Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jan 1940, p. 5

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In spite of the storrny weather of the past wéek, applications for 1940 rnoôring space are pouring in upon the officers of the Wilmette Harbor association,, a n d officiais issued again their annual staternent -that no. space is. available, for new boats. The five acres of water ini the iocaj. 1basin are inadequate to serve suchea large territory as the North Shore, it was asserted. Dliurinig 1939 accomn- modations were offered 212 boats o)f assorted sizes and ail of these wili be given preference in obtaining 19401 permits until'Apirl i. The numnber, of moorings relinquished fromn year to year, thus affording space for newcomners, has neyer exceeded 25 and already the association has a hold-over waiting list of 39 namnes from last season. Expert; Ingenuity "Anyone obsering this harbor' during -the summer months can eas ily appreciate the impossibilîty of wedging in one extra boat. Some of the small saïling dinghies are now' stored on land and it is only due 'O; the experienced ingenuîty of Stewart1 Tom Kearney that so many boats are handled in comparative safetyr," it was stated. Wilmette harbor. statistics show, takes care of twice as many boats3 per acre as any other yacht harbor in the United States. Holders of 1939 permits will be taken care of again ini 1940. Appli'ý cations and related literature wil be' mailed to each of them on or before March 1. Newcomers were warned that there will be no room for addi- t ional craft this year. Wilmette Church.. v. & U. photo Dr. Arthur Holly Compton, University of Chicago -physicist -and 'Nobel Prize, recipient, wiù be the speaker at New Trier .1 Sunday Eveûing, club,ý January 21, in New Trier High school au- ditorium.. His subject will be: 'Science, Religion, and Stable Societyj." Details ppa lse- whiere in this issue. Grave Danger Lurks In Ice Banks Along Lake Front-Keep OfT! The advent of cold weather has brought the annual problem withi whieh the Village board, Park board and the United States Coast Guard hiave wrestled year after year-how to prevent fatalities due to persons, young and old, venturing upon the ice which piles up along the lake shore. Already these guardians of safety, are :having their troubles. The ice pied along the shore is full of crevasses and air holes. with over- hanging ledges upon which.'people, mostly young boys, daringly tread.. A crack in the ice, or a* littie too rnuch weight, niay precipitate the adventurers into the water, perhaps in some inaccessible spot that migh-, make rescue impossible. Wimitkan Named President of Park Executives *The annual meeting and election o! off icers o! the Midwest Institute o! Park Executives was held Thurs- day, January il, at the Swedish club, Chica go. Robert E. EverIy, superintendent of parks, Glencoe, has been president for the past year, and ail park executives of the New Trier villages are menibers of the organization. The foilowing. officers were electeà for the coming year: President--Geoirge B,. Caskey, su perintendent of parks,, Win- netka. Vice-president--W i 1l i a m- E. Rose, village forester, Hinsdale. Secretary-treasurer - Gordon B. Wallace, superintendent o! parks, Wilmette. Members o! executive ýcommittee, term o! three .years-Robert E. Everly, retiring president, and Rob- erts Mann, superintendent of mahin- tenance, Cook County Forest Pre- serve district. An invitation has been extended to ail housewives of the North Shore communtytoparticipate i "A 1M4 Strearnllned Cooking Schoàl" toD be conducted under the auspices of ýtheý ways .afid means cormmniittee o! the Woman's Club of Wiimette, January 2W, 30, and 31 at.the club building, Greenleaf avenu.eanidTenth street, Wilmette. A -modest admission fée will meclude ail tbree sessions, whicla run from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. daiiy. Proceeds wiil go into the club's buildinig lund. Two memb ers of the nationally known Martha Logan test kitchen will be starred on the three pro. grams, according to Mrs. ýE. J. Ma- tot,. cooking achool chairman. They are Beth Bailey7McLean,.kniown tzi millons of housewives as Martha Logan, and Agnes G. Reasor, home economist on Mrs. McLean's staff eat ,Swft and empany'e Chicago, headquarters. Müney, Tii». Savers "Money Savers and Time Savers for Any Day" will be given at the Mofiday session by Miss Reasor, who describes this program as an "ýunusual lesson featuring quickly prepared menus to save both money and time." Liver and bacon bro-. chettes, George Washington cold meat tray, and 'Trank!urts Waiki- ki" are among the dishes-featured on these menus. Mrs. MeLean wil !ollow Tuesday with "The IMeat Makes the Meal,' preparing baked liam with Valentine (Contlnued on page 12) Woman's Group Wl Serve GChurceh Dinner

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