urensportitbou #0 ScIooi Rooasblets fa WlIme.1f. 1068 To PLACE STOPý flnj~ on at the Cornado "wlere evper'coM- fort is cleperI-g contrZive to mai20 tour visit a znemoralIe transportation, sliopu, tliea- tre. and ,uuincess and social activities. J9rnous for gi;ne Joo J COFFEJE GRILL JUQ RESTAURANT COAL HOLE BIAR in criminology, to be, taugnt Dy Clifford Shawr, director of the Insti- tute for Jutvenile Research;' also courses in Frenich phonetics, reading materials and methods, the develop- ment of American society, and para- sitology (Zoology). New courses1 in. the college of commerce wiil include:, principles of riskand insurance, pub- lic relations in business,, business and professional speaking, and a new Saturday afternooncornbined labor-L atory course, in advertising.copy and layout. The High School and Secretarial divisions. have ai1s o announced several innovati ons. The former wil offer a new course in- the. econ omics of consumption, designed to teachi students the principles of buying; at course in international relations, rent events; and a new course in general language. The Secretarial school will o f f e r new advanced courses i dictation and transcrip- tion.r The music department has addede ten new faculty membérs this spring. h 0f special interest is a new class e for advanced music students in operaS repertoire, to be taught by Dr. Rob- %N bert Heger-Goetzel formerly con- w and the social sciences. ,LDr. Marckc, who is author. o! a dozen boéks and is interna tionally known in his field, was formerly professor of philosophy for law and sociolôgy at the Univer- stofBreslau. John T. Marshman, !ormerly of Ohio Wesleyan univer- sity, will be a new instructor of speech. In the School o! Commerce, newv faculty additions will include:, Jo-, Mâéking plana for the fourth annual Svaow Carnivai February 16'and, 17 at Carleton co 1ege, Roy Lundin, <iabove), 110Aah- lad avenue, Wilmette, is a co- chairman for the aIf air. Members of the central commit- tee are Miss Jane Watkins, Rodney Nelson and Robert Karatz, aul of Minnenpo*ia; MIU Jane Peibetthy, 1524 Wilmette avenue, Wilimette, Ill.; L.ewis Blanich, Ironton, *Mnn., and Courtney Cleland, Northfield. More than 50 sophomores are ar- ranging competitive and, social events which are expected to attract hundreds of visitors. Feature of the carnival will be the ice show finale Saturday nlght, February 17, at which the Carnival King and Queen >wiill be crowned. "Truth" was the subject of the lesson-sermon i aIl Churches o! Çhrist, Scientist, on Sunday, Jani-- ary 28. The Golden Text was, "0 Lord, thou art my God; 1 will exaîtthee, 1 w111 prasie thy naine; for thou hast done wonderful things: thy counsels o! old are faithfulness and truth" (Isaiah 25:1). *Announcemerit of t h e appoint- mTents to. the executive committee was made by John Nuveen, Jr., of Kenilworth, trustee of the universi- ty and chairman of the Foundation. Ten appointments to the publicity committee, seven of whose mem- bers also are mnembers of the execu- tivé committee, were announce d by Herbert F. Zimmerman, also a trus- tée of the unive rsity, who is chair- man of the publicity. committee., Organization of the first ýtwo com- mittees of. the. University's Alumni, Foundation. in the Chi cago area .i one of the initial, steps of Chicago. alumni in ýpreparation for participa- tion in ,the. Sth 'anniv.ersary cele- bration of the'University of Chicago in. 1941. New Trtier* executive committee members are: Paul H. Davis, É56 Wfoodstock ave- nue, Kenilworth; and Mrs. Jasper S. King, 575 Arbor Vitae road, Win- netka. Alfred K. Eddy, 870 Sheridan road, Winnetka,. and Mr. Nuveen, whose home is at 520 Warwick road, Kenilworth, a r e members of the publicity committee, as is also Benjamin F. Bills, well known North Shore citi.zen. now. residing in CÇhicago. Dr. Paul Popeuoe College Speaker Dr. Paul Popenoe, director of the Institute of Family Relations, Los Angeles, will speak at the National College of Education, Evanston, Tuesday, February 16, at 8 p.m., under the auspices of the Parent- Teacher coundil o! the college. Dr. Popenoe, who is the author. of many re-searches and contribu- tions in the field of social biology, as well as a number of books, will speak on,"The Changing Family in* a Changing Worlç." Dr.' Popenoe has devoted rnuch of ,iI &penda a i r, J. C. Greer. r] as, a slter, Wil brother, Raymond M H. Alex-, ivenue, W»l- rti of a son 'at the Clhi- 1. The baby awe, and a, ne of 4-