Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1940, p. 14

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7%e miuie for the service'of worshil neXt SUnday mrorning lu as follows: Oirfan'Prelude ti 19........... .HoDlim Antbeni-Blessed are They ......* Tour Solo The Senior Choir solo......... .Selectei Mr. K. 'H. Aagaard Postluùde-Festival March ....... .Stultc The Wonan's Society wvilI meet Thurs. *day afternoon. cf this week at the churcil .t 2 o'clock. A Rteeo>gnltlon service wi]l *be held for the new members. The pas- tor wifl continue'his series of talka on the Church., The Confirmation el ass will: meet Thbursday at 4 o'clock. Thre Senior choir wiIl rehearae T7hurs- day and Friday evenings of this week at 7:30 o'clock. The Junior choir wiIîll rehearse -Satur. dAàY lnrninu ntaif0 o'cg4nà,i, On Tuesday, February 6,. the Womeu'ý ip soclety la planning a tour to Hull Houai and the Chicago Maternity Center. lirs Pa . G.- Guthridge là -in charge of arrange ris ments. bd The, moitl meeting of :the Churc) school teacjhers and> officers wifl be hei4 t5 February 7 at 7 o'clock at the home ol Mr. and lira. Howard Berg, 1738 Wash. -, ington avenue., On February Q, the Wornen's' society Is t holding..a dinner- followed by an ai] in color movio Mexico. The,>members oi the Young Mr. and lim. Club wifl' serve et the dinner. Further detaîls wil hi given next week. k FiratCngewoa John G. Hindley, minister Alexander B. Ferguson, * director of.,religious euat Ion ----. ERVCE Churcir seiool convenes Sunday mor- Ciurch sehool .............. 9:30 a.m. ing at 9:45 o'clock. There are classes for Pnlmary ................... 10: 40 a.m. ail ages. We invite you to learn with us lindrarten.............. J: _ A. ln Otir Vltmeh chllo. -1!Te Clfrttiânn lMrhi, <*oship ................1a.n. IUtc" course of study is used. 'Amici Dei ................. 4:30 p.m. apaPi Phi .............. 7 p.m. Attend our service of worship nexct1- 1 Sunday mornlng at il o'clock. Visitors Due to Dr. Hindley's ilinesa, the ser- are always welcome. mon, "Thre Poetry of Faltir," wlfl ie given tbis Sunday. Corne welcorne cm' A Lutheran RaUy service wiil be beld Pastor back to bis pulpit. Sunday afternoon, February 4. at 4. The speciai music wiil be as follows: 'cloCk. at the University. of Chicago cira. Organ Freude Adagio......... Widor pel. Tis service wiil Inaugura. the Anther-'The Lord is My Ligit'l Lutheran Mid-Day Lent services whlch Of ...............Parker wii be beld daily 'tn the Loop at thre Ofror uet-'Watchnian, Wirat. cf E1rlangebr.theatre. Clarkc and Washndon. tir- Night? 1 .........---inn il net. meetI 7:30 Board 7:30 Boy Sc 7:30 GirlS TIM 7:30 Boy S, we. 7,30 Girl S 3:30 Girls' 4:.00 Boys'~ 7:15 Senior 'suary 3. ruary p VI muary 6 imary 8 s. Amercan Citlzenshlp. The servicelse - for February 1. ei e St. Jàhn' a Lutheran .d (Missouri Synod>: )f Wlmette-and Park avenues- 1- J. H. ockel, pastor y 9;15, a. mi. - Firat service., .1 9:30 a. m, - Suinday achool and Bible « 1clasa. , .> 1ý e 10:40 a. ni. - Preparatory 'service for. HoIy Communion. Il a. ni. - Second service, wîth Moly Commiunion. 8 P. m. - Evening service. Thre order of service at Il o'clock wili includeé the following: Prelude-Trio in F............. Bach. Initrit-,"Be Thou My Strong- Rock" .......ý..Shmauck OeroyArioso .........Bach Thre Sermon-The Order of Ho0W Comi- munion" .............. 1 Cor. 11:26 PoàtudeThe Great Creed" ..-Luther The order of service at 8 o'çiock in the evening wiil include: Prelude-Andantino........... Lemare Anthem-"Arise, O Lord" . . .offmeister Walther League choir Offertory-"Song Wthout Words" ....... Mendelssohni The Sermon-' '1he L cf the Lord" ...... ...........Luke 10.,25-29 Postlude-March ........ 4.Mendelssohni The choir Is glvlng a sacred concert on Friclay evening at 8:15, to which the publiei t cordiallyinvited. Furtirer de-. burinns o --unl!tuUr 1rilgil .res wiil be announced next week. Firat Preabyterian Ninti stréet at Greenleaf avenue, James T. Veneklasen, minister At' the morning 'worship service at o'clock, we wifl celebrate Hoiy Cor munion and receive new members. 'I tThe Girl Scouts, wiil meet at thre church' Wedriesday afternoon., Thre Boy Scouts will meet at. the church Wedniesday evening. The choir:wiIl meet. for rehearsal Fr!- .day evening. at the. chu*,ch.> -Citizenship Day wiil be observed tln tis churéfi February 18, at 4 o'clock, under tihe auspices of the Ministers' Union of Wilmette. Fuller details -appa elewhere in tis paper. per St4gustine'a9 (Episcopal) The Rev. Hubert Carleton, rector Tic Rev.. Chandler Sterling, curate Sunday, February 4 Quinq4uageslma Sunday 8a. ni. - Holy communion. 9:45 a.*ni. - Churci achool. Il a. ni. - IIoly communion and sermon 7 p. m;~ - Young people of high school age meet tin thre pariai. bouse. lhqu~rsav, bruar> i. 7 mp n. - Boys' . choir meets in the parish bouse. 7:45 p. m. - Aduit choir meets in the pariai bouse. Frlday, February 2 The Woman's buiid la giving a lunch- eon-bridge at 1 P. in. tin the ,parish house. Saturday, February. 3 10 a.rn. - Girls' choir mieets in the parish house. Monday, February 5 7:30 p. m . BOY Scouts meet ini the parish house. Tuesday, February 6 7 p. ]m,. Boys' choir meets in the parish house. cf Kenilworth Union t', Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dr. Wiliett's subJect for Sunday, Fpeb. ruary 4, wili be, "The Penitent's Pray- The church service la at Il o'ciock. There usic for the cirurcir service Wîll be as foilows: Organ Prelude-Prelude ti E fiàt il.......... ............Flaler mn- Openîng Sentence-Thre Lord Ia 'he ini is Holy Temple ...... Dlamarter ter AntheniBlessed Jesu, cf a h-Word..... .Lundq t M fetrv-Ofrir-...-ý ýs Tire New Trier Sunday Zvening club Ntll close is season Sunday evening wlth ilecture by Captain Craig. The Session WIll meet àt tire churci donday evenifig at 8 o'elock. Aft tie Wednesday Evening Bible Heur manSc ........V"utrp litude"..........xtlp '0 Preludes" («....... ib ar Gi3 . ....... Chopin -O.Gd We Pray" ..Arensky Lnthem-i'Breathe on.- Me, [th cf God" ...........ompon 'ry Soio-"Renmer Now, Creator".........B c Young .P ,veailng Win be1 1I.

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