rnembers of the counicil wno attend- ed the council for the first tirne. The "initiates" are: Mrs. David Owen, Mrs. Louis Silver, Mrs. H,. G. Výan Winkle, Mrs. A. C. Youngberg, Mrs. H. . Ringholm, Mrs. R.. K. Hoitsma and Mrs.ý J. D. Stewart. Under, the leadership' of Mrs. Whbite, a group leadership coursehas been given at the Scout office.. Th is Ws a '16. hour course of- which four more hours rerna in to be given. The prospective le' aders that have put in the first 12 hours of their training have been intensely interested in the. lectures given so far. On Wednes- day Leon B. Kendaîl, nature expert, gave a fine talkon good old Mother Nature for both.-the Scout and the Brownie, groups. This was on January 17-and on Wednesday, February .7,1 the final meeting of the course wilI be held at which time the, Evanston .Scout 4jirector., Mrs. NeIll McClintock~, wîll talk as wiIl Viggo Bovbj erg from the National Colege of Education. . These lectur4es will be on "Nature" and "Inspiration." Winter Camps SCOUT GROWTR 1939 was a -great year in Scouting in the communities served by the North Shore Area cou neil. As of December 31 there was a total mem- bership of 3,834 which includes 888 Cubs, 2228 Scouts , for total boy mem- bership of 3, 116, and 718 men. This is in contrast with a membership 'of 3,422 one year previous at which time there were 726 Cubs, 2,094 Scouts for total boy membership of 2,820. and 602 men. 1 Te North Shore Area council was jorganized on Christmas eve in 1926 at which time there were 311 Scouts, no Cubs, and 63 men. The objective of the council for the next fivP-year period is - 4,000 boys and 1,000 men.' 1 The North Shore Area council je now the fifth largest council in boy member'ship in Region 7 comprising the states of Illinois, Indiana, Mich- igan. and Wisconsin. The larger councils in order are Chicago, De- troit, Milwaukee, and Inidianapolis. YOu'a appreciate the cornfort and. con. WIvenience of1 our offices when discussing Pur travel plans forthe winter. Our staff of ýwo- men travel experts ýWil gladly help you plan your trips for greater economy and enjqymenL, Corne in and let us work out your arrang!ements with -you, i4cluding tickets, when- your plans are complete. This added servce for women is, of course,, free.