For Its Members Pictures, Dofli Word and Photo- The spacious auditorium of the grapicWil DeictLan ofWomnan's Club of Wilmette will be grephc. WI Deict and f estively decorated for the annual, Monana, This friday m1emnberse party and dance to be held there* Saturday evening, Febru- Mrs. Thomnas P. Gibbons has -ar- ary 3, from >9 until 1 o'clock., Del, iranged a. travel lecture for the next Hamhelen's five. piece orchestra will regular meeting 'of the Woman's provide.excellent mnusic for couples Catholic Club of. Wilme tte,. Friday, who dance, andA n the lounge January 26, àt '2 o'clock., Doran bridge tables will be set up for, those Merdih wllgivehi eue h orfert ca rds, to dancing. '.South of the B3order." ýHe will Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lascelles bring, before bis listenée. a series are general chairmnen of the evening,. of rcrnantic, beautiful, pictures assisted- by Mr. and- Mrs. W. C. whlch lure us. to one of the mostý Huggins in 'charge of! decorations, mystical lands inthe'.world. His and Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Harrsisnl * pictures, word and photographie, charge of refreshments. Other hosts wilI show us a fascinating, mixture and hostesses for the party are: ot ail the tbings that make travel- Mër. and Mrs. 'Frarik* R. Adams, ing a pleasure., Scenery which will Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Arms, Mr. and amaze his audience, thË memory 0f Mrs. Arthur W. Brooks, Mr. and historical magnificence, gay cab- Mrs.,Elmer A. Claar, Mr. and Mrs. alleros, flasbing eyed senoritas, the Harry R. Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. Al- soaring, cloud-swathed ,montin.bo4 t E. Gt nd- Mw. C .-E towéi ver pastoral tranquility Jarchow, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kirt- o! the countryside, ancient build- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Mc- ings, pyraids and ruins-flower Afee, Mr. and Mrs. E. Earl McDow, decked streets-charmmng cafes-col- Mr. and Mrs. Glen S. Roberts, and orful shops-priceless w o r.k s of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic P. Strauch. art-and the gorgeous cathedrals Members are requested to show witb their precious jewel studded their membership tickets at the door altars and shrines. and this wlll admit both the- memn- Mr. Meredith spent nmne months ber and her escort. Additional traveling through Mexico prepar- guests will be admitted for a nornin- ing his pictures and bis lecture al fee. and will be able to talk withau ivrs, ions knows that every. member will be weil rewarded for an afternoon spent in this manner. The afternoon wifll con clude with a social hall hour. The hostesses for the day will be Mrs.. Charles J. Calderini, Mrs. Lloyd N. Carter, and Mrs. J. R. Casey. The plans for the Valentine party" to bp given by the ways and means department, 'of which Mrs. bridge at b er bomne, 8,25 Michi avenue, last Friday afternoon. Manne quan Uflderwood and Unceru'o.x A feelintg oaiief is1kMrs. W Lindsaay Suter'a of Winnetka, * presidentof the Bryn Mawr Col- lege club, who has received word that. Eve Curie has arrived safe- ly on this aide of the Atlantic. Mademoiselle Curie ia to lecture on "Science and a Woman;'" Fri- day evening, February 9, at New- Trier High achool auditorium, under auspices o f the Bryn Mawr Collegçe club. As Speaker on Program Mrs. Clyde M. Forney, 110 FiItII street, Wilmette, program chair- man, will present Dr. Preston Brad- ley.,to members and their husbands at aàn evening meeting of the Evans- ton Womnan's Athletic club, Thurs- dlay, February 1, at 7:30. Mrs. Paul M. Johnson, president, will preside at a brief business meeting before the 'nroirnn, and Catholic Club club-' L. - 'ILAer, aau .i s uor- e M.' Ackermann, Lundin, and 'Mrs. are sojourning in *J. ~Pictures, Music "The. Ulimans" to Shar. Their Travois i' Sweden and Finland With Club On January 30, at 2:30 o'clock, at the 'Kenilworth club, the depar t-' mient of homé and, education, of Whicb Mrs. John'S. Holmes;is chair- man, will brimg to the Neijghbors of Kenilworth Mr: and Mrs. Herbert Ulîmnan who will:present a story in pictures and music of their travels i n Sweden and.-Finland. The Ulîmans- are, an American coupfle who share.'their many tra- vels with their audiences in a most instructive and entertaining wray. Their travels are neyer planned to be spectacular. They are the recre- ations of a couple under normal cir- cumstances. Herbert UJlztman is well known in the business .world. He is vice-presi- dent o! Revere Copper and Brass, Inc., in charge of their Chicago plant. He is a member, o! New York's fa mous Explorer's. club,' a privilege won by the unusual char- acter o! bis journeys. He chose pho- tography as a hobby, but it rapidlyý became an art. In bis vital way, he, has developed it into 'an expressive means of sha ring his x ein e with others.sexrece Eleanor E. tJllman cannot be des- cribed li' a few words except by saying that she bas a rare talent .for liig onspicuously successful lu ,alactivities of normal life, she has yet found time for music, drama, tra- vel, as well as social, religious, and. educational pursuits. As head o! a home and the mother. of three' chil- dren, ber interests constantly widen. The home and education depart-, moent feels proud to be bringing "The IJilmanis" to the Neigbbors'in, such a timely travelogue as Sweden and Finland.