Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1940, p. 14

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St. - rig evc - tion of new officers, refreshrnents and frelude-"Adagio" from fun. You are invited. So1ata Opus 27 ......... Beethoven -Kappa Pi Phi, the' evening group of Antliemn-Breathe on, Me, high sehoolers, le at 1 *p. m. Sunday. Breath of God ,-.,... .'Thomfpson. This 'group willl efljoy "'TheNew Ore- The Senor hor gon Trail" and refreshments. and fun. Song-Beautlful Savior- ....Crusaders' Hymn SUNDAY EVENING. CLUB The Junior Choir. The- New, Trier -Sunday Evening club Postude-Fanfare.....Lemmens will present Carl Van Doren, who wrote Evening servic- the.,Pulitzer Prize winning biography -in Prellude-Reve Angelique ... Rubinstein X1939, at 8 p. m. Sundayv at New Trier.. Serenade .................Toaftlui Lamb of God ...........-Bizeti CUBS Anthemn-- -Heaven Is iny Home The January meeting of our Cub'Pack ...... ouglas wil beheldFriday, January.-26, at 7:30 Ie. HgSho hi in the church basemient. Parents are in- Solo-Abide with Me..........M k vited to attenid.these meetings. Eleanor iWlnberg Postlude-Allegro Glubilante WOMEN'S GUILD ..1........... I... .......Frederlein The Northwest circle will'be entertain-ý Victoria McLod-Ministry of Music ed, àt the home of Mrs. G. R. McCurdy. 1740 Washington avenue, 'Friday, Janu- Church. school convenes on Sunday ar 2.,Mrs. Salim Elia will assist the mornlng at 9:45 o'clock. We invite you ________ to attend our Church school. There are TeNrhEd iîewl eto clasesfo ai ags.January 29 at the home of Mrs. Carle- Attend our services of worship next ton Banker, 810 Lake avenue. The assist- Sunday. The morning service at il oclock' îng hostesses wili be Mrs. William H. and the evening ,service at 8 o'clock' Toppan and Miss Florence Butts. The Luther league of Chcago wIl hold* RUMMAGE SALE its annual meetng Monday evening' Jan-I The Cozy Corner cii-cie and the North uary 29, at St.' Luke's Lutheran church.j End circie will hold a rummage' sale Park Ridge àt 8 o'clock. Our leaguers Thursday, February i, in the base- Will meet at our church at 7:15 and ment of the church. drive to Park Ridge for the mee ting. NWYEETDOFCR The Confirmation class meets,,Thurs-. At the annual business meeting of the t day afternoon at 4 o'clock. church last Thursday night the follow.d ing new officers were elected: Senior choir rehearsal, Thursdiay eve- Clerk: Gale M. Brooks 7:3 oclok.Treasurer: Hoyt Kingr nin atDeacons: John P. Ballman, E. H. Junior c h o i r rehearsal, Saturday Buge. E. G. Goode, and Howard Sith. morning at 10'o'lockMDeMmness Mrs. E. J. Herrick and Mis inieHughes. _ w lic t lc l . --. --.uUk IiX L. N. p r'V l'U, 'Jueog i ecictinUUI, .an= oward Smith. Attend Church next Sunday! Mlsslonary commlttee: Mrs. C. A. Carpenter, Mrs. C. L. Darling and H. A. FiratCongegatinal ammittee on Representation: E. H. fý John G. Hindley, minister Burge, .G. M. Brooks and A. J. Coburn., Alexander B. -Ferguson.. Commîittee, on Publîcity and Promo.' dîrector of religious education tion:, Howard, Davidson,. F. L. McCabe, R. N.Prrlll, and H. E. Rîngholm. SÇNDAY SEIVICES> Memaber. at Large:~ Mrs. J. N. Mac- Church Sctiool............ 9:30 am alister. Primary...................10o:40 a.m. _______ Iindergarten ............... 10:50 a.m. Morning Worshlp ......4 30.. 1 a.m Kenilworth Union AnciDei ................ 43.. D. ebr ,Wlltmnse Kappa Pi Phi ................. 7 p.m. 'D.HretL iltmnse Ir In es ad thi wi Sunday, January 28, Ba.Sexagesima Sunday Il a. m. - Morning Prayer and sermon. 1The Youth Convention will be , held Sunday at the Church of the Advent, Chicago.- It starts -at 4 p. m. Supper will be served at 6 p. in. for 25c. There will also be Evensong,. enteirtainment. and movies of the Fail Convention. * Thuùrsday, January 25 7 p. m- - Boys' Choir, meets for re- hearsal in the Parish House. 7:-45 p... m-' Adults' choir meets for *rehearsal in the Parlsh House. -.Satlirday, January- 27 11 a. mn. - Girls' Choir meets for re- hearsal In the Parish House.. Monda3y, .Jahuary, 29.. 6:p. m,_ - Convention dinner at the Sherman..hotel., 7:30 p. m. - Boy Scouts« meet, in. the Parish House.. Tuesday, January 30 7 p. in. - Boys' choir meets in the, Parish House for rehearsal. The Diocesan Convention is to be held January 30 and 31 at St. Peter's church. W'ilmette M et ho dut Wilmette avenue at Lake avenue Erskine Martin Jeffords, minister Marvin Rusk, student-assistant "The Glory of the Ordinary" will be the theme of the minister's sermon at the il o'clock. worship service next Sun- day mornîng, January 28. The special mnusic, as arranged by Dean McSloy, di-' rector, and Mrs. Sarah M. Eilert, organ- i, will bè as follows: Organ (10:45)- I"UAII,1IL. .. . .VLUAt1IJ "Solitude" ..... . ...... Godard "Two Prelucles" (Op. 28 Nos, 7 and 20) ................... Chopin ntroit--O Go. We' Pray"' . . .Arensk Anthei--Breathe. on IMe, Breath of God ......... .... Thompson )ffertory Solo-" Remeniber Now Thy Creator . ................. Buck 1Mr. Dean McSloy Potldei F ...Lefebury-Wely The Church school will meet. Sunday rorning ai .9:30 o'clock. There are class- ,s for ail ages, from the nursery to the iduit department. Thomas H. West is' ,e general superintendent. The High School Epworth league will' heet Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. There vill .be food and fellowship, followed by he devotional period. The minister will mtinue the discussion on "Myseif'." ic .i securing homes 'inwhich to entertain the choir for dinner, lodging, breakfast,. Your coopration is urge&, Phone the church, office or AI Ackerm.ann (Wul- mette 3357Y if you can, help with this entertaining. The second, annual Ash Wednesday Church Famlly Buffet dinner will be held Februàry .1, the beginining of Lent. Mrs. 'M. C. Greigg ie the dinner chair- man. There wil be a programn of music, fellowship, and 'devotion. This is another event in -our Anniversary Year Observ, ance. During fîve Sunday evenings in Lent. from February, -11 to. March 10, frém 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock, the "University of Life" program plan will be carrled out in this church. There wiill be supper, worship, age and initerest grpups. This is an early evening Sunday Lenten pro- gram for the whole family. Keep the dates inm md. Our Scout troops mneet a~s follows: Boy Scout Troop 3- Tuesdays at 7:20 p. 'm.. Girl Scout Troop 2 Thursdays at 3:45 p.m. Girl Scout Troop -4 - Tuesdays at 3:45 St. Jo hn.'s Lutheran, fMissouri S3ynod) Wilinette and Park avenues J. H. Gockel. pastor SERVICES 9:15 a, m. - First service. 9: 30 a. m. - Suxidayschool and Bible classes. il a. mn. - Second service. The order of service, at 1l o'clock wf include the foliowing: Prelude-Andante............... Bach' [ntroit-"*We -Have Heard. O God"........ .......... Schmauck Anthem-' A CaUl to Worship' ... Rogers Offertory-Aria..................Bach. The Sermon--An Hour of Worship" 1 Chronicles 16:8.9.29 PoýsIlude-March............ Merkei -Sunday's sermon will explain the van-. ous parts of our ýOrder of Morning Serv- ce and seek to.bring out its beauty and its excellence as a médium' of worship. On Sunday, February 4th, the Order of Holy Communion will be explamned in a' linilar way. ana, sUCiU!, L itt rayeve.i lock at the j On' Friday the folOwing links will rth. division, mneet: to M.0 so 'LI.nkFr - .Mrs. George . .amb ad

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