh o will open the morning pro gramt at the Woman's Club of Wil- mette next Weclnesday. He will talk about musifcal personalities of radio fame., ýing metng wi1l be held in the -Wom- an's rooni of the Wilmette Parish. Metbodist cburcb. Proceeding along tbe lUnes of tbe 'old iasbionèd "sing' and -class meeting," tbe Womnan's Missionary Society, with Mrs. R. M. Campbell presiding, will conduet its annual open business meeting. A survey of work being done, a, look into the im- mediate future, and ana opena forum will interest ail present. auxil- -1 ý" m: Pl:bUlLfUo Wil-r Miller, Jr., of.Winetka. Mr. Miil who is the husband of the menm bership, chairman of '.the Junjo auxiiarY, is an interior' decorato: and. is uuulywell qualjfied b seak on his chosen subject for thfi talk, "Furniture: H iow It Is Madg and H-ow It. Should BeL Covered." hI addition, Mr. Miller has. agreed tc ansWer any questions -rai 1sed by hic audience in the whole field of in. terior decoratjon. The prograrn will follow theL regular bi-wveekly club dinner, served ,at, 6:30 o'clock, at'-thé clubbouse. r r is le Philanfhropy~sewng f Ai Childrn s Home' The Central Baptist Children's hoein >MYWood wil beneflt froni the sewing day wbich will be held at the Woman's Club of Wilmette Friday, F'ebruary 2, SPonsored by the Pbilantbropy departinent. The clubbouse wiil be open ail day, and women of the conimunity will be welcome to come and sew for these needy cbildren. Managed by repre- sentatives of Bapti'st churches, the bome cares for 43 cbildren fromn 4 to 14 years of age~.t Re<.#ntg "Ramebles» b i Mrs. Oswald Malandi, chairnian 0f the literature department, bas ar- ranged for the season's book reviews. Cive Next Review For Neighbors "Moment in Pekig" fo 'Be Pres.s,1- ed by One Who Has, Had.FWSI-. The Neighbors of Ke nil wnrthare looking forward to tihe third book revie.w o! their series which will be beld on February 6, a t 10: 30 o'clock in the morning, at the home *Mrs. Kenneth McAfee ,Of! Wilmette DwilI at that timereview ."Moment in Peking," by Lin Yutang. Mrs., McAfee. is a, newcomner to the North Shore, although she bas fippeared, before mnany, ChIcago and West-suburban clubs. She bas a speciaI interest in China, for, during a recent trn around the world, she lived for 'I year in. Shanghai, traveled exten- sively in the interior, and wa~s a houseguest in the home of a wealthy Chinese family in Peking. Mrs McAfee bas a Master's degree from the University of Maine and bhas been a teacher of literature for- years. "Lin Yutang bas written tbe great Chinese novel." This statement was made by someone who probably knows more about the inherent right- ness or wrongness of bis material than any non-Chmnese of the day, Pearl Buack, who herself, bas written great novels of China. "The same qualified statement will be madle by every readet, wbether he has ever been in 'China or not, for 'Moment in Peking' is self-evidentýy a great book and it is expected that the Neigbbors o! Kenilwortli and their guests will ail be present to hear ,et- Reading tîrcIe Hou fess tb The Reading ci,-cwIllmeo. ri- day at 1 o'clock, at the home 0f at Mrs. Jobn Clark Baker, 347,Maple. avenue. a -'32 i

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