Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1940, p. 98

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ADVERTISING DIRECTO1RY AceMoorSales ........ Cover IV Lain & Son.................9 Apn.HUis..............-20 Lord'................ 81 LmnPharmacies.......... 7, 9 ............... 92 XsaRtt.. . .........9 Majestic iHétel ......21 Dil's Exgpress .............. ..15 Marnelie System otf Banty.-..22 Book Neek, The.............22M Marshall Fleld & Ce,........... 91 Erauteh's lumber Sbop ....... .17 MyarBoThe..........92 Rnlik Motors...... ....23 rMi hgan Norhweods Club...20 HeWmfan, Frank .............. 7 Milurw's.. ...............9 Miramar Hotel......... i Camp Sorewoed..........19 21 Mûr........... ........-61,117 Chicago & Northwestern y.18 Murtine Ce ........... ...... 22 ChÉistian science Church...-99 17 Cee, Almer & Ce. ............. 83 Nationl Celiege of Education.... 19 Coàmmnity Theatre ........... 93 Norsehore Theatre. ............. 93 Censumeis- Ce. ....Cover IV North Shere Lace Cnrtain Coronado .Hôtel.......... 20 Cleaners .............97 Coronlet Theatre ...............92 orth Shore ravelervce. 8 flion'u eauty.Shep. ......... mgewterBeach Hotel ........22 m ncno .............. ...18 El Gaucho..............9 Emibassy, The ............. ..18 Evausiona Acadeiny ef Fine »Art. .89 Evanston Business Coleége..83 Genessee Theatre.......... 92 Greyhound Lilies ........20 Hanna, N. A .................. 87 Maskins & Co ............... 20 Hawthora Mellody Farms Dairy 83 Nlenry's Restaurant... ..'-.....89 Homesteai, The.............. 87 Jennings Seminary......20 Jewel Food? Stores..........i Kuiken, J. '.................4 Nor'w-uIwcbrn Uiversîity......... i Pagliarulo, D . ..............6 Peaceek Ice Cream.......... 6 Pierre and Pauli............... 89 Rock Island Rty................ 19, *Snider..Cazel Drug Ce ......... 6 Stadium Theatre ............... 93 Stevens Inc., Edgar A. ....... 85 Tatmffls........ ............ 81 Unlion Pacffic Fty. ............ 21 Van Deusen's................. 4 Valencia Theatre............. 93 Varslty Theatre .............. 93, Wieboldt's ............ 1, Cover Il Wilson & 'CO . ........ 5..i Wlmette State Bak h ....2 Winter, Geo. B. ...12, 13 i BUILDING DIRECTORY-- MuHet BUIders.............. 78 AuteYent Fan £ lower Co.... .59 Autiorizot? iefrigeration Service .................. 47 Bair., Warner ........44 Tiie Bis ltealty, lac...27, 33 Bosch Waflpgper C.........6,2 Bryant Air Conditioning COe.. Ruiner'. Service, Die.c....... 28 Carlen, Aibin..............4 Clark-Fulkerson..........40A Clavey Nursery' F. ....7 Coligau, J. P. . ............ 70 Connor, Charles J........... 67 Coonley George T ........ 28, 37 Cormnack J. C........35 Crabb, James........29ý Culiander & Ce., .ut....... 38 Dalgety, G. S ............. 50 Dodds, Lewis T........ ..... 34 Doveumuehle, lac.. 29, 36, 63, 70 WmB Milien Hardware Coe ..... ...76 MestJIan, AraniX K.......... 71 Nixon, Helen G...... ........ 70 Normiandie Co., The ......... 50 Nerris Co., Walter.... ...... 38 North Shore Gas Ce ......... 77 Northwestern Co., The........ 46 O'Cennor, J. P. & W. J ...56, 0i1 Burning Engineers....... U Oth, John ...........72 Pavlik Bros. 50 Public Service Ce ....... 68, 69 Quinlan & Tyson ............. 67 ancQ some of the teams re-organ~- LOcust l9arm stores... 3o 21 .5mi ized. North Shore Times ....... 29 22 .569 Joe Lynam's Sinclairs.... .29 22 .569 The womeén's teams signalized the 'Voltz Grocery ........... 25 26 .490 occasionl with a luncheon at heWlenecke HJardlware..24 *27. .471 Sh~awnee club Monday, January 22, Village Chevrolet....... 23 28 .451 Lautensiager Coai ...... 22 29) .431 at which team and indivilual prizes Witt's Taverni ..........2 29 .431 were awarded". Mrs. Creighton Whit- Tçay4 high, tbree. games-.North'Shore ing, omens bolingpre- es, 1-,576; Voltz GrocerY, 1.507; ingorne% bolingchairman, pe-Wenecke Hardware, 1,481.' slded oVer -the luncéheon, which was Team high, single game-North. Shore attended, by more than a hundr> Times, .549, Wlenecke Hardware. 537; .bowlers and guests. 'Lrour. 21 Individual high. three games - o Prizeswere awa rded to'the first 1Hlavacek.. 458-, Edna Schwanbech 454; ýsixteàns.CàPa!!I; Wo 'ccetedDorothy Suhr, 441. awars Cptans cceted Individual high, single game-Dorothy the aad for these -teams are:, Suhr, 184; Edna Schwanbeck, and Lou MrS. JosephIfH. McNabb, Mrs. Frank Hlavacek, 164; Marjorie Hill,. 159. B.Weber,: Mrs.. I. H. Johnson, Mrs., Joseph. H, fin shaw, Mrs. Roland D. K. OF C. LEAGUE Feltman,, and Mrs. A. V. Gruhn. Restats Individual prize Winners. are: Louise Evans ton Paint and Glass com- Shearon, Mable Ruiz, Edyth. Warner, pany s*ept the s-eriegs from Frank Jean MÏoore, Flora SeyI. Jean Hall., Ann Meier's tavern; !Braun Brothers 011 Bright, Agnes Coy1. 'Claire Sherwood, j Gladys Jarchow, Eleanor. Nate, Gerda company, wo.n---Wo games fromn Lechner, Mildred Mayer, Hazel Meddy. Ma c's Confectionery;. Ae Motors e l8ý'Stebbins, Marlon ]Kremer-, Dor. took: two from Wilmrette theater; othy Eckert, Peggy Tanner, Lillian Bel- lows, Eulala Nason, Laurine Day, Mar. River Inn won the odd game from ion Slmmons, Anna Herne, Maria Hilde- Wilmette Ice company; Alten's Mor- brande, Hazel Ellers,' Mary Cook, Gert- uary won two from Bunao tav-. ]rude Chester-r.. ~acee etma , Bertha JsI5ure, ±uuyze Lippiflcot, Jean g, Marion McDonald. and Peggy îscorers among the men for the of January were: Robert Moeîler. R. LittIe.251; and Horace Coyl, lie scores represent their high games. Hlgh sertes men were A. ;sander. 671; Dr. Arthur LMcKenna, id Hal Lange, 642. The Apaches the higli team gaine. 1,098 and ie higli sertes, 2,947. They are in f L1i. t plc. Team standings-Men's league: Wen. .Lest Apaches ........ *............. 26 1 Oneidas ...............24 15 Jacarillas .................... 22 17 Eskimoes.................. ... 21 18 N4avahos...................... 21 18 Blaekfeet..................... 20 19 'Yakimas ................... . .20 19 Cherokees.............. ...... 20 19 Senecgs .... ................ 19 20 Palutes ...................... 18 21 sU ......................... 18 21 Hugons .............. ... 18 21 Iiueis ............ -7......17 22 Delawares ................... 16 23 Monwacos ...... ............. 16 23 Gosiuteg .............16 23 ILEGION LEAGUE The cellar position Torpedoes ra-f lied to take dJown Doughboys al, Bowlers of games of 200 or better were: Tom, O'Rourke, 204; C. Stef- fens, 200; Ed .Bleser,, 243; P. Thal- mann, 202. Standings Team W. L. Pet. Braun Brothers........ 33, 21 .611 Bungalow Tavern.....1 23 .574 River Inn..........31 23 .574 Alten's Mortuary........ 30 24 .556 Paint & Glass ........... 28 26 .519 Frank Meîer's . . -.......-26 28 .481 Ace Motors....... ..... 25 29 .463 Wilrnette Ice ........... 24 30 .444 Mac's Confectlonery'.23 31 .418 Wilmette Theater....... 19 35 .352 Fîrst high, three games-Alten's, 2,605: second,. Açe Motors, 2,596: third, Bung- alow, 2,591, first higli. single game- Evanston Paint and Glass. 956: second. Ace Motors, 944: third. Wilmette Theatre, 929. GROCERS' LEAGUE Nine teaxns in the Certified Food Stores Bowling league have taken up the cry, "«stop Stewarts Coffee team,". and the Bernsten organiza-* tion is just as determined that the former league champions shall re- peat their performance of the '37-'38 season and dlaimn the championship r ýï V %u........ ............. w r Service... .49 Wood-Davis Co............... M ......5 y t Ci ......4 ....... , 72 Youugberg-Carlaon, Coe ...... son ........9 36 ...... 72 Zander Construction -Co ...45 , du"' fl Wieke -:::::,29 31 855 fldAMo .....29 3 BW Pete ...... 2 33 812=j; ......12 48 oMoevery iree garnes-ve tien....... ....2,M92v1e Iliree gamie- road,. Foods. ... . .. . . ... . .. . . o-à * '*- .,'1- lat mth a on wa g ýnview. ,egan

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