Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1940, p. 16

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size. Enough pnlmary children will be transferred fromn the1 Howard school to brlng thiese, groupi. up to the sehool average. These Will be tUken fromn the section west o! Ridge and South of Lake and, some from thé' southern part *o! the ýarea east of, ]Ridge.. The building of a new gchool shouid not increage the number of pnlmnary groups and the number of teachers employed for some time.' If we have primary groups at the new school and, the same number o! primary 'groups, at Highcrest as at present, we should not have as many primary groups at the Howard and thé children would have to, be redistributed accordigly. WeU Equpeu l Pan "The redistribution made possible by the new school at Dartmouth and -Thoxnwood : wiU va a w, svea- roomis at H*oward. By adding such facilities as a girls' gymnauium and a cafeteria as well as class roomis, we will have a fairly weil equipped upper grade school at Howard, whlch seems to be the only site with sufi cient area for a school of this type.. This permits the shifting -A! the seventh and eighth grades froni the Stolp to the H*oward; and this wl» involve transportation for those at a coniderable distance fromn the The Armour Tech Glee -club and orcheitra will: present theWi nitual1 concert at the Shawnee Country. club Sunday afternoon, Fé1Wuary 4, wlth a pro gram -of choral -and orchestral aelectiona trnder the direction of Gordon Erkson. . The concert tvill be at 3:30 o'clock. The Glee,'club o ofic-ýôes g present "Glorlous ýForever," by ]Rach- maninof; "Songbirds 'at Eventide,"1 by Coates; #Onmnipotence"b cu bert; "1Morning," by Speaks; "Dea Land of! Homne,",by Sibelius; and "God Bless Our Home," by Irving Berlin. The vocal. soloist wifl be Bernard Lomenz, tenor, singing -Ij IIe&nd -. orestPayingp The 40-piece Armnour Tech orches- tra will play the 11St. Agnes Eve Suite," by Coleridge-Taylor; "Moürn- light Niight," by Kettelby; and "Eve-1 ning Star," by Wagner. The in- strumental soloist in "Evening Star" wifl be Donald Charlton, trombone. Following the concert, the Armour Tech swing band will play for an in- formai tea dance for Shawnee mem- bers and their guests. Many Professions i N. S.,. Choral Society ]Business men, physicians, teach- ers, students, artists, bankers, den- tists, mlliners, housewives, and pro. féssional singers are among the pro- fesiois rPrgënédbthe ' flôt Shore Choral society which will give a winter concert at the New Trier gigh school auditorium on the eve- ning of Sunday, Februàry 18. *The high school music department wiIi be represented by the boys' and girls' octets, the choir and opera group, and the girls of the first glee club. Among the members of, the so of the discoverer of radium, who will lecture Friday, February 9, in New Trier HIigh sehool auditorium for the benefit o! the Bryn Mawr college scholarship fund. A great.man!y Europeans look up-, on Americans asbeing more akin in their man ners and social custonis tothis country's aborigines than to their cousins across the Atlantic. Ai4d as.for American reporters and: newspaper writers, she'had- been leadt to believe, that they were more thna littie ferocious. Lanis Amercan Women Mlle. Curie has -found thèse re- ports to be entirely erroneous in ber :coast-to-coast c o n t a c t s with Americans in ail walk 1s o! life. Americaný hosts'and hostesses are. she sayrs,« "as delightful and polished as any in the world. Everywhere that I have gone in Amnerica," she adds with genuine felling, -I have had a glorjp1's time. ,1 njoy every- minute. I find Americans so stimu- lating. Here Your housewives,. your womnen whose primary interests are their homes, know about and are interested in so man- things-in art, in literature, in international affairs. It is really amazing.". As for Aniericain reporters, Mlle. Curie has also found them to be gracious and exceptionally well in- formed. "They are flot at ail," 'she MI WDWENN/ ' in- -.-R osev__l..in ber-yndIcaed eeetr 5oo.Termv i fL Mary Randaîl, 700,Backt4orn roadica was that written by Mns. Frank- elemntay icool Tieremv~l Othperior stÈeet, CIiicago; arl colufnn, "My Day," following Mlle. vide more play space for the young- Plans have been cornpleted for the S0r; 21 Cf.avnuEns-CueswekndvstateWit er cilîdren who remaizi at this 30tbhiversary reunion of Troop 1, ton, Miss Martha Veysey, 2483 Po- Hue sehool I Boy Scout , o! W lmett , wbic wlll m ona lane, W ilrette; 'H enry von . W hat a charm in g e s n s e i. Ask Vters' Approval be held February 12 at the First Scbloet 9 5pAbrVtaeod h istLd rot. éou are con- "In order to carry out the above Congregational church, Wilmette. Wien, 5AMisBet VtyaWillam- theCioustLadyertegent ae on. e plan it will be necessary to float a The publicity cornmittee in check- son, Roycemore school,, Evanston. loely ow nd tiser Tenlikooedai bond issue for an' amount o! approx- ing over its past records bas been ________________ cichwuern, It icsikes el-goom Sh Imately $POOQ); and the board o! vnable to contact a few of the laeaperne hc srks a stu- jour- ai .:ir Of 4%s w Icensus magaijne. re,ý7 ,a .

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