*'We are spending almost .$1,0001 a week at present in helping the victims of this law," said Mr. -Cumi- mings, "and even with this, we are not beginning to meet the full needl," Officers who were re-elected at the annual meeting were Mr. Cum- mings as president; Mrs. Joseph T. Bowen, SeweIl L. Avery, and Ed- wAard D. M4cDougal, Jr.. vice-presi-I Seashiore, Mrs. George Coibrun,I Mrs. Paul Stodynak, Mrs. AIl Kol- flat, Mrs. John Sflookb Mrs. Gilbert -Myers to assist her. There will be à room where vani- u kinds of. games wilI be played as Well as tables of pinnochie and bridge. Home made pies and cakes are being donated to be served, for, refreshments at the close of the eve- ning. This bénef it party is being pla nned to earn rnoney for kitchen equipment for Logan school.