SHOULD,,BE LISTED HERE. Only memberàhip in'Lthe National. Association of Real Eetate Boards entittes .a eal. estate brokerto thé designation.of Members are pledted té '-jir dealing and hlgh standards of practice. The fôeong ilg ni m;d nh luals are mebebrs of the Evanstoii-North Shore Real, Estaté'Botird. They menit your support and trust. H. & R. A nspach Biaird'& Warnerý Baumgxnn-Gook Bis Realty, Inc. Hubert W. Butler Margaret E. Byrn Geo. T. Goonley Frederick A. Cooper Joseph Cormack Go. Bud Gullander & Go. Geo. J.. Cyrus & Go., mc. George S. Dalgety, appraiser> Devonshire Realtors Dickson-Ferguson Go. Lewis T. Dodds Jacobs & Jacobs, R. M. Johnston & Gc'o. Armond D. King, Inc.. Carolyn V. Lang HarT y S. Lewis Library PlazaHotel Corp. Herbert L. Lucas David G. Malin Wm. S. Mason MeGuire & Qrr Mead.&Goe Mitchell Bros. Ann Moreland- Murray & Terry L., Q. Needier & Go. Helen G. Nixon Quinlan & Tyson, mnc. Rot& Brothers Wmt. G. Ruggles & Go. Sears Real Est ae Go.. Shorè-Towns Realty. Gorp. These charming homes, planned for Spring completion, are amang the fIrsatto be constructed in Northbrook Highlands, important residen- tial clevelopment of the Bills Realty, Inc., started last autumn. Home, shown above was designed by Richard Powers, architect, 6 N. Michi-. gan avenue, Chica go, and the other residence by Edwint F. Anderson, well known Evartston archftect. Development Projeet .For the alert North Shore fam- illes who have been watching the development of Northbrook High- lands, The Bis Realty, Inc., report that, under the direction of D. J. L'. Walther, civil engineer, the Holland Construction company, and the Mar- ino Construction company, the in- aliter wflicfl timne this service will, be turned over to aà.property own-, ers' commi 'ttee for continued opera- tion. This service will make the North Shore shopping and social ac- tivities coniveniently available to residents of Northbrook Highlands. Present Day Housing Values Feature Smart. REAL ESTATE BOARD E- icealty, this area still more, ac- The its. residents, The Bils closet announces the inau9ure of the; rice. ent price of a 42 x 20 roll drainboard .sink is 57.1 per 1926 price. rent price of a washdown i and trîim is 74 per cent price. office ot the Setrelaary, Winnelha 2700 Reàltji,