Need MoneyI to buy, build., or refinance a home? The State Bank is making mortgage boans,) either on a régulae bank . ban basïs or under the Féderal Housing plan.. Our ýrates compare favorably wth those available. You'l11 find it convenient to have a direct personal relationship with the bank. Corne in and disçus s. yrnr, plans, wiiii us. STATE BANK &N[) TRUST COMPANY Oriinglon ai Davis Evanu ton,-.Illinois in VENETIAN DLJNDSý énMdt on Bufr sae , as well. uilding s carried on throughout al of the North Shore [suburbs. In commenting upon the firm's. operations for'the past year, C. A. Hlemphill states C.AÀ.Hfemphil as foilows: "We have found the interest of the public , in buying or having homes ýbuilt to- their order: durinig the 'past year, quite gratifying.. Pa r ticularly have we been pleased with the response that hias been given to our offerings in the various residen- tial developments which we have on the North Shore. Wlnnetka »evelopment '<We placed on the market -in the Iate FallI eur PeestGlen deveIop-î ment in Winnetka, and since that time have disposed of ten building sites. Four of these already have houses erected on themn and nèaring completion, and construction on six others is'schedùled to begin imme- diately. From present indications it appears that most of' the develop- ment will be sold out during the current year." Forest Glen is a ten-acre residen- tiai park development lying on the nortii sie of Tower roaid immedi- ately west of Hibbard road in Win- netka. It is a part of the estate of Thomas C. Dennehy, long a residentl of Winnetka. It is a unique residen- tial development on the North Shore, in that ,it consIsts of a relatively large tract of wooded and rolling ground hitherto completely undevel- oped, and yet one lying within three blockis of transportation, business district and schools. The develop- ment has been so laid out and the drives have been s0 arranged that1 no houses face on any street or drive carrying traffic other than that per- taining to the sites contained in the~ "The Evanston-Ljncolnwood Sixth Addition is the area in which ex- pansion of Evanston is, logically toý be .expected. It is a locality ,Which, though having al improvemtnts in for, a number of years, has: l1ong lain dormant until active: operationis were begun about the midd le of 1939. In th is area we are catering to a class of home buyers which contemn- plates an investment of from $13,000 to. $20,000. We have the section prop- Serly, restricted. as. to zoning, lot sizes,' and the . class and charac ter of buildings, 80 that we confiden- - tialy expect this area tor develop into a, high class residentialI section. The buildings that we have already, c ompleted there, we. believe, have established the character of 'the Io- calîty. The Hemphill firm reports addi- tional construction in the Patten Manor dvelopment on Lake street, Evanston, between Ridge and As- bury avenue. Two houses are now for sale in the location. Patten Man- or is the resubdivided property for- >mierly occupied by the mansion of the late James A. Patten. Seven ad- ditional building sites are stili avail- able. Forecasts Substaital Gain Additional building is also report- ed by the firm in its Milburn park development on Milburn street, Ev- anston, between Sheridan road and the lake. This section comprises a total of thirteen building sites, of which only five are unsold. Two of these five are 'riparian lots. From ail indications, according to Mr. Hemphill, who bases his opinion upQn the number of inquiries from prospective home buyers or home builders, as well as upon other conditions pertaining to the building industry, the year 1940 should, se a. substantial gain in building vol- umne in the North Shore area. Blinds' ~'. via. .ytilue.9or a period, oi f H I Mt,